Anyone heard from Cherylhutch
I have not seen a post from Cheryl in many moons, I hope that's an indication all is well.
Comedian for colorectal cancer/special interest for ostomates
i was pointed in the direction of this great website today- thought some of you might like to check it out. She is a great lady who got rectal cancer at 39 (13 years ago) and had an ostomy. She is a comedian/speaker about colorectal cancer and has written some books about it as well- one of them called I'd like to buy a…
Number 12
I get disconnected today from treatment 12, I am so excited! I will get another scan in 30 days then if results are okay then, we will get another scan in 3 months. They are still keeping an eye on the lit area above my liver, but for now there isn't any activity going on there and my CEA level is normal. I have been…
I have been sprung
They finally got sick enough of seeing my face to kick me out of that place. They sent me home with enough blood thinners to kill a whole field full of rats. Even the corn fed ones. I have to give myself shots for five days and be on warfarin for a month. If I get so much as a paper cut I am screwed. I`ve got to go - I am…
driving home from chemo
Does anyone get to the point where they drive themselves to and from chemo or is it a standing rule that people have to be driven home on chemo days? My husband has only completed two rounds of chemo so I am thinking forward to all the fun chemo days ahead...
New with question
I have visited this board occasionally at the urging of our son, I believe he reads this all the time. My husband was dx April 2008 at the age of 49 with stage IV (mulitiple liver mets and 4 lymph nodes affected), colon resection May 2008, chemo ever since (Xeloda, Avastin every 3-4 weeks and Oxilplatin until November…
The ongoing travel update...lol!
So, I know I have been remiss about pictures...but here are some from my weekend. Today is Sunday, and it's a stay at home day. Tomorrow we go again, but today is washing, and cooking (we are eating roast tonight). The sun doesn't stay up as long anymore, and the nights have a chill to them. I truly am envious of you all…
Oxaliplatin, Xeloda, Avastin "not working" whats next??
Anyone have any ideas about what might be next? Tried Xeloda alone, kept it stable for awhile then wasn't able to hold it. Next,Avastin with xeloda, severe reaction to Avastin, had to stop. Next, 5 rounds of Oxaliplatin with 4,000 mgs. a day of Xeloda [14 on 7 off], no change. Any ideas of what we might expect next,…
Please help - CT Scan results
CT Scan of Abodomen: Solid hepatic lesions are again seen and are consistent with the liver metastases. One of the larger lesions is seen in the left lobe (segment 2) measuring 2 x 2.6 cm. Previously this measured 2.2 x 1.8 cm. An additional larger leison is seen in the right lobe under the hemidiaphragm, measuring 3x3 cm…
Dont know what to think?
Hi,I need advice.Wife is dx with rectal cancer and almost 18 months on chemo(FOLFOX-avastin,FOLFIRI-erbitux,cpt(irinotecan)-erbitux)She have multiple mets in her lungs.Problem is that she so tired,thank God she dont't have any pain,she can't do anything over 10-20 minutes.We think it's from chemo but ...Did anyone have the…
I'm wondering how many of you are on LTD and what cancer stage you are in? Are any of you in remission and still getting LTD? The reason I am asking is that I ddn't opt for LTD because if I went in remission, that is when I went into remission :-), I didn't want to have to find a new job. So guess, I am really wondering if…
New to this board...
...but 5 months into this journey. My husband was diagnosed in March with stage IV colon cancer, at the age of 45. He had a colon resect to remove a large tumor. We were told he is not a candidate for liver resect because of multiple tumors throughout his liver. Several lymph nodes are also involved. But I am encouraged to…
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winner is phillieg, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: RIDDLE: This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but…
finally some news
I get chemoembolization and some RFA on tuesday the 8th, on the 17th they are removing the left side of my thyroid. Then I am getting some more RFA in the first week of october. Hopefully I will be able to begin folfox again soon there after. There isn't any sign of disease in my left lung and three of my liver lesions…
I'm still dancing with Ned!!!
Pet scan done August 18 and colonoscopy August 25 everything is clear, 3 years Ned,according to my uncologist don't need any other tests for 1 full year, he just want to see me in 6 months, maybe for a Cea, I come to this board almost everyday and even if I don't post that often,you all be sure that I pray for all of you…
This is a tad graphic, but I'm desperate!
I'm so at the end of my rope. Yes, I've had IBS since my 20's, which is over 30 years. I've pretty much been able to manage it. Since my colon resection (it'll be 2 years in Nov.), I've had even worse problems than ever. So much pain, so much constipation. This week has been HORRIBLE. Especially the past few days. I feel…
Husband is stage 4 survivior going strong!! (2 1/2 years)
I wanted to share.. I think there have really been some cure advancments in this disease. My husband is going on 2 1/2 years NED since his stage4 colon cancer diagnosis & liver resection. He had 13 lymph nodes removed.6 inch of colon,and 60% of his liver. He is a happy patient at USC Norris Hospital. He has not had any…
CT Scan Results - Hopeful News
I haven't posted in awhile as I've been waiting for my three month scan results since I began Folfiri and Avastin. My oncologist and my VATS surgeon both told me that chemo wouldn't work on my lung mets. They wanted me to radiate my lungs. My second opinion, Dr. Lenz at Norris USC Cancer Center, said that it would work and…
Lisa 42 questions cpt-11
Hey Lisa, was wondering about the side effects of this drug. I am on Folfox with avastan so I am not even sure if this is changed out completely or cpt-11 added in place of something. will your hair fall out with this one? I do think he said he would stop the Oxi. and replace this, not for sure. We still have another…
Liver questions
Has anyone had their onc. say that the liver tumors may be dieing but not shrinking? My ct scan showed two nodules slightly larger and two slightly smaller. The lumpy bumpys in my belly had melted away. So, I am just wondering if my Dr. is giving me lipservice or if this is what he really thinks. He said that in the…
Chemo port in the arm?
Have any of you had the chemo port in your arm? I understand they can put it either in the chest or the arm. I’m having it put in my arm next Tuesday and I’m just wondering what the advantages of one over the other might be.
Update on PET/CT-good news!
My oncologist called me this morning after the tumor board at which the liver surgeon and he and other docs looked at the scan from last Tuesday which showed a spot on the liver that lit up on the PET scan. After they looked at it this morning, there is consensus that it is most probably scar tissue from where the surgical…
Hey Michelle, Just wanted to check in and see how you are making out...Did you move yet???? How are you feeling on the new meds????? Thinking of you often............. JULIE
The Reading Room: Colon Cancer Stopped In Its Tracks In Swiss Study
The headline on this one caught my eye. Link: Colon Cancer Stopped In Its Tracks In Swiss Study Hatshepsut
Send money not Meat
OMG, my crazy step grandmother just sent us a box of meat, Isn't meat what got us into this mess in the first place. I would have rather her sent money, not Meat!! Winney
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR INTERNET SEARCHING ALLOWED!! RIDDLE: This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not…
Difference between surgical colonoscopy and colonoscopy
Was going through paper work from my health insurance plan today and noticed two terms, and wonder if anyone knows what the difference is between surgical colonoscopy and colonoscopy?
The Reading Room: Colon Cancer May Yield to Cellular Sugar Starvation
While the researchers discount any benefit from dietary sugar restriction, this is an interesting research finding: Link: Colon Cancer May Yield to Cellular Sugar Starvation Hatshepsut
FYI - John Hopklins Article
Johns Hopkins Update - Good article AFTER YEARS OF TELLING PEOPLE CHEMOTHERAPY IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRY ('TRY', BEING THE KEY WORD) TO ELIMINATE CANCER, JOHNS HOPKINS IS FINALLY STARTING TO TELL YOU THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY. Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins: 1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells…
anybody have ?? about their dr?
Hi, I'm a newbie, kind of shy, just like to read what all you nice people have to say, but lately I've been feeling so confused. I decided to get a 2nd opinion from this surgeon who came from M.D Anderson in my town. Well my first visit was like heaven he was so nice and attentive, then he went over my scan and said that…