Hi Everyone, Wanted to let you know, that I got the results of my PET/CT today, I have one every year. And its clean no cancer at all.. thank God. I was a StageIV 6 years ago, this July. So there is hope for anyone with a StageIV dx. My onc said technically after 5 years I shouldn't have to have a scan anymore, but I told…
How to send PMs and get PMs
and no not talking about PMS...LOL....PMs, personal messages......I have no idea how or where you get them or send them at......any help is appreciated......
Good News
My Chemo Dr. just told me I do not have to have the 2ND round of chemo every thing is clean he said,"the first round of radiation & chemo killed all the cancer cells and shrunk the tumor real small but he still had to remove the rectum and anus.I am still on the wound vac maybe another 2 or 3 weeks when my wound heals I…
Getting My Port
Tuesday is an unscheduled visit to the surgeon. I had called his office with some concerns as to what I am feeling down in the rectal area and he called me back Friday night and is going to get me in two weeks early to take a look down there. It feels like something is stuck or coming out. Don't know how as I don't have a…
Stage IV stories
I like to save Stage IV stories to my Favorites and re-visit them when I have periods of feeling blue. There are lots of stories here on ACS but I thought it would be neat if people could post some links or personal testaments to living well after a ST4 diagnosis. I know there are a number of "new" people on the boards…
Results of my FIRST CT Scan.....
....Since my diagnosis in January 2009 of being Stage 4 with a tumor in the liver...and let me tell you, after being hospitalized twice and having a colostomy in the past 4 months, it was the best news I've heard in awhile! My doctor said the chemo has killed most of the cancer, shrunk the liver tumor, and is eager to keep…
life after chemo, radiation, and surgery
Hi, I'm new to the site. My husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2007. He had the chemo and radiation before surgery. They removed part of his colon, did a J-pouch and reconstructed his rectum. He had an ielostomy for 6 months and was re-connected in Dec 2008. He has improved but some days he has the constant…
For All Mothers
Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations. Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on. Pooped on, Chewed on.Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. Before I…
well #5 kicked my you know what
man i dont think i have felt this bad yet,#2 was bad with vomating but i have gotten that under control.tuesday before i left the onc office my lips were tingling and i felt bad when i walked out of there.this morning i got up at 8:30 my lips were swelled alomg with my throat,its times like this when i just want to say the…
Has anyone have this????
A low oval crooked stoma and one end smaller then the other end. Can not use the stencil to measure it right now my nurse is tracing it on transparent paper and cutting it out then putting it on the barrier to cut it.
Good News!
We just came back from our follow-up appointment with my husband's oncologist and I'm relieved and happy to report that last Thursday's scans showed no sign of cancer. My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2006 and later the staging was raised to stage 4. Happy happy happy day! Hatshepsut
It is old age or
Chemo drugs? I was in good health before I was DX with Stage II Colon Cancer in July 2006. Finished all surgeries and treatments in Feb 07. Never had major surgery except for having my son and two eye surgeries for muscle issues and had no allergeries and never really had to take medications. Post Treatment: I now have two…
My Husband has stage 4 colon cancer
John is in right now having his 5th Chemo treatment. He saw the doctor before and I had some questions for him to ask. I wanted to know if the Pet Scan showed anymore lymph nodes involved ( cancer) He said that none showed up on the scan. We know that they took four at the time he had his colon surgery and only one was…
Vitamin B6 and Xeloda hand - foot syndrome ?
Hi all - Has anyone tried Vitamin B6 while on Xeloda? And if so, do you think it helped with hand/foot syndrome? I've seen "info" on the net related to this and also saw a clinical trial testing it - using 100 mg. Being a water soluble vitamin, it seems it couldn't hurt, but I am really wondering if anyone knows more. I'll…
Hi Everyone, I've been reading on some other posts about Neuropathy and am hoping to get more input. **** will have Folfox treatment #5 tomorrow and he is still tingling from #4 two weeks ago. I am the one who has read about all the side effects and I don't mention them to him until he brings them up (he read the pamphlets…
a little worried
I went for my 3rd time of getting infusion of Avastin today, which is part of my "maintenance" program, along with taking Xeloda 2 wks on, 2 wks off at 1,000 mg. a day. I'm not new to Avastin- I took it w/ Folfox a while back and had most recently taken it with Camptosar and Xeloda, then switched to just the Avastin and…
I'm a new comer.
Hi, everybody. It's nice to be a member of the group. I read some of the posting, and I found them very informational and helpful. I also have Stage IV colon cancer, and I finished my chemo treatment about two month ago. I'm now dealing with the very severe side effect of numb hands and feet, even legs. I took Nuerontin,…
Nana B
Oh where oh where have you gone????? how are you ... thinking about you again.... sherrie
Question about returning to work
I was wondering if and when everyone returned to work after either their colostomy surgery (APR surgery) and/or after liver resection surgery? I do accounting and I am planning on returning 3 months after the colostomy rectal resection surgery and it will be 9 weeks after my liver resection surgery. I am just wondering if…
Gas control
I get gas and it is loud I use the bag without a filter it helps odor control has any one here use beno the gas control pill they show on TV the stores sell it.I want to know if it helps control the gas.I do not get many replies but a few would help.
Hey Buzzard come back to us please we miss you!!!!!!
Any one that has taken Camptosar
Anyone taking Camptosar Hi my father just had his second treatment of camptosar.Both times that night when he went to bed he has woke up in the middle of the night freezing and almost like he was sweating ice. When I went to change his bed close they were soaked with really cold sweat. His body felt like a freezer,it took…
For better or worse thus ends year eleven of survival and year twelve starts, perhaps I'll get to be a teenager again.......Ron.
Phrases that mean something different to you now than before your diagnosis
A fun thread, I'll start; Sh@t happens Opinions are like a@@holes, everyone has one Bootie check I know you all have your own, bring them on. Think of the smiles you will be generating!!! Lisa P.
rashes...are these something you experienced??? (post 2nd chemo update)
Hi again, My mom got done with her 2nd chemo last monday...as expected she was down for a good 3-4 days, bounced back incredibly around thursday night and now, she feels as if nothing happened...all good news and I really hope her reactions with chemo stay manageable..so far, severe headache, high blood pressure, and some…
Has anyone had radiation to the lungs?
I am scheduled to have stereotactic radiation to the post-surgical margin of a 1.7 cm met that they removed in my right upper lobe. My surgeon did not get a wide enough margin, so radiation is being recommended to "prevent local recurrence". My radiation oncologist has told me that there are little to no side effects with…
NED...Happy Dance
Dennis had his CT Scans done Monday and we went to the oncologist today. NED, Happy Dance time, scan looked good. We still have to keep a good eye on on a abdominal infarenal anuresym that he has about 3.9cm but they said it looks stable. We are both so happy about the scan. Thank you all for your support. Diagnosed 1/5/06…
Bump in the Road
Had my first visit with the "Girly Doctor" since my chemo and radiation and she found a hard mass in my abdomen. I'm scheduled for a pelvic ultrasound on Friday. I'm already scheduled to see my oncologist on Monday but we decided to do the ultrasound as my oncologist doesn't want to do a PET/CT unless my CEA is up and mine…
Hey Everybody...i am finally home after 9 days in hospital. Doc removed right ascending colon. He also took nodes, some small intestine and found the tumor had gone to the outside of the abdombin wall. He said he did get all the tumor. It was very large and had evidently been growing there for years. That scares me. He…
Hi to All, I am also a newbie
What a blessing to have found you all. I am also a newcomer. My surgery was about 3 weeks ago. What great advice I have already found here, you all are wonderful. I can affirm the information on taking it easy was so correct. I tore my internal incision by being too active too soon. So PLEASE take it easy.. I have a…