Is it always something?
My husband missed chemo last week because of an infection in his incision. I was angry with him because I thought he caused it. He has had a bump on the incision since surgery, and it always bothered him because it hits right where his pants sit. He thought it might be an ingrown hair and picked at it, and by the time we…
The Verdict is in, we have an answer.. (RE:Dear CSN Moderator - A Question)
Can you please explain to everyone what happened to the thread(s) that were started by the member mebored? It seems to have disappeared and no explanation was given. it would be VERY helpful if WE knew what happened. Thank you PS: Please let only the moderator respond to this so we get facts and not speculations. Thank you
Deodorant, Soap, Shampoo, etc.
I just found out that Walmart carries the brand "Tom's" in deodorant & soap. The deodorant is aluminum free. Are any of you using pure brands that you would recommend? Thanks.
I am going to be seeing the surg. To discuss my retal surgery, my primary mass is in the rectum and at onset was quite large, it could be easily felt with finger and it is high in the rectum and they are hopeful they can remove it, and i may or maynot have to have a temp ileoscopy, I will be having an ultra sound done next…
Is it me being dippy
Or has mebored's threads been deleted? Reason why I ask, I replied to his kicking himself for posting to this group and Donna followed me and this morning it's gone? I know we didn't say anything offensive, just said he should stick around and craig, phil and buzzard etc were genuinely nice Anyway if he's been banned then…
Off topic but liked the quote and wanted to share it
"Character may be influenced by heredity and environment, but it's determined by choice." Michael Josephson
Stealing my lines
I hear some of you have been stealing lines from some of my previous posts (ie. a$$clown). Don't make me get a copyright lawyer to start monitoring this site for plagiarism and trademark infringements.
You're ok mebored
Man, if you had a successful surgery with clean margins you should be straight. I don't think chemo is the standard treatment. At your age I wouldn't risk it. The damage it would do to you isn't worth the few % points you would gain in chances of recurrence. I know it feels terrible for you but what I've been through I…
Love y'all!
I was just reading over some of the posts and smiling at some of your cute little pictures. Just want to say that I love all of y'all. Thanks for being there for me and each other. Have a great Sunday afternoon! *hugs* Gail
having a down day
hello awesome semi's, well i am having a down day today. first i am on vacation, so i have time to think about alot of things. second had to put a quite a bit of money on my car repairs today. third have been thinking on my daughters college loans. fourth thinking about if i can ever afford to retire. fifth doctor and…
Xeloda -help
Hi all, I don't post very often, but do check the board out all the time. Quick history: hubby dx'd Jan 06 4 surgeries followed - 1st to remove a foot of the colon, 2nd to remove the remaining colon and debulking of the pertitoneal wall- ended up with an illiostomy, 3rd to remove his bladder - ended up with an illoconduit,…
New to the Board
Hi Everyone, I've been reading the posts for about a month but just recently had the courage to respond to 1 or 2. I wanted to introduce myself as I feel like I am eavesdropping on a wonderful conversation among comrads. My name is Debbie (their is another Debbie on this board so I added gramma to my name). I had my…
Hey Buzzard?
I didn't want to hijack that other topic to go this far off topic. But since we were talking tatoos... And I love the inside of the eyelids idea. But I have never told anyone here what I did this spring. http://csn.cancer.org/node/174049 Paste that into your browser. :-) The only person who had a fit was my dad. But at 47,…
hummm CEA elevated....UPDATE
I have been patiently waiting on my CEA level that was drawn last Wednesday. The last one in April was like .05 CT scan in late June was clear This one last week- the nurse just called me, was a 2.6 I know below 3 is within the "normal" range But should I be concerned that it was that much elevated since the last one? She…
Any news on mc colon and colon 2
haven't heard anything for a while. michelle
Scan tomorrow please pray!!
Scan tomorrow please pray,this is after my 5th chemo treatment. I am so anxious and nervous, I am trying to stay calm. Will not know the results until Monday. God Bless, Patti
Julie 44 Hope you are doing well
I know you had surgery yesterday so I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and praying that all went well. Please keep us posted when you get back home and are feeling better. Have a speedy recovery. Kim
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winner is PGLGreg; CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: You manufacture brain wave entrainment CDs for companies that sell self-improvement products. You are at the post office, with ten boxes of them ready to close up and ship out, but you have a problem. Nine of the boxes contain CDs that are designed…
can somebody explain
the PMing on this site? I can't seem to find the button to do that. Thanks
Treatment #12
Today is the day I have been waiting for. At 9:ooam They will hook me up for #12. I am gonna tell the nurse to hit me with her best shot, cause this is her last chance. On Wednesday they can unhook me and turn me loose. I am so glad to be finished with these 12 treatments. I hope that everyone else is having a good week…
Read my scan results..... What is uptake? I don't understand some of this
I picked up a copy of my scan today. Viewed the disk... yep... I was lost. Read the report...man, I was still a little confused. Can you tell me your take on these results? FINDINGS: All the previously described pulmonary lesions have decreased in size from the prior study. The degree of uptake (???)within these lesions is…
Hope tomorrow is chemo day
Hoping tomorrow is chemo day for my husband .... anxious about him having to miss chemo again. It looks like the infection is cleared, even though there is a small, open hole in my husband's incision. Will be happy not to have to torture him anymore by having to pack it morning and night,(hopefully), after tomorrow. Be…
Shaved head
I told someone I was going to shave my head for them. I did, unfortunately I can't remember who I said I was gonna do it for. Check my facebook page for proof.
hi, all I been reading the post from the past few days and it seems we all need a little light joy and for me that is Georgia peaches. Every year i buy GA peaches everyweek for 6 weeks from the same grower in Bishop Ga, a roadside stand, ( the only place to buy peaches) It'S about 20 minutes from my house and today my love…
# 12 in the morning
John will have #12 in the morning. I am going with him to see if I can see the first scan. I want to see it so I will be able to see the changes that the Chemo has done when they scan again. He will be changing Onc's on the 28th and I think this is a very positive move. We have heard very good things about the team of…
I think we are having a girl
My daughter (and her husband) finally made it in on Thursday. Since she is in the army I have seen her only once in two years and finally met her husband for first time. We had the ultrasound yesterday and although the legs were crossed our other daughter (ultrasound technician) said she thought it was a girl. We go back…
Has anyone heard from Kimby
Hi everyone, I am just wondering if anyone has heard from Kimby? I pm'ed her over a week ago and haven't heard anything. I hope she is still doing fine.
Hi Guys: Anybody remember us? Want to give you an update on Hop and then I have some rather bad news too. Hop is doing great. He's back to helping the boys with numerous projects ie: taking a jeep completely apart and renovating it and putting it back together with NO PARTS LEFT OVER.....LOL. He's doing almost everything…
Dad still NED
Hi everyone. Just want to let you know that my dad is still going strong. He continues to be NED three years after finishing chemo for stage IV cc. He was diagnosed almost four years ago with mets to his liver. The doctor continues to be amazed by how well my dad has done. Hope you are all doing well. I thank you for all…
VATS went well
Hi everyone! I'm back to the posting board. VATS went well for me last tuesday. The doctor went in for 3 nodules, but saw a 4th when she got in there, so of course she removed it as well. She believes to have obtained clear margins so I was glad to hear that. I was supposed to come home the next day, but ended up having to…