chemo/blood clots
My husband had chemo for a re-occurance of CC in one lymph node. Had surgery and 2 rounds of Camptosor + Xeloda. Much too toxic. Hair loss, hand/foot syndrome, rash, diarrhea for 5 weeks. We decided to quit. In an exam they saw his right leg swollen. Ultra sound shows a blood clot. Now on blood thinner. Any one else have…
Whipple procedure?
Can anyone explain this to me i can not find out what it means anywhere? thank you please email me at ladybugg@csn.com
CT scan results
I had rectal cancer surgery 5 wks ago and was still experiencing pain. Doc did a CT scan this week. I had a colon infection. She found a spot on my liver and adrenal gland. She wants to do a repeat scan in 3-6 mos to see if there are any changes. She also found a ovarian cyst that she said is pretty big, 2 inches by 2…
Friday Riddle / Teaser - ANSWER
Once again, StacyGleaso is the winner :) :) :) RIDDLE: You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I? ANSWER: Onion
Pet Scan results
Question for the more experienced members on the board. Is it somewhat normal to have reconnection (anamostasis) segment lite up during a pet scan? I'm curious because I am ~1 year out from removal of tumor and have never really had a 'normal' scan. One of my docs says it's because I had pre-operative radiation and also…
Study Finds Fasting Helps Chemo
I just survived another week (weak ugh!) of chemo and came across this article this morning. Very interesting! A pre-chemo fast may ease ill effects of mice. It seems that cancer cells responded fine to the chemo while protecting regular cells. http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-starve5apr05,1,3944958.story
do you wonder?
Do you ever wonder? Before cancer, why did we care about the things that we did? Why taking a little time off from work to meet the kids for lunch was a bother? Why a scratch in the car could control thoughts for hours? Why cutting the grass on Saturday morning had to come before a family trip to the park? Now its all so…
good news
I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy this am. the doctor said he saw nothing to be concerned about. I had stage 1 and an excision of o tumor last novemebr. looks like the diet changes and exercise have helped. thanks for the advice some of ya gave tome when I asked.
rising cea
My husband diag.cc stage 4 spread to omentum and peritoneum sept. 06 had surgery did not get it all out last 2 scan/pet clear except the activity noted below followed with 15 folfox chemo cea had been 0.8-2.5.suddenly cea went up to 5.2 a repeat was 5.3.Recent scan showed some activity rectal area colonoscopy was clear…
illeostomy woes
Well, it's been three months, and i just can't get used to my illeostomy. No matter what i eat, it fills up with gas during the night, and this morning it burst in bed! I was horrified! What if that happened in public?? It has always been really itchy too. Especially where the wafer and tape are, but also the stoma…
Friday Riddle / Teaser
Riddle: You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?
Port Issues
My dad has a port for receiving his chemo. It was put in 2 to 3 years ago. Lately, he has had a couple of infections which have delayed chemo. Has anyone else experienced this? Do people usually get their ports replaced after a couple of years because of infections? Thanks!!
husband 3b
My husband was diagnosed w/colon cancer,had colon resection surgery, and started chemo.He was stage 3B. Our surgeon told us he got all the cancer and we had a pet scan after surgery that was clean. Chemo has not been fun, but we were told if he did 12 treatments there is a 66% chance this WILL NOT return. I keep checking…
How long for CEA results?
I have my first bloodwork on Monday. How long do y'all usually have to wait for CEA results? Y'all know I'm the anxiety kid. Hope it's not a long wait. *grins* Gail
How often for repeat colonoscopy?
Hi! I need to check in with my friends ... How often have you all been advised to get a repeat colonoscopy? My brief history... Oct., 2006, routine colonoscopy reveals a 4cm adenocarcinoma partially blocking the sigmoid colon. Left hemicolectony 10 days later found one lymph node involved (stage IIIa). FOLFOX for 9 rounds,…
liver enzymes - please translate.
During todays visit the oncologist said "The liver enzymes are lower - so thats encouraging". What exactly does it mean if the liver enzymes are getting lower?? We (the family + family doc) have been suspecting what has been showing up on CT-scans and Pet scans has not been only cancer - but rater hepatitis C and calcium…
"Suffering" friends
Hello everybody, I've been a member of this board for a few years, but mainly I lurk in the background. Today I have a question that I hope many of you may have successfully dealt with. I am presently dealing with my second reoccurence. It stinks, but it is what it is and the prognosis looks favorable. I have this friend…
Getting closer
Hi everyone, Just wanted to give you my update. On 3-25 I hd my port put in, getting the port put in was not too bad.(I had the doc knock me out for that)Major wimp!!!!! I went for my radiation markings and then this friday I'm going for my chemo class and radiation films(whatever that is). I get to start both chemo and…
I got my c125 results from Roswell today and it is 11.6. My cea was 1.4. I'm so happy I can't believe it. I'm still scheduled for april 28th for a sonogram to see if the cyst is still there. We will decide what to do after that. I can go on vacation in 2 weeks with no worries. Thank-you all for all the posts and prayers.…
Elevated CEA
Hi everyone...I haven't posted in quite awhile, however, I do read the posts daily....Brief hist: My 77 y/o mom, originally dx'ed cc in 03, has had 3 recurrences every year, same location (at resection site). Last year was the first year she had a clear colonoscopy (7/07) and she's been feeling well in which we've been…
Need help with Anal Cancer.
Hello. I am a 51 years old hiv+ male that has been diagnoised with anal cancer. I had chemo/radiation treatment but another tumor was discovered. My doctors want to remove my anal section completely so that it doesn't come back but I am trying to find out if this is my only option. Please send me any info if you can. Thank…
Lung Surgery question
Hi everyone - has anyone ever had lung surgery with spots on both lungs? I am going to see a thoracic surgeon tomorrow here in Canada. I already have an opinion from Argentina that they would do surgery, based on my latest c-scan results. For the most part the opinions from my onc and gi surgeons here have been 'no…
Swollen legs
My father is on Xelada chemo and has swollen legs (one more so then the other). What helps? Elevating the legs? walking? He did much better this time with the pills and is recovering from having been in the hospital for 8 weeks. His night time bathroom trips are down to 1-3 without someones help (thank god)
New CRC 'integrated' treatments...
I receive this from Johns Hopkins site....interesting that what we all knew about keeping ourselves comfortable, the 'traditional medicine' community is accepting, too!!! http://www.johnshopkinshealthalerts.com/reports/colon_cancer/1926-1.html?ET=johnshopkins:e4738:93778 Accupuncture, herbology, even aromatherapy! Hugs,…
Study: antioxidants and radiation
Hello Semi Colons! Here's a link to a study about antioxidants helping radiation/chemo to kill cancer cells. There's often confusion about this so I thought I would pass this on. http://www.cancerdecisions.com/033008.html peace, emily who is 6 years 8 months (and counting) NED~ yippee! :-)
second recurrence
History: 1. March 05 colon cancer IIIC, surgery & chemo 2. October 06 liver mets ( 3 cm x 2.5 cm isolated) and ovary mets (3 cm x 3 cm); chemo-surgery- chemo from Nov. 06 to June 07. 3. March 08 liver mets (1x1 on surface) again. Now, my doctors recommended to have a liver surgery again, and said it will be a simple one…
surprised stage 4 colon cancer
My wife had a second colonospy about 4 years ago which was clean again. She went for her yearly check up last year. Found hemoglobin low, went for colonospy and told stage 4. How could this happen in just 4 years after her first colonospiesa were clean. Anyone have a similar situation. What's the prognosis? We're frantic…
Scan results..sort of
Hello all, Just got back from Stanford and overall it was a good scan, based on the first read. We both feel good because my onc basically said based on all the information they have right now, he didn't see anything standing out. They did not have the final blood work (CEA only) and final written radiologist report but…
scared again
Ok I need prayers and good thoughts. Recap dx last year with stage III with 2 nodes. I had a resection and 6 months of chemo. I made it and now I had my second CT scan feeling good and ready to enjoy this summer and slam I get the news that they see something on my ovaries. My onc says it will be ok. We'll wait and see if…
How often??
Hi All, How often should you get a colonscopy after stage 3 rectal cancer. I just had one 6 weeks ago, one year after dx, all clear, and he said to come back in 3 years? That seemed a little long to me, what have you all experienced with regards to how often you should be tested?? Robin