Shayenne Where are you?
Has anyone heard from Shayenne aka Donna lately? I am concerned I havent even seen her posting. I am going to try and give her a call today to make sure she is doing okay. If anyone has heard from her please let me know. Shayenne, where are ya hon, need to check in here and let us know your doing okay.. God Bless Beth
As far as I can tell, this website is the only benefit I've gotten from the ACS. I say that because I was approached today at lowes by someone raising money for the ACS. I told them I didn't want to donate to the ACS because I didn't think they did enough to help cancer patients. She assured me the ACS provided all kinds…
Anybody from Arkansas?
What doctor do you use and where do you go for chemo? Debbie
MD Anderson-Advice Please
My sister was dx 03/09 with mets to liver and peritoneum. She has sought out second opinions at UCLA (bad experience) and Stanford (great experience). She had emergency surgery to remove part of colon and ovaries; that is how it was discovered. Completed 12 treatments of 5FU and Erbitux. Was scheduled for liver resection…
Still in the hospital
They kept me longer than expected so I am still here onmy laptop, watching television, and counting ceiling and floor tiles. I guess I will have to do a recount. Eric
I feel overwhelmed...
My husband was diagnosed with coln cancer stage IIB, it had gone thru the wall of colon but not in lymph nodes. He had surgery to remove a lrg section of the colon. It was or is a rapidly growing cancer. The original pet scan did not show it had spread, but dr's are wanting to do a very aggressive chemo treatment. We don't…
The Reading Room: How Diarrheal Bacteria Cause Some Colon Cancers
There has been some discussion on the board in the last day or two about the myriad possible causes of colon cancer. Here is an article that speculates on yet another possible cause for some cases. This article references research at Johns Hopkins. Link: How diarrheal bacteria cause some colon cancers Hatshepsut
Question for Pattee about stitches -
Hi Pattee! Hope you are well. Do you have permanent internal stitches? The surgeon said today that my husband's stitches won't dissolve. He had staples on the outside. Surgeon went in and snipped it just like you said, and told him no big deal now that the infection is gone. He said because he is thin it might happen (the…
6 Month Scan
Last week I had my 6 month scan since my surgery and yesterday saw my oncologist to get the results. Good news -- still NED. So I have made the 6 month mark. I look at each scan as a small goal so now I work towards the 8/9 month scan. After that the year scan and so forth. My oncologist has told me that median time to…
Also I year NED!
This week I will be I year NED, and it feels great! It's hard to believe a year has gone by already and it seems surreal to me when I think back on it all. I wish the same for all of you out there! Best wishes for you all. Wendy
No appt for 4 months!! Hurrah! Port out next Wednesday
I just got in from having my blood tests and a 2 minute visit with my sweet onc. He said 'You're doing SO well that we'll see you in four months and then at 8 months with a scan the week before the 8 month visit.' I'm FREE until mid December! My surgeon is overloaded but they squeezed me in for my port removal on…
1 Year NED
After some long and trying times through the surgeries and the chemo/rad treatments my 1 year point has finally arrived. On 8/18/09 I got it officially, 1 year NED! Just needed to share. I wish the best to everyone else that is in the process of getting to this point also. Hang in there, it will come.
Ok, They are wanting to do the two day treament, every two weeks for 6 months...Eloxatin,Leucovorin and Fluorouracil. The onc wants the port put in this week (we meet with the surgeon tommorrow) dont know if that will happen this week, but onc wants to start chemo Mon. He is concerned because surgery was 7/9 and chemo…
I have a question concerning my mom
Hello. I am new here. My mother is going on 82 in November. She is a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 74. She went through all the common radiation and Chemo treatments and of course all the uncomfortable and terrible issues that come with the treatments but she survived it. About two yrs…
So $*%$#(@ frustrated!!!!
Yes, i've been working myself up, all day. I've suspected for some time that i may have a recurrence. Mucous in stool, bad abdominal pain...little bits of blood. Well Friday i noticed a rather large amount of blood packed onto the stool. Saturday, there was more blood on, and throughout the stool. I called for my…
Port removal questions
I'll be having my power port (brand name) removed in the doctor's office on Thursday. Any tips, advice? on this procedure. Leslie
Found out this afternoon that I will be receiving the "offical offer" from their Personnel Dept for the position with the Loudoun County Public Schools Const. Dept sometime today or tomorrow. WHOOOO HOOOO. I want to jump and shout so bad, but can't, cause I am at work. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…
Good vibes for serrana.....
She has surgery today for a lung node. Sending warm hugs! Hugs, Kathi
Blood Counts Today
I have a monthly big blood test where they test everything. I've had maybe 4 CEA tests and this one came back 0.8 where the others came back <0.5. I asked my oncologist about this and he said this number was really low. I just didn't want it to move up. I heard that this can fluctuate due to many things and chemo is one of…
Brown Finger Nails
I noticed that I have brown spots on my nails. I know that they told me that my finger nails could fall off because of chemo, so I'm not sure if this is part of it. I don't have acrylics anymore so I can see it. Thing is I just noticed it two days ago. Anyone else notice this? Kim
There IS life after chemo! :o)
I went to church today! Oh, I was supposed to wait for the all clear on my white blood cell count this Tuesday but I feel great and just couldn’t wait any longer. It was wonderful seeing old friends. I had a lot of 'You look GREAT' remarks but no negative or odd questions. I’m going to be a Grandma again. Our daughter is…
I still feel numb
I was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer on July 27, and I began writing in a journal. What I have written, and continue to write, despite 2 CT scans, 2 MRI's, a PET scan and ultrasound, is this is much adoo about nothing. Now I know that this is a form of denial. My surgery is scheduled for next Monday, August 31 and I akin…
Food safety!
OBAMA APPOINTS MONSANTO 'FOX' TO OVERSEE FDA Former Monsanto vice president Michael Taylor may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history. Yet he has recently been appointed by Obama to be the U.S. food safety czar. It looks like we have yet another case of the fox guarding the hen house.…
Summer cold
I have a summer cold that has changed to a sinus infection and I think is going toward bronchitis. I used to get these all the time, but my family doctor put me on Clarinex and Vitamin C and haven't had a sinus infection in YEARS. My onc told me to quit the Clarinex and Vitamin C, which I did. What doctor should I go to…
Hi all, hope you are all doing ok. I have a question. Maybe a weird question but still, I would like opinions. I had radiation that ended in april. surgery in june and back on chemo sine july. stage 3, 5Fu and oxy. I have an ileostomy , so I can't sleep on my stomach, so I sleep either on lt or Rt side. Lately I have been…
really big mental lapse
I've had several small lapses in memory since chemo. Today was different, I had my fantasy football draft; my wife dropped me off. The draft form required, phone number, address, and e-mail address. I couldn't remember any of it. I left my wallet and phone in the car when my wife dropped me off. My football draft lasted 4…
In the hospital
I am in the stinkin` hospital because of a blood clot in my leg. What a JOY! Oh well, I didn`t have anything to do for the next few days anyway. I plan on harassing the nurses as much as possible. Can`t wait for that yummy hospital food. Eric ( : . )
Discussion Board help
I'm fairly new here and have not been able to figure out some things on the board. Is there any place to get directions? I have noticed people saying "they didn't mean to take over a post"?, How do you get friends? how do you send a post to someone who is answering a post?what are favorites. I hope I'm not the only one who…
I survived it
Hey everyone just wanted to let you know that I am home from the hospital...I had my gallbladder out (which had stones in it when it was removed) and I was told instead of two hernias it was one HUGE one with little ones attached...So now I have 35 stapels in and the cut is basically in the same path as the colon resection…
CP 7 Update
Increase Your Laugh Expectancy, Attend CP7!! For those that don't know. CP7 stands for Colon Palooza 7, an annual celebration for semi-colons over a long weekend where for a few days we can act like we never heard of cancer or we can talk it about with people that have "been there and done that". It always amazes me how…