Surgery today
Well I had my VAD put in today and man is it sore. Did anyone else get "knots" on each side of the neck when the port is in the right chest. I think its weird having them in my neck. Chemo starts Tuesday so I hope it feels better by then. I guess I'm still being wimpy cuz it sure is sore.lol Deb
Week Two
Well, it's gorgeous here in Michigan and week number two with the chemo/rad combo is done. I don't want to jinx myself, but so far it's been uneventful. Does it stay like this for the next three weeks or will I get some sort of side effects? I have noticed a change in bowel movements (I no longer have that urgency to go…
pet scan
I had my pet scan Thursday,I will see my onc Monday,I'm scared but I know there is always hope,I hope I will start my chemo soon.But most of all I wish they would hurry up and fix that chat so I could talk to some of you,I mean it has only been out of service for over a month,they must have just one 15 yr old working on it…
port versus vein??
Hi, I am relatively new to all this, dx April 2007, stage 3 retal, surgery, half way through xeloda and radiation treatments, then a rest and back to chemo for 4 months. I have a choice of receiving chemo through port or vein. Would someone care to comment on this, which is best??
After I got out of the hospital this week, the doctor had me start a regimen of Miralax every day. I feel like I'm having the weirdest bowel movements ever. In light of recent events, it's good to go, but is this how it's supposed to be? Anybody else doing Miralax? Gail
Friday Riddle / Teaser
RIDDLE: My voice is tender, my waist is slender and I'm often invited to play. Yet wherever I go I must take my bow or else I have nothing to say. What am I?
A little good news
So a few weeks ago I had posted a question about Pet Scan results because I had an area "light" up during a follow up scan. This was after a colonoscopy that showed nothing. So, just to be sure I went for an ultrasound with the potential for a biopsy if something abnormal appeared. Well.....no biopsy...because the…
Low when I should be high
I am so depressed! I've gone through treatment for Stage III and am NED. Great, right? Why am I so sad? Everything is getting back to normal, but I can't fight back this overwhelming sadness. I seem to be floundering at everything that I used to kick **** at, even during treatment.
Greetings & a thought
Hello there all of you in this colon cancer discussion area.. being a stage IV colon cancer survivor so far, since 05, I just wanted to say hello & hope all of you who are dealing w/ this in their lives, well God Bless and hang in there. A shout out to all my old buddies here and I am well, and have a check up in May. Life…
Strange but good news!
I had resection done 7 weeks ago. After still having pain, I had a ct scan done on April 2nd which showed a large cyst on my rt ovary. Also a spot on my liver and adrenal gland, which I will have to do a repeat scan in 6 mos. An ultrasound was done on Tuesday. My doctor called today and said the cyst is gone, it must have…
I am obviously an idiot
How do you add a friend? Some people have added me, and I can't figure out how to add others. Help!! Step by step please. Are the chat rooms ever coming back?
bowel obstruction
I was hoping to have a little insight on bowel obstructions as a result of surgery or scar tissue. In me, the surgeon reconnected my small intestine to my newly shortened large intestine. I mention this because I think this is the source of a partial bowel obstruction. Here are my symptoms: heartburn, gas, diarrea, noisy…
Found out about the pain
I've mentioned several times that I've had pain since my surgery in Nov. (Stage I colon cancer). Well, on Sunday I found out why. I woke up with severe pain that actually made me scream, so we were off to the emergency room, where my doctor met us. A rectal exam showed some blood, so I was admitted for more tests. Had a…
Hello everyone, i'm just curious if anyone out there has tried accupuncture for chemo exhaustion??? Someone had mentioned it to me to try it, is it worth it??? God Bless All Keep Positive!!!!!
For the Newbies particularly dx IV
You old timers are also welcome to read, but most of you know our story. I truly believe it's important to reiterate if it helps just ONE person and inspires one person to keep the hope alive. Hubby dx stage IV in Dec 06 3 days before xmas after a routine colonoscopy. Our life changed dramatically that day as yours…
I spoke with the gastro's office today. His PA said the reason they're recommending another colonoscopy for me at around 6 months instead of a year, is that guidelines are changing. Even though it's not widely published yet, she said that the thinking is that a follow-up colonoscopy should be at 6 months, especially in…
Hello all, Okay..I will start out with saying (if you haven't already read how I feel about energy) I'm a big advocate of saving your energy for moving forward and not looking back. However, I can't help but think how I got to the point of not looking back. It was one year ago today that I took my first chemo treatment.…
Thank You!
It is so humbling to see all the responses to my post. There was a time, you can ask Emily & Scouty, where I was afraid to post good news. I wasn't sure if I would jinx myself or sound like I was bragging or something. However, now I finally feel like I do want to shout it from a mountain top "I am cancer FREE!". I will do…
Anyone heard from Tamil?
Wondering if anyone has heard anything from Tamil. She was having surgery about a month ago. I've been checking previous posts and sent an email but haven't heard anything. She did tell me previously that she's had several emails from people here , so wondering if anyone has heard from her since the surgery? thanks
Wait and Watch vs. Radical Resection
I have Stage 1 rectal cancer at age 39. To date there is no sign that the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes or other organs. I know testing is not 100% so I am at risk for the cancer coming back. Can anyone give me advice on the following? Effects of Radiation and chemo for stage 1 after an anal excision, life after a…
Pet Scans vs. Cat Scans
Hi all, I haven't been here in a while. I just finished my 6th cycle out of 8 with Xeloda. My onc got the dosage adjusted so the hand-foot syndrome has been "manageable". In October, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 colon cancer; I had the surgery and it was believed that the whole tumor was removed. It was debatable whether I…
Chemo Withdraw
Has anyone experienced withdraw symptoms once they finished their chemo tretements?
Neuropathy concerns
I am having horrible neuropathy. I just completed my second cycle of folfox last Thursday, and the neuropathy is not abating. They told me it should only be really bad the first three days, and that was true after my first cycle, but now...six days later, it is not getting any better. It's especially bad in my hands and…
neuropathy questions
Hello all, I was reading another thread discussing neuropathy and wanted to post a couple questions. Quick history: My hubby is having such a terrible time with neuropathy and gone through the nerve tests which showed "profound neuropathy" according to his neurologist. His hands are affected the most but also his feet and…
folfiri 5
Hi, I am on 5fu 46 hrs every 2 weeks, my biggest reaction to this is complete exhaustion, I am not getting sick thank God, but I have absolutlely NO energy whatsoever, I was wondering if any of you are on this dose and what your reactions were. I had treatment on Wed thru Fri. It's now monday and I am still not myself. I…
I need some help/reassurance here :(
In Dec 2006 I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer. At that time the tumour had perforated the intestine and an abcess formed around it... pretty much keeping it contained. They did take out 17 lymph nodes but only 1 came back as positive but I believe it was because of that 1 lymph node that I got the Stage III…
Lookin Pretty Good.still NED
Just got home from the ONC's. Been an anxious couple of weeks and I'm so relieved. Hubbys ct 2 weeks ago basically remains unchanged from last one in November and since PET in Dec showed no uptake, still considered NED. YEYYYYYY!( Thank you to God ). A year an a half ago , things looked pretty bleak and the prognosis…
CBS News Story
Nice to know that others are working as we all fight on. The surgeon mentioned in this article from MD Anderson is highly respected so it lends support to this story. "CBS) John Kanzius hopes he can add a few more years to the six he has already cheated death out of since he was diagnosed with terminal leukemia. He wants…
Drumroll......still NED! Yay!
For those of you who are newbies starting out on this journey, I just want to say that I was diagnosed 6+ years ago with Stage IV. I had 2 rounds of chemo and 3 surgeries over the course of 2 1/2 years. It was and still is a long road, but today I found out that I am 3 1/2 years NED! I just want to give you all HOPE to…
grateful for any advice on clinical trials...
Hello everyone, Many of you know my husband's story, but for those of you that don't--Stage IV 10/04. One month chemo (5FU leucovorin, irinotecan and avastin), surgery 12/04(colon resection, liver resection and ablation), continued with chemo till 8/05 (at the end had 2 times with oxaliplatin). Told he was NED, his pain…