New Pictures

CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I just had to put this somewhere... Beth, Nana and Mary... I love all three of your new Profile pictures. Beth and Nana... you both look fabulous!! And Mary... that little grandbaby of yours is a definite keeper! What a total sweetheart!

Anywho... I just had to say something because I love it when people put up pictures :) On Facebook, a couple of friends and I are going down Memory Lane and have changed our pictures to when we first met... 30+ years ago!! LOL!! Now, if only I could look like that now... not that looks mean anything, but the whole prospect of life ahead of you at that age and not one of us realized how good we had it back then :)




  • MoonDragon
    MoonDragon Member Posts: 183
    I love the new pictures too,
    I love the new pictures too, you guys are so cute!

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    me too
    I was thinking the same thing. You look great!
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm on Facebook
    How do I find you? I am set to private so you can't search for me. Not sure how we find each other, I'm kind of new to that. And thanks, she is just the cutest, isn't she?!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    msccolon said:

    I'm on Facebook
    How do I find you? I am set to private so you can't search for me. Not sure how we find each other, I'm kind of new to that. And thanks, she is just the cutest, isn't she?!

    I'll send you a private message, Mary... and then you can respond with your name so I'll know it's you when I get the "Friend Request" :)


  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member

    I'll send you a private message, Mary... and then you can respond with your name so I'll know it's you when I get the "Friend Request" :)



    The new pic is of me and my daughter when she got married. I love this pic, I got to walk her down the isle and it broke my heart to give her away. My baby all grwon up and married, I am to young for this..LOL

    Love all the new pics.

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    dorookie said:

    The new pic is of me and my daughter when she got married. I love this pic, I got to walk her down the isle and it broke my heart to give her away. My baby all grwon up and married, I am to young for this..LOL

    Love all the new pics.


    your daughter's wedding
    I am with you there, we are too young to be marrying off our offspring! I was just so happy to still be here and able to give a speech at Jess' wedding! Plus she let me make her wedding dress! And then a grand child! Life is good!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Nana B!
    This newest picture of your... I LOVE that hairstyle!! I would kill... ok, , maybe that's a bit drastic... to be able to cut mine in a style like that!! But alas, I have the frizzball curly head that would never lie smooth like yours! But it is one of my favourite looks for those who can do it!!


  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    dorookie said:

    The new pic is of me and my daughter when she got married. I love this pic, I got to walk her down the isle and it broke my heart to give her away. My baby all grwon up and married, I am to young for this..LOL

    Love all the new pics.


    You both look so happy and proud in this picture! I can only imagine what it must be like for a parent to know their child is now all grown up and taking that step into marriage :) It's that empty nest syndrome!! :D


  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Mags pic
    Hey Mags... I really like your new picture too!! You look soooo comfortable and relaxed! I'm intrigued by the background in the pic. Is this your home?? WOW... it looks sooooo comfy and almost like the interior is like a cabin out by a lake somewhere. Gee, I have no idea where I get these visualizations when there is just a small part of an interior room in the picture, but I love the wood and windows. And you look so happy!!


  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    Mags pic
    Hey Mags... I really like your new picture too!! You look soooo comfortable and relaxed! I'm intrigued by the background in the pic. Is this your home?? WOW... it looks sooooo comfy and almost like the interior is like a cabin out by a lake somewhere. Gee, I have no idea where I get these visualizations when there is just a small part of an interior room in the picture, but I love the wood and windows. And you look so happy!!



    ahhh shucks
    you guessed it you sly fox.:):) It is a cabin in the woods way up north 12 hours from our home. The picture was taken last Summer....if I can remember's just a shack really. No electricity or running water no lights no....nothing and I love it. Yes Cheryl it's on a lake, actually it's on a little island and you can only get there by boat.

    does anyone out there ever lie in bed and picture a safe place? I do this when i am scared or in pain or just trying to escape the beast and chemo for bit. Well this is the place I go to in my mind....there is not one doctor or ct scan or cea or drug dire predictions...not true of course I have been on chemo while here but I still picture it all winter as my safe, almost cancer free place.