started chemo and have questions
Well, I had my first chemo day yesterday. I am getting oxaliplatin, leucovorin, 5-fu (pump for 44 hours), today I go back for the Leucovorin. No real side effect yet except the cold sensitive thing. Does this all sound right? They said maybe only 2 cycles. I go every other week. Does anyone know waht a cycle is? I am in…
Started on Fluorouracil (5-FU) today and I have to say I'm surprised.
I read how some people have had real bad side effects from their treatment and so I’m really surprised that things have gone so well so far. There really have been zero side effects. Of course, this is just the first treatment and things can change. My treatments will be once a week for six weeks and then two weeks off and…
The Reading Room: FDA says Glaxo vaccine blocks cancer-causing virus
Weight Loss During Chemo
I am wondering if you all have any tips on combating weight loss during chemo? Mom is on an every-other-week regime and has a hard time eating much during her chemo weeks and can't seem to quite make up for that during the second week. Two questions: 1) Is it normal to lose weight during chemo? 2) Any ideas on how we can…
Question for those of you with multiple mets...
Hi everyone, Well, I'm currently on my 3rd treatment - a clinical trial for a MEK inhibitor. My cc progressed through both FOLFOX and FOLFIRI+Avastin. My oncologist said that if I stopped all treatment and "went on vacation" I'd maybe have a year left. So, needless to say, we've been desperate for new opinions. I've…
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET ALLOWED ! GOOD LUCK :) RIDDLE: A small zoo had just mammals and birds. When asked how many of each they had, the zoo keeper said he had a total of 54 animals with a 140 feet total between them all. Assuming all the animals had all the feet they should have, how many birds and how many…
Has anyone heard from maglets lately
I worry when one of our friends is silent and I haven't seen Mags on a post for ages, Ron.
H1N1 Flu Season
Hey everyone, it has been a while since I posted. I have been dealing with my brother, he has lost sight in the left eye, hearing in the left ear, dizzy spells,vomiting,and bad headaches. I'm taking him today for a MRI of the brain, doc thinks he has a tumor. The bad part is he has no insurance. I hope the doc is wrong.…
Having major difficulty sleeping after diagnosis
I can't get to sleep.....can't stay asleep...cancer is always on my mind. I worry with every ache & pain. I was diagnosed with Stage IIB colon cancer in January. It was removed along with 10" of my sig. colon in February 09. No limp nodes were affected and the cancer had not gotten outside the colon. The first oncologist…
I am sooo sleepy
Why can't I sleep. I've already taken a 12.5 Ambien CR and an .5 Ativan. I've tried counting, relaxing, writing stuff down I'm thinking about. Now what???? Debbie
Looking for Annabelle41415
Kim, Just checking on you. How are you doing? Everything ok?
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question.
The news seems full of stories about purported preparations underway to address this year's flu season. Those stories seem to have added urgency this year given the H1N1 virus' possible onslaught. I'm interested to know if any of you have heard anything from your oncologists (or other physicians, for that matter) about the…
ostomy reversal on sept 22.
I am so excited to get this reversal. I know there will be other issues to deal with after, but I am redy to have my ileostomy gone. We were going to wait to the end of chemo to do it, but we decided yesterday that now would be a good time. I have had the ostomy for 3 months and so that is 3 mths with no muscle use( I have…
Question about symptoms
Hi Everyone. I read your posts daily and am glad to be able to come here to all of you for support. My husband Jimmy was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer in April 2004. He had surgery in May 2004 (no colostomy). He has 2 more treatments of CPT-11 and 5FU left and completed 6 weeks of chemo-radiation post surgery.…
MRI results
Hi, Had MRI Monday, Results are good/bad, I have not talked to the DOCs yet but this is what i think they mean. Liver tumor has shrunk from 3.4 cm to 2.4cm, but what does this sentence mean," This demonstrates mixed increased as well as isointense signal on T2 weighted imaging" Recal findings read Lesion in proximal rectum…
A question reviewed.......
I have a colonoscopy this Thursday and I have an ostomy at the sigmoid...I think that I got a response before but I need to know others opinion about how they go through the prep part of it. Im not really sure about what to expect and how to deal with it in a healthful manner...Thanks...
which pads are good for stool incontinence.
Not a topic that is easy to talk about, but after all that we have been through, I guess no question should be embarassing. I am wanting to get prepared for whatever supplies I will need after my reversal. I have no rectum, so expecting some incontence. Are there any pads that are better than others for stool. Kinda feel…
Hi Vicki! Checking up on you! I know you had your dilation last week. How did it go? I hope you're hanging in there, and i hope the dilation was a success! Hugs, Krista
Krista how ya doing? Hope you're feeling ok.
SOS (Save our Sarah)
Hi, First of all, thank goodness for these discussion boards. It's heartwarming to see people helping people. Quick background: About a month ago my wife (Sarah, age 50) was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer with mets to liver (40%) and lungs. She's finished two rounds of Folfox. I have a couple questions: 1. How to…
Good or Bad?
I went in for Round 6 today but didn't get it. My Onc met with me and told me he was going to change my Chemo from FOLFOX to Xeloda. My husband and I were shocked. I thought it was great to hear at first (no IV chemo and no take home pump). Now, I am getting concerned. What are the side effects of Xeloda? Also, the IV…
I'm damaged goods, but I'm back
Hey,guys. Thanks for all the good comments. Unfortunately, I didn't get to read them until today, because I ended up being in the hospital from Friday until today. Right after I posted the message about being in such pain, I called my doctor's office back, and they said to come in right away, and then my doctor sent me…
OK need a kick up the back side thinking stupid thoughts!
.lts 1am in England cant sleep as per usual lm mailing from my phone so apologize for spelling errors etc.lm stage 3c cancer had tumor and infected lymph nodes removed in march then ivf which failed now from june undergoing chemo.recently been diagnosed with severe deppression panic and anxiety disorder.had depression…
Serrana doing fine after lung surgery
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share the news that I got an email from Serrana this evening, saying she's doing fine after her lung surgery (which she had last Monday). She is weak, but resting quietly and, best of all, she is now considered to have no evidence of disease following this surgery (NED!!) I'm sure we'll…
cancer survivors
My wife pass away 01/29/08 from colon cancer. We fought it since 05/02. Liver resections, lungs mets and than brain tumors. When I read your posts it brings back the memories. I pray everyday for a cure. As a caregiver to your spouse you really find out how much love means. We were married 34 years. I met a wonderful…
port removed
I went to see surgeon yesterday to discuss having port removed. He said they would do it with local anesthetic and it would be over quickly. Has anyone else had theirs removed with just a local. If they put you to sleep to put it in, looks like they would put you to sleep to take it out. He told me they could if I wanted…
changes in treatment after rxn with oxy.
Hi everyone, I had a rxn to the oxyplatin yesterday where I needed doses of benadryl and steroids... Wondering if this happened to any of you before and what did you do when treatment resumed. Did you just get pre-medicated with more meds to prevent rxn or have a lower dose. etc.. any info appreciated. Thanks Petrina
The Reading Room: My Brain on Chemo
This is (I think) a wonderfully-written and wonderfully-encouraging perspective on life after a cancer diagnosis. Link: NY Times: My Brain on Chemo: Alive and Alert Hatshepsut
Surgery on Sep 2,request prayers and good vibes
Hi dear all,my husband's rectal surgery is scheduled on September 2(Next Wednesday).With time getting close,we feel a little nervous.So I request prayers and good vibes.I hope my husband's surgery will be done succefully and there is no complications after surgery.Anyway prayers and good vibes will be appreciative.Thank…
chemo and question about ct report
I start chemo on Thursday, I am a little nervous. Had my port put in on Friday. I went to Miami for consult and did not really like the Doctor. He was very "full of himself". They did a CT scan with contrast and said they saw the single mass on liver(of which I knew) and a unidentified area on right lung that needs further…