CP 7 Update
Increase Your Laugh Expectancy, Attend CP7!! For those that don't know. CP7 stands for Colon Palooza 7, an annual celebration for semi-colons over a long weekend where for a few days we can act like we never heard of cancer or we can talk it about with people that have "been there and done that". It always amazes me how…
Metal taste, sore throat, mouth sores - what helps?
Hi everyone! Hope you are all well today and are enjoying the weekend. Lots of rain here, but weekends are always good for me - no work! I know I have seen posts about alleviating these side affects. Anyone have any suggestions for the metal taste? My husband, Brian, said the roof of his mouth feels and tastes like metal,…
Clear Colonoscopy
Hi Everyone! Been a while since I checked in. I hope everyone is moving in the right direction (towards NED, if not already there.) Just wanted to share that my 3-year colonoscopy came back clear! Now I just need my CT scan next week to be clear & I'm good to go for another year. I'll keep you posted. Hugs, Kirsten
Liver and CEA
Hi everyone, I have a question for you all. John's CEA when he started was 25 and a month ago it was 13. I am going to find out in the morning what it was last Wednesday. What is a normal CEA? I have read so many different numbers. I asked his Onc and he said he goes more on how the person feels and not the CEA... Also…
Friday Riddle Answer
PGLGreg is the WINNER THIS WEEK :) CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I left out the clues hoping it would make the riddle that much harder, but apparently that did not help Will work on getting some more complex riddles for the future :) RIDDLE: Einstein's Riddle The story behind Einstein's riddle is that Albert Einstein created it…
Emotional Support
Guys and Gals, If you ever find that you have been through all of the posts here and want to stay on but it gets to slow on this thread...Go into the "Emotional Support" thread that is in "other" when you log into here and see all of the different talk forums...They could really use some support in there just by what I am…
New PET/CT results–one unknown
Well the good news is that did not find any definite cancer. This is the baseline PET/CT after my liver surgery this past November. The unknown is the following: Abdomen/Pelvis Impression: Interval right hepatectomy with an new 1 cm focus of increased metabolic activity within the medial segment left hepatic lobe adjacent…
Question about clinical trials at National Cancer Institute or MD Anderson or Baylor
Hello all: I have had stage 4 colon cancer for about 2 and a half years now with liver involvement. I have been on FOLFOX, FOLFIRI and Vectobix. My doctor is now suggesting I go away for a trial, either to the NCI in Maryland or to MD Anderson in Houston. I mentioned to him about going to Baylor in Dallas since I have…
shortness of breath
Hi, I'm sort of new to the board -- I've been reading it for awhile and appreciate all the information you've shared although I must admit at times it really freaks me out. I've been diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer and have just completed my 3rd Oxy, Leucovorin, 5FU treatment. The side effects are getting worse,…
Symptoms while Recouping after colonectomy
I have cramping in my lower abdomin after eating alot. Does anyone know if this happens because the smaller intestines have to take time to clean out due to the changes in the the intestines? After 7 days of cramping and one morning having a bout of 5 in a row bowel movements they seemed to go away. I am afraid something…
New member with a long story & question
Hi everyone, I have been lurking for about a week, read quite a bit and learned a lot. Now on to my Cancer diagnosis and treatment. After trying to convince myself it was only stress causing the my bowel issues, I had what most would consider a wake up call. An urgent need to go, resulting in filling the toilet with blood.…
chemo sweat
I have posted before about one of the lingering issues I have from chemo is BURNING SWEAT- and just walking out to the car can get the beads forming. Now, more issues with this sweat and was hoping someone on the board could help with suggestions. I have a horrible rash betwee breasts and under them. I have tried…
The Reading Room: New Gene Assay Predicts Risk of Colon Cancer Recurrence
New Gene Assay Predicts Risk of Colon Cancer Recurrence: Presented at ASCO Link: http://www.peerviewpress.com/new-gene-assay-predicts-risk-colon-cancer-recurrence-presented-asco#
The Reading Room: Cancer and Diet
There are discussions of cancer and diet from time to time on this board. Here is a link to an article that appeared in The Los Angeles Times today; the article discusses the many health benefits (including anti-cancer benefits) of healthy eating. The second link takes you to The Cancer Project. This organization has been…
Information is Power
Hi, Three weeks ago my wife, Sarah, was diagnosed with colon cancer, metastacized to liver and lungs (stage 4). Surgery was not an option until tumors are shrunk. She just finished her first round of the Folfox treatment. Yesterday she had a colonoscopy during which the doc tried unsucessfully to remove the large mass…
There is HUMOR in everything
Went to SS office thursday to apply for disability, NO WATER, NOTHING TO DRINK OR YOUR CELL PHONE ALOUD IN THAT BUILDING. I will more than likely get, but no SSI we are just not poor enough for that, I guess being out of work, broke and having cancer is not poor enough!!! maybe if they subtract $50 from my non income for…
Today is John(snommintj)'s birthday,let's say Happy birthday to him.
Hi John, have a happy birthday!
Hi, Elizabeth is having surgery today and is in for a lengthy recovery, she and her family could use some prayer's! Much Love, Christine
Hair Dye
Ok need advice from the ladies here (unless the gents know something about hair dye) I know this topic has been disccused before, but I'm just wondering has anyone dared to use normal hair colour products like clarol etc, instead of vegetable dyes. I tried using vegetable dye and my white hair is still showing help! Also…
mucinous adenocarcinoma of the Appendix- Stage 1V
My husband was diagnosed -Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the Appendix in Nov. 07. His chemo is Oxaliplatin every 3 weeks and daily 4,000mgs. of Xeloda[14 on,7off]. He has completed his 5th round of Oxy. Recent CT showed no improvement. We will be going for consult on the 25th to discuss what we will try next. We already tried…
lung met study
I just got his from Jennifer W. , who is speaking at a Liver symposium in Denver, Research Reports In a Japanese study, long term outlook was excellent when all lung tumors that had spread from a colorectal cancer were completely removed surgically (R0 resection). Nearly 7 out of 10 patients (67.8 percent) were alive five…
our update and follow up plan
Hello everyone I rarely post, but I read every day. I appreciate all the information I have received here, and the support I get when I do post! Just as an update: My husband was diagnosed in December with stage IIIb colon cancer (large tumor in sigmoid, 1 of 26 lymphnodes positive). He had been misdiagnosed with crohn's…
Holy Crap! What did I miss?
Man I missed out! Everybody is talking smack and deleting posts and responses to posts, apologizing and regretting they apologized. WTF!? Somebody pleases fill me in! I love this board! We're all stuck in the same big pile of SH1T and we're all pissed off, we're all tough as nails, and we'll not allow anyone to tell us…
Well, I'm back from my family cruise. What a wonderful trip! We got phenominal rates and had a big garage sale to pay for it. I would sell everything I own to have that experience! We took my 3 sons (the yougest turned 18 while we were gone), the oldest's fiancee, and my mom. We spent 3 days in New Orleans and 5 days on…
The picture is good lots of beautiful hair. michelle
My husband just got his first PET scan done and although everyone we're working knows we have a 2 year old and infant twins, it wasn't until he was walking out the door after the scan that they told him "By the way, you're radioactive so stay about 6 feet away from babies for 4-6 hours." WHAT?!? Apparently one of the life…
Remission vs NED, how to explain?
I've had two people this week ask me if I am 'in remission'. Both are highly educated people and I don't want to offend. Since I was Stage III and all cancer was removed during surgery, I am NOT in remission. Remission loosely means 'no disease activity of a chronic, incurable condition'. Have you found a way to explain…
The ANSWER Has Finally Arrived - A Sundance Update (CRAIG)
Good Evenin’ Dear Semi Colons; Well, I must tell you, it was a real whirlwind of “activity” last week on the Board. You could just feel the “buzz” of life going on around us as several of us had tests and scan results that were happening. Sheri/luv3jay started things off with her VATS surgery last week and I hope she is…
The Reading Room - A New View, After Diagnosis - Wall Street Journal
This article from the Wall Street Journal was printed in July. It is a good one. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB20001424052970203547904574276434196118914.html
An update on Hubby
Well surgery is almost 2 weeks old and hubby is finally starting to get back to normal. Surgery was long and the hospital stay was hell - a few complications that scared the hell out of both of us...But we are really ok - good news - lymph nodes were clean, tumor is out - took more than we originally thought - but it is…