possible recurrence/help interpreting rad. report
Hi, Brief history for those who aren't familiar with my journey. I was diagnosed with stage iv colorectal cancer in June 2006 with liver metastases. I started with four rounds of folfox and avastin, five a half weeks of radiation, then a successful colon and liver resection, followed by nine more rounds of folfox. I have…
stage 4
Went to see my onc this morning love him,will have a pet scan friday since I still have an open wound they are not shure if they can start chemo,he said they will if it is absolutly necessary he sounds very up beat,when they thought I had ovarian cancer his wife was going to be my onc,now with colon cancer he takes care of…
crazy question
I have one question that has been haunting me from my colonoscopy biopsy. They took five samples one came back necrotic, three came back with high grade dysplasia and the last one was worrisome for invasive carcinoma. I know they are doing the chemo/rad to shrink the tumor for the surgery, but was everyone elses biopsy…
Hello, I was diagnosed about 5 years ago when I was 27. I was stage 1 and just had a resection done. A couple of months back I had another Colonoscopy done and they found a couple more polyps one of them had dysplasia. The explanation I got was that dysplasia meant precancerous cells. Since my colonoscopy I have had pain…
Myspace Style at CCA
Hi All, You may already know this but Colon Cancer Alliance just set up a neat my space style website dedicated to cc. Its kinda neat to directly chat with someone and see their page and history quickly and easily. You can also put a name to a face which is neat. It feels much more personal. Check it out:…
stage 4
First thank you all for your responses,Monday I will see my onc for the first time it has been three wks since my bowel resection,plus a nasty wound infection last week,I'm kind of nervous I have so many questions to ask wish me luck..love to all and God bless you
Week one
Finally, I got to have the pump taken off and take a shower (never enjoyed a shower as much as today!). First week down, four more to go. So far, no side effects from the radiation or the chemo. I'm hoping it stays that way. At what point during radiation could you tell the tumor was shrinking? I don't know if you can…
Tips or help with diet after ileostomy takedown
Anyone have advice on what to eat to prevent problems after an ileostomy takedown. Need help!
Neurotoxicity Help
Hello all you Chemo Warriors: This is one of my doctors articles on help with neurotoxicity. I seem him every three months but it is to far to drive for chemo. I took Magnesium and Calcium orally at my last infusion because my local onc won't give me the infusion and I felt it really did help with the neuropathy this week.…
I need your help!
I have started a website that focuses on people sharing their stories about Cancer. My original idea was to help educate those people looking for information on how Cancer was going to affect their lives. When I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, there weren't alot of resources that provided that information. Now there are a…
Beast is back...side effects?
Been a few months since I last posted as I had a clean scan in Oct 07. Originally dx'd with colon cancer stage II in 2005. had surgery with no follow up chemo. Clean scan in Mar 06, March 07 scan showed several mets to the liver and lung, did 12 treatments of FOLFOX plus and got the clean scan in Oct. 07. Scan in Mar 08…
My brother
Three years ago I was DX colon cancer did the radiation/chemo/surgery/chemo and have been NED for a couple of years. Tomorrow my brother is having a colonscopy. He's had his last about three years ago when I was dx. He has pain about 2 inches above the belly button and slightly to the left. For years he has had trouble…
CEA levels - what is normal
I know that on the web it says that CEA levels of 2.5 for non-smokers and 5.0 for smokers are considered normal. It also mentioned that there are a few different ways to measure cea levels. My CEA is 3.4 - I live in Boston and go to Mass General - I was stage 3. I just had it done. My doctor said that anything below 3.7…
colon cancer stage 4
Is anyone on here that has stage 4 colon cancer,they thought I had ovarian cancer then found out I had colon cancer that spread to my ovaries
Insurance Denial Tumor Marker Test
Hello. My husband is a stage 4 colon cancer survivor, diagnosed in May 2006 with surgeries in May 2006 and October 2007 and chemotherapy treatment. He is feeling great. I am grateful beyond my ability to express my feelings for my husband's positive response to his treatment. On a negative note, however, as I've posted…
Babies after Folfox
My husband completed the Folfox treatment 4 years ago at age 28 for stage III colon cancer. We are now thinking about starting a family. I would appreciate any news or information any of you may have about long term effects of Folfox on fertility.
oh no, fever! what should i do??
I know it's late, and i'll probably fall asleep before anyone can reply to this, but i need advise! My temperature has been creeping up for the last couple of hours, and now it's over 100 F. They told me to go to the ER if my temperature rose above 105.F, but that sounds like brain damage time to me! My questions are, when…
what and how do you eat after colon cancer?
I was stage 3A-surgery, folfox, radiation w/ chemo. I finished treatment late August of 2007. Here are my questions and would love some input. What do you eat and how do you eat it to try to avoid very unpleasant consequences? I have found that I can eat pretty much what I want in very small amounts. However, I am trying…
Gone Relaxing :)
Just want to say and HI and let everyone know that I will be out of town and 100% UNPLUGGED from work for 5 days with my loving hubby. We are headed back to the Poconos for 2 nights and then the normal routine weekend stuff around the house, so I will miss all the posts for the next 5 days, but hopefully will get caught…
CEA, Doesn't mean anything
My wife is stage 4 colon cancer. She's had low CEA's. Oncologist states that "30 % of population low CEA's are not indicators of anything." Oncologist says in these cases you can rely on CAT scans. Can anyone give me an opinion on this? TSWE
Recommendations: Hackensack Univ. Med. Center Cancer Center
Can anyone tell me anything about the cancer center at HUMC. My wife is stage 4 colon cancer and her insurance will no longer cover Sloan MKCC. Are there other centers in North Jersey or the metro NYC region that are on the cutting edge for stage 4 colon cancer? Must be kind, supportive and empathetic? A good Oncologist…
saw oncologist
I saw my oncologist and was told that my chemo now would be 5fu, leucovorin,and eloxatin every 2 weeks for 6 months. Is this going to be really bad? Why wont they tell me what stage my cancer was? I asked my surgeon and my oncologist and never got a straight answer. I know they found mets to 1 node out of 9 and 2 more that…
My CEA results were .5, which I know is excellent. Just wondering. Does somebody who's never had cancer have a .0? Can't find anywhere that says one way or the other.
tests results!
My doctor's office called. My CEA was great! *whew* Anybody want to join me in the naked happy dance? *grins* On the flip side, I had that stupid pain in the stomach that woke me up at 5 am. The nurse said she would talk to the doctor about that. I still hurt now. If it's just post-surgery, so be it, but I wish it would…
Chemo brain???
I keep telling everyone that I was a very intelligent person prior to chemo, and have become a blithering idiot since chemo. We went out for breakfast last Saturday and I told the waitress that I wanted my son's pancakes crispy. Yes, you read correctly, crispy pancakes. Of course, I meant the bacon, and I realized what I…
50% of regular dose.
Because my father was still recovering from 8 weeks in the hospital due to blood poisening (and all the complications it brought with it) his oncologist started him on 75% of the regular dose of Xelada. That dose was reduced after my father developed bad diarrhea to 50%. Does a 50% of Xelada do anything to the tumor? ... I…
First Day
Well finally my first day of radiation and chemo. The radiation was pretty easy and quick, they gave me 3 doses from 3 different angles and I counted to 10 on each angle and then it was over. I sure hope it goes this easy for the rest of the time, would be nice!!!! Then off to get my pump put on. That too, was uneventful.…
Interesting Article
Before I read this article, I had already been to a dermatologist twice because my mother, sister and both my nieces have had moles removed and some were pre-cancerous. http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20080407/47f99c40_3ca6_1552620080407804270923
Wow!! Thank You!
I posted yesterday about my husband diagnosed 3B, colon resection, currently doing FolFox. I was amazed at the responses, encouragement, and shared stories from all that responded. Ron-yours success w/colon cancer are the ones I want to hear! That goes for Susan H, Pamness, Claudia, and Michelle too!! I read the responses…
Blood tests today
Well, the day is here. I have my first blood test since right after the surgery. Hopefully the results will make me feel better about the way I've been feeling. If I know this is normal for now, I won't worry so much about it. As it is, the symptoms feel like before the surgery, and that makes me worry about more cancer.…