Cea Plateau
All the cea questions make me wonder whether to even pay attention to the CEA level. It is my understanding it is a tumor marker, however some people don't trust them. My mother's went from 189 post surgery to now it fluctuates between 8 and 10. Her onc said it has hit a plateau and her disease is stable. He hopes that she…
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red.
Elevated CEA
I have not posted a comment on this site for several months, therefore, this will be a larger than normal post. I am a 72 year-old retired organic/polymer chemist living in Englewood, FL. In early December 2007 I had a colonoscopy that revealed a single large polyp in the sigmoid colon that was aggressively removed,…
interesting article
Don't know what I'm doing?????
I have posted several times in search of ways to help my brother, Mark. Mark has colon cancer Stage IV with spots in liver, lymph nodes, abdomen. rectum. He had chemo, sugergeries, and two recent stage 1 clinical trials which ravaged his body. After the second clinical trial, Mark consulted with his oncologist and decided…
What was the name of that anti-allergy ...
... drug again that is supposed to stimmulate appetite?!? I saw it mentioned on this board a couple of times - but I forget.
Lung Surgery Update
Hi guys: Well, the bone scan results showed one solitary lesion on the top of the left iliac bone, and a questionable one on my 4th vertebrae. After an hour long debate with my thoracic surgeon, he has agreed to do surgery on my lung mets on August 14th. He kept telling me that he did not see how his surgery would help me,…
FDA Issues Alert on Genentech's Avastin
The FDA issued an alert about Genentech's cancer drug Avastin, saying the drug has been tied to the development of anemia in several patients, Dow Jones reports. Several patients who took Avastin in combination with the cancer drug Sutent reported microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by a loss of red…
Orange County Immune Institute?
My brother is considering treatment at the Orange County Immune Institute in Huntington Beach, CA, Dr. Fereshteh Akbarpour. He is in his 4th year of the battle with Stage IV. He may feel more comfortable with the outlined protocol they offer than trying to figure it out for himself at this time. Has anyone had experience…
Friday Riddle - ANSWER
This week's winner is Judy (judiths). CONGRATS :) :) RIDDLE: What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right? ANSWER: Noon
tennislover - Rally Call
Hello SemiColon friends, I just got word that our dear friend tennislover, Heather, is struggling, just started hospice, and could use lots of prayers, warm and good thoughts, vibes, mojo, whatever you can send her way... Heather is a fearless warrior in the fight against CRC and should be applauded for her efforts. You…
G'day everyone, Well I have managed to get into a kidney specialist. He is doing a kidney biopsy at 12.30 tomorrow. Iam hoping that the biopsy will show some form of nephritis. The Doctor is fairly certain that it is amyloidosis. The tests are conclusive ,the biopsy is stained with congo red dye and if it floureces green…
Rectal Cancer Advice Needed
My husband, age 81 and currently on coumadin for atrial fibrillation, has just been diagnosed with Stage 2 rectal cancer. We are starting a course of radiation pre-surgery shortly but it has been suggested that we consider doing concurrent chemo as well, something my husband is very reticent to embrace. Would be interested…
CA 19-9 Immunoassay Tumor Antigen Test
My husband, who is a Stage IV, Colon Cancer survivor (diagnosed May 2006), has been denied coverage by Blue Cross/Anthem for a routine blood test he has every month at his oncologist's office. The test is listed as CA 19-9 Immunoassay Tumor Antigen (quantitative), CPT 86301, test. (I posted about this some months ago when…
Peritoneal cancer
Michelle was diagnosed with Peritoneal cancer, that originated in her colon in October 07 and was told that there was no hope. She was given 18-36 months to live. We found out about IPHC and after six months of chemo, she received IPHC and we are now being told that she has a 64% chance that the cancer will not come…
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?
After chemo/cancer
I was diagnosed with cancer and had my colon (large) removed. I finished chemo in May. My first scan after treatment came back clean. I have been experincing pain in my abdomen, it's not terrible, but uncomfortable, also get tired and anxious. Is this normal after treatment and if so, how long will it last?
I hate cancer
Yesterday I gave my one year-old grandson a bath. He has very light blond hair, and when it was wet, it looked like he only had a few randsom strands around his head. It suddenly gave me a flashback to 7 years ago, when I took care of a three year-old named Katie, who was diagnosed with leukemia 25 days after her birthday.…
Dear friends, Lately, I've been having these thoughts where I'm about to buy something and suddenly I feel like maybe I should not make the purchase because i'm wondering how long I have left on this earth and how long I would be using/enjoying it. It just happened last week as i was about to buy a new rug for our master…
How many on Erbitux?
Just curious...it seems that not too many mention being on Erbitux. I read these posts and also lots of stuff on CRC Connections and I am just wondering how many have been on it or are currently on it. I am on it weekly in combo with Irinotecan and Avastin. Let me know...I am not necessarialy looking for outcomes, just how…
? delaying treatment for vacation
Hi, Valerie here. DX. 4/08 stage 3 colon cancer; currently on folfox treatment with Oxaliplatin. Would like to delay my treatment for 1 week to attend my nephews wedding in Aug. Has anyone delayed a treatment for vacation purposes and did it affect you in any way or cause any type of setbacks? Thanks everyone, You're in my…
is there anybody who had bad reaction to minocycline?/antibiotic used to treat rash caused by erbitux/ my husband has some kind of infection-with high fever after using it. doctor think it is from minocycline or from infected port
Babies after dx
Hi. I was wondering if any of you: 1) had doctors that recommended you not having any more babies after cancer dx 2) had doctors recommend not having any babies for the five years following treatment 3) how many of you have went against the advice and had babies anyway and did you regret your decision? Thanks, :o ) Patricia
Rectal Cancer - Post Surgery Downstaging Effect on Prognosis?
My husband was initially diagnosed with a T3, N1, M0 rectal tumor. He did chemoradiation and his tumor shrunk and was not visible on sonogram or sigmoidoscopy. Last week they did an LAR. Today the final pathology showed a few surface cancer cells where the tumor used to be but nowhere else. The surgeon said that this…
Second Opinion Advice...got posted incorrectly 1st time
My mom dx Nov. '07 stage iv colon cancer. She had a colon resection, removal of ovaries, omentectomy, and tumor debulking. She finished 12 rounds folfox w/ avastin and oxiliplatin. She had a ct scan, shows improvement. No new mets, existing disease stable. So now she is continuing on just folfox + avastin. She seems to…
My father is at home all day (for 6 months now) recovering from a LENGTHY hospital stay and getting chemo for stage 4 cancer. Today he says that doing nothing is getting to him. (he does a bit of yard work and watches Tv a lot) I told him he should be creative! Working in clay, making bird houses, getting into photography…
My wife has been diagnosed with coin cancer.
She is 35 and we have two home schooled daughters 7 and 3. It all started in May with constipation we thought it was her diet and the constipation was mild. By mid June she was having increased constipation and pain practically everywhere between her ribs and hips. She went to our Dr. but could only get in to see the Nurse…
bone loss from chemo/rads
I posted a little about this a week or so ago, and no one responded with any advise. I changed the title because bone loss is probably more attributed to the radiation, and more people may be experiencing it. I also got arthritis in the area where the radiation was given. It hurts so badly to walk now. Some days, i can't…
Can't Believe 2 Years Already
Thursday, 10 July 08 marks TWO YEARS NED for me. Two years ago I was in the hospital having emergency surgery for a total obstruction which took 2 days to figure out (?). Was told Stage II colon cancer and did 6 rounds of FLOFOX; kicking, screaming and crying the entire time; NOT KIDDING. Resection surgery in 02/07 and…
Stage 4 survivors?
Hi, I am stage 4 with lymh, liver and lung mets. On chemo, 4 treatments so far. They wont operate unless the chemo shinks it.. I am only 46 years old. The survivor stats are scary. I think maybe the stats are so bad because this was an "older person" cancer? Anybody NED after stage 4 out there? thanks