I need some help/reassurance here :(

CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
In Dec 2006 I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer. At that time the tumour had perforated the intestine and an abcess formed around it... pretty much keeping it contained. They did take out 17 lymph nodes but only 1 came back as positive but I believe it was because of that 1 lymph node that I got the Stage III classification.

I had the intestinal resection, and then I had 8 months of Chemo, plus 6 weeks of the daily radiation. I came through that with flying colours and really, didn't experience too much in the way of discomfort.

Oh, I might add at this point that on one of my CAT scans they found a growth on my right adrenal gland... but in going back into the hospitals archives, it turns out that I had had that growth since 2001 and in all those years it did not grow and so was considered benign.

In Dec and Feb my CEA levels were elevated, so I was given a PET scan. There were two areas that lit up on the PET scan.. the adrenal gland and a small (less than 1/2 inch) spot on th lung. Now, for the life of me, I can't understand why the adrenal growth would light up on the PET scan after being benign for years... not to mention it is very rare for colon cancer to spread to the adrenals (liver and lung, yes... but adrenals, not so common).

Has anyone else had any experience on colon cancer spreading to the adrenals, or a possibility where the PET scan may have given a false positive reading?

I am a nervous wreck!!


  • jenhopesprays
    jenhopesprays Member Posts: 128 Member
    Ok so I have a spot on my adrenals too. I don't recall if it was pet positive. If it has not grown since 2001 you probably are fine. They just left mine alone even though I had liver surgery.

    What are they saying about the lung?

    I know you don't need any of this and your freaked out. That sure sounds very normal to me.

    Keep us all up to date.

    Big, big hugs to you!

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375

    Ok so I have a spot on my adrenals too. I don't recall if it was pet positive. If it has not grown since 2001 you probably are fine. They just left mine alone even though I had liver surgery.

    What are they saying about the lung?

    I know you don't need any of this and your freaked out. That sure sounds very normal to me.

    Keep us all up to date.

    Big, big hugs to you!


    Hi Jen,

    As for the lung, they are saying that it is a "small" spot (just under 1/2 an inch) and my Thoracic Surgeon says that this would be a straight forward surgery where he would go in, take it out and I wouldn't even need chemo/radiation afterwards.

    What has both him and my oncologist concerned is that the adrenal lit up on the PET scan and, of course, they have to go about checking it out thoroughly so they know what we are dealing with. That "thorough checking" consists of doing all the blood/urine testing to see if this adrenal growth is a "functioning" or "non-functioning" growth. In particular, whether the growth might be a pheochromocytoma. This is a functioning growth that produces hormones that could be dangerous during the needle biopsy procedure because if those hormones get loose in the blood stream, it can cause such a spike in blood pressure, there is concern for a heart attack or stroke.

    So yes, these tests have to be done before we do the fine needle biopsy... and it will be that biopsy that will determine for fact whether the growth is benign or malignant. If it is benign, I will be doing such a happy dance and then just have to go forward with the lung surgery to remove the spot... but if it's malignant, they say that would mean the cancer has gone widespread, whether it's the colon cancer that has spread to the adrenals or, if the lung spot is primary, then it may have spread.

    So my stress all hangs on whether this adrenal tumour is benign or malignant... and I tell you, this kind of stress is not good for anyone :( My GP has said that no one should live their life in this kind of fear/terror, so he has put me on 1mg Ativan three times/day until we get the needle biopsy done and have the results.

    So please, everyone send positive thoughts my way that it is Benign! Benign! Benign! Thank you!!

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Hi Cheryl! I just want to let you know that i am thinking about you and sending thoughts of a benign growth your way! I'm glad your doctor is treating your anxiety. I am a staunch believer that stress (particularly high and long term stress) is a primary cause of many illnesses. My cancer fed on it, and fed well!

    Hang in there! I just know everything will be wonderful.

    Many hugs,
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375

    Hi Cheryl! I just want to let you know that i am thinking about you and sending thoughts of a benign growth your way! I'm glad your doctor is treating your anxiety. I am a staunch believer that stress (particularly high and long term stress) is a primary cause of many illnesses. My cancer fed on it, and fed well!

    Hang in there! I just know everything will be wonderful.

    Many hugs,

    Thanks Krista and Jen. The Ativan (1mg three times/day) is helping with the anxiety, but I just know I'm going to be a basket case when I go to the appt. with my oncologist after the biopsy is done. It has been scheduled for this coming Monday... and it will be that biopsy that will tell us if the adrenal growth is benign or malignant.

    I am doing some self-healing/positive thoughts on my own (with the help of my friend, Sandra who knows more about "Tapping" and "Healing through Visulization". Many can poo-poo these alternative kinds of self-healing vs traditional medicine... but I believe the two can go hand in hand. The doctors have their work cut out for them in following all the scientific data/results/treatments/etc. Whereas we, as human beings can work on our internal well-being and that means learning and working with how our energy works and what it needs to be healthy and balanced.

    That's my story and I'm sticking with it... but I am putting a lot of positive energy and thought right now into surrounding this adrenal growth with healing that will help prove it is benign.

    Thank you for your thoughts and input... and I'll keep you informed.
  • Mickeyw
    Mickeyw Member Posts: 28
    Hi Cheryl. I was Stage II N0 M0 with surgery in Dec 2006. 6 Months FOLFOX chemo Jan 2007 thru July 2007. My first PET scan showed something in my right salivary gland. Biopsy found it to be a benign Worthins tumor usually caused by lifelong smoking (which I have quit since cancer and never had the urge again). They elected to leave it alone, but about a month after the biopsy it got infected which caused me more pain and discomfort than any of the chemo. It was removed. I am living with NED now. So this will tell you that a PET scan can get lit up by a benign growth. I also show a growth on my adrenal gland. My endocrinoligist has tested it thoroughly and it is benign. Good luck and keep your chin up. I am always willing to talk to anyone about their or my cancer via email or phone. reknib@mindspring.com 404-725-8023.