Great Book!
After receiving my 4th copy of Lance Armstrong's book from well meaning pals, I was completely over "cancer books." BUT! I just found an awesome book that I think any woman and/or gay man will LOVE. Its called Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr. Funny, uplifting, and very practical. I about spit water out my nose when I…
Neuropathy from Chemo in hands and feet
I have colorectal cancer and the chemo damaged nerves and I now have neuropathy in my hands and feet/ankles. I read one of the reponses about pineapple juice, I'll try anything. I am on Lyrica currently which does give me some relief, but my quality of life has been greatly impacted. Does anyone have any other suggestions?…
How do you take care of the caregiver?
Have this on my blog, hoping to get some new ideas 1. Make sure they get plenty of rest. 2. Guide them so they allow time for themselves. 3. It's the small things in life that count: A. Send a 'Thinking of you' card B. A promise of a "vacation day" away from you C. A hug D. Appreciate, Appreciate, Appreciate E. A simple…
cancer and radiation treatment
I am a long term anal cancer survivor. I was diagnosed and treated in 1998-1999. I had 5FU and Mytomycin-C and 5 weeks of radiation treatment. Now I have muscle pain, stiffness and limited range of motion in all of the areas that were radiated. Has anyone else experienced this type of situation? Please reply. I am very…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I? ANSWER: Smoke
Results from recent CTscan
On wed, June 25th, I had a CTscan. Today we found out the results. A little background -- orginally dx in 5/06 with rectal cancer. chemo/radiation, rectal resection, then folfox regimine. cancer came back in my lung and liver 7/07. started folfiri, had ablation of met on liver, lung surgery to remove met, then finished…
pet scan results
My husband recently had his first 6 month pet scan (every 3 months for 2 years) it still seems to light up due to inflammation in rectal area. He has had several biopsies all have been negative. He has had a lesion show up on his liver but the MRI came back clear. Also an infection in his parotid gland still lights up…
Surgery went well - thanks
Thanks to all for your warm words, prayers and best wishes for my surgery on Tuesday. It went really, really well. The surgeon was able to do a wedge (lung) using VATS (like laproscopy). I am feeling GOOD and I might be going home today -- if not, tomorrow. Yea!! I 'm looking forward to starting walking again but also have…
5 years ago today I was drinking fleet phosphosoda as a prep for my surgery the next day. I was so scared and so sick from the prep. I was vomiting and had such diarrhea. It probably didn't help that I had a couple of beers as part of my prep. They are clear liquids, aren't they? We had to drive an hour to the hotel where…
No haircolor or regular razors? Did you?
My chemo nurse said I should switch to an electric razor while on chemo. I can do that, but is a razor nik that dangerous? I do cut myself every single time I put a new blade in. I was also told not to color my hair. That means it will be December before I can color my hair. I haven't seen my natural haircolor since I was…
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I?
My Check-up
Hello all, I just had my second Onc check-up since chemo (8 months ago). The doctor said blood work was great and I talked him into not coming back for 6 months! He said usually he sees patients every 4 months (for 2 years) but if I promised to call him (if anything is wrong) then he'd go 6 months! (plus I will have had a…
Just a scare
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about lymphadenopathy discovered at my 3.5 yr follow-up visit. I had more blood work and a CT last week, and just back from seeing the onc again. Everything came back clear--NED, so he's not concerned. Whew!!! Howard
ct results etc...
My mom recently had her 1st ct after 12 rounds of folfox + avastin. Scan shows no new mets, and no disease progression. She had nodules on her liver before surgery, but doc says again no disease progression. Why wouldn't he be more concerned with nods on liver? He also mentioned that you can't rely on just one test. DX in…
A Big Week
Hi All, Just checking in. This past week was quite big for me. It was exactly a year ago that I finished up chemo for stage III rectal cancer. Our counties Relay for Life was last Saturday. I was interviewed on the radio and on the front page of the paper sharing my story. My mother is a very talented watercolor artist and…
Another Newbie
I am usually the type that just reads what others have to say and don't "join in" and especially do not start anything. But after reading all the responses to the other posts I decided I might want in on this "family". I was diagnosed with rectal cancer the fist part of May - first thought it was a Stage 1, gonna have the…
having colon problems
Hi: It has been a couple of years, since I have posted on this site,was diagnosed with colon cancer 1st stage 2 years ago in may. Had an operation and they go it all, no chemo needed. had a hysterectomy in April of this past year, the anesteologist told me that I should have had some radiation on my colon. I have been…
all right - so far so good
As some of you might know: my father was diagnosed with stage 4 colon in August. By November he found himself in ICU due to "study drug" and blood poisening that resulted ... At this point he is doing much better ... BUT we are struggeling to get him to put on the 40 lbs he lost while in hospital. ... not that he is an…
Tingling & Numbness on hands and Feet
Any word on how to deal with neuropathy. Someone suggested drinking pineapple juice and it has helped a bit. My onc told they are working on some meds for this, but it still on trial. Thanks much for your help. Love, Maritza
Hi all, I had my rectal surgery on the 10th. No sign of malignancy of any kind, and 0 of 24 nodes tested positive! What a blessing. Now I have a temp. ileostomy and am having a heck of a time dealing with it. Any ideas or suggestions would be great.
Anyone stage 3b not all 12 chemo and still ok??
Is there anyone out there diagnosed with stage 3b colan cancer, but only receive some of the recomended folfox chemo and still ok? I've had the surgery, and 3 rounds of folfox and 2 rounds of erbitux. Just don't know if I can get through all 12 like they want. Mentally, physically, emotionally or financially. Anyone with…
1st Ct scan after chemo
My father (stage 4) is getting his first Ct scan done after having done 6 rounds of Xeloda (at 50% strength). We know the colon tumor shrank because the doctor that removed his hemoroids over a months ago took a look with the scope - and called the tumor a "residual growth". We have no idea what shape the spread on liver…
Paget's rectal cancer
My aunt by marriage has just been diagnosed at age 80 with Paget's rectal cancer, a somewhat rare cancer of one of the anal glands. It is not an adenocarcinoma, but it is sounding to me like her course of proposed treatment (possibly radiation then surgery, with a temp ileostomy) is the same. Anyone here have experience…
HIPEC surgery
Is there anyone out there who has had this surgery and would be willing to discuss it?
Life; Strange but Fun :)
To all friends, HELLO and to the newbies, WELCOME. I was DX in July 2006 with Stage II colon cancer with no nodes involved and no spreading of the cancer. Also had my tumor genetically tested and that too came back clear. I was receiving 3 months check-ups (CT scans & bloodwork) for the first two years, now my Onc Doc…
Message from Kerry
Hi All, I went to Austin and visited Kerry yesterday. Although she looked very weak, she remained the amazingly beautiful and gracious person we know. I told her about the 30+ messages on the board which such an outpouring of love and concern for her. She said she was very touched by it, and asked me to post and say hello…
surgery tomorrow (again)
Hi All. Just a quick note to say I am having surgery tomorrow to remove a lung met. It will be my 4th surgery since diagnosis (stage 3 rectal) and my third to remove a lung met. Ho hum. I'm trying, as usual, to focus on the positive side: once again, they detected this solitary met when it was small and amenable to…
stage 4
Hi all well I'm going for my econd pet scan on 6-26-08 Had 4 rounds of chemo folfox oxi avastatin,still have some pain in my abdomon,my onc says it is because I had 2 major surgery's with in 6 weeks of each other,I am A little nervous about my pet scan I try to think possitive hoping the chemo has started working.It is so…
hepatic arterial pump
Has anyone had experience with the pump? My husband is deciding between 2 surgeons for liver resection due to a rectal metastasis. One, at Sloan Kettering, wants him to have the pump along with systemic chemo as well. The other, at Lahey Clinic, says they don't believe in the pump and will only administer systemic chemo…
Checking in
Hi Everyone, I see many new 'faces' out there and some that I know also. I just wanted to write a short post to those that know me and to help some of the newbies. I was dx'd with stage 3 colon cancer on Dec. 19th 2004 the day before my Bday. I had my tumor out on my BDay. I'm NED and doing good. Like KathiM complaining…