Just found out Mom has stage 4 rectal cancer
Hi everyone. I am new on here and came to this site for some support. My mom, my best friend, was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer 2 weeks ago. Today she got the results of the CT scan from the oncologist and the cancer has spread to the liver (3 spots, 1 on right and 2 on the left) so I am assuming she is stage 4. We…
My Oncologist recommends that I stop chemo.
Due to a perforated diverticulitis that landed me in the hospital, my Oncologist has said the chemo (Fluorouracil) could cause another perforation that could lead to emergency colon surgery and since I’m Stage IIA I should stop the chemo. I’m a little more than half ways through the Roswell Parks regiment, in which I was…
Thank you for your purchases of Colon Cancer Bracelets
Hi Everyone, I want to thank all of you who purchased the blue Colon Cancer Bracelets. I sent a check to the American Cancer Society for $50.00 and one to the Colon Cancer Alliance for $50.00 today. Thank you for your support. I still have 15 bracelets left if anyone wants to buy one (laddavis@bellsouth.net). This will…
Does anyone have any tricks to combat the side effects of Neulasta? It used to take 24 hours for them to set in. Now they start withing 3 hours of the shot. My bones hurt, but mostly the ones in my face. I also feel severe flue like symptoms for 3 days. Does anyone know of anything to relieve it, other than the pain…
Okay, I will try and condense this....Went to Dr.with pain, sent me for a Ct, it showed swelling in the area between the lung and liver. The Dr. asked me to go check into ER and have a Thorocentisis done in that area. It did say that the findings were malignant cells in the fluid in this area. They do feel that it is…
Anyone have testing done through Response Genetics?
Hi, I've had some genetic testing done in the past, as many of us here on the board have. In Sept. 2009, my onc requested some further tests be done through the Response Genetics Lab. Nothing happened- the onc tried to track it & it came back as if the request had never been made. This has happened twice more & my own…
2bHealed question: modified citrus pectin
2bHealed, I ordered the modified citrus pectin to add to my juicing regiment and tried it last night for the first time. It was not pleasant. I have had all sorts of tough flavors in my juice (kale, broccoli rabe, cabbage) and can usually get it all down with no problems. I added a TB of pectin to my juice last night and…
My clinical trial update
After 8 treatments of the clinical trial chemo, today I have my second CT scan. The result looks very good. The nodules in my lung are stable. No evidence of interval growth or new nodules. The lesions in my liver are smaller as compared to the previous CT scan done 5 weeks ago. The bigger lesions decrease about 30% in…
Blood clots
I was wondering if anyone developed blood clots when diagnosed with Colon Cancer? Last April when my husband had his first colonoscopy and we found out he had colon cancer, the surgeon wanted to operate immediately, because of 3 tumors, but instead, luckily ordered tests first. Ct and chest xray showed blood clots in both…
things automagically happened
We just got back from a week at Disney (WDW). What a blast! We stayed at the Boardwalk Inn. Weather was perfect and the parks we picked every day had very few people. We stayed in Magic Kingdom till 2 am on Sunday night (the night we arrived). NO lines - totally cool. The BEST part? Well, I'll put it this way - I got a…
Louann is home
Sorry to have caused any worry for any of you. I have been feeling bad for a few weeks and the pain just got worse. My ONC did more lab on the 24th and called and said for me to go to the ER . Once there they did alot of blood work and a MRI that found a small tumor in my blie duct in my liver. They than did a live action…
2nd update on chris
Thanks everyone for all your support.. Last night about 3 took a hard turn. Chris began swelling in his stomach and began throwing up. His white count has dropped low, they put a NG tube in him, a pick line for food and did a xray.. He now has a bowel obstruction. Not sure at this point what it even means. As I write this…
Half-way there!
I am half-way done (6th dose) with my FOLFOX regimen. No real problems to speak of. I don't even get nauseated anymore. I still have to deal with the constipation, but I've kinda learned how to get ahead of that one. I still get my neuropathy right after, but it disappears about 4 days after I'm disconnected. Most of you…
Eleven down
JUST ONE MORE TO GO!!!! I'm going to make it! (No oxy for the last one though - I'm going to refuse it.)
The Colorectal Cancer Coalition (C3) is asking people on Tuesday, March 30,
to call their congressperson to urge passage of legislation creating a National Colorectal Screening Program....Check:Coveryourbutt.org......phone:1-866-615-3375.......steve
Went Over Scan Results with Onc Today.....WOW!
Finally.... the day I have been waiting for.... So my Onc could explain all the results from CT, MRI, and PET/CT. As most of you know I was declared NED in December, 2009 and then taken off drip and put on Xeloda with Avastin. The scan show..........DRUMROLL..... I am STILL NED!!!!!!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!!! omg...I have…
For those of you that don't know what kudzu is, good for you. For the rest of us in the south, it is a nightmare. It was introduced to the US in the early 20th century. It was considered an ornamental plant for the first few decades, then during the depression, FDR and the Dept of agriculture decided to plant it all over…
Those with Stage 2 might be interested in item at curetoday.com
about a test for recurrence that is becoming available which may also help determine post-surgery Tx, called the Oncotype DX test......steve
CRAIG Havent seen any updates on what has been going on with you ? I am hoping you have got some good news please let us know I have been concerned about you you have been a real inspiration to me and a lot of others Sheri22
I think(know) I am depressed. I go to work only because I have to. But can't wait to get back home. I just want to sit at home. I haven't even done our taxes yet. I am afraid we are going to have to pay and that will just be one more bill to worry about. I guess that is the bottom line. SO MANY BILLS!! Sorry about this but…
Staph infection in port
I've never had chemo since I was Stage I, but I'm wondering if anyone has had a staph infection in their port. One of my colon cancer friends from church had a wedge resection of two spots on her lung in January. She has had a recurrence of two inoperable lung tumors, one wrapped around her airway. She was originally…
I got the call to confirm liver resection on the 6th, this coming tuesday!! I am scared and excited at the same time. I will be having the entire right lobe removed. The surgeon said he feels vergood about it, that it is major but very do able. All of you liver resectioners, can you tell me what to kinda expect?? Will I…
lcarper2 surgery for stint today
Louann's friend said the doctors found a very small and inoperable tumor in her liver and are putting in a stint to release the bile this afternoon. She's still yellow, in a lot of pain and very itchy. Louann doesn't have computer access at the hospital.
Who is going??? to the Palooza
Just curious as to who might be going. I am excited getting to meet some of the great people I have been talking to for years now. I am so excited. Going to call tomorrow and reserve my room.. OKay roll call on you is going???
sister in law- stage 4- update & questions...
Hello, I posted "New to boards, Need direction, Stage IV, Long post" at the beginning of March (on March 2nd I believe), and would like to ask a few more questions, and also say thank you ladies and gents for the amazing input, insight and response. I appreciate it! We took my sister in law to MD Anderson, ER two weekends…
Happy B-DAY to all the APRIL Babies
I only have one April B-Day on my list, but that does not matter. HAPPY B-DAY TO ALL THE APRIL (spring) BABIES Kathrun_in_MN (Kathryn) - 09 April If you would like to become part of the B-Day List, please provide me with the following info: Birthday (month, day & year) Date of DX (month, day & year), and if NED (month, day…
Hi everybody,I haven't written anything here since long time ago which my mom started folfiri after liver resection!Now she finished third one and because of sever diarrhea and weight reduction the onco gave her 2 weeks rest. But can anybody help me to know what is the normal dosage of Fofiri for a person 50 kg?because as…
Possible colectomy
I didn't think I would ever be back to this site, but here I am. I was diagnosed with colon cancer 7 years ago. I had a colonoscopy today and "there was an ulcerated area at 15cm with polyploid features." A biopsy was taken, so I obviously don't know yet if it was cancerous. I am to consider subtotal/total colectomy. I…
Problems with port removal
I had my port removed February 26th. In my opinion it has been slow in healing. Still kind of 'raw' feeling and looking. Today I discovered a bump about the size of a pea on the left side of sutures. I think it is the same location where I could feel the tubing when the port was still in. Anyone else have this happen and…
New here, Dad with stage 4
I am new here. My dad was diagnoses in Jan of '10 with stage 4 CC. My family and I are kinda lost and drained with this news. He has been on chemo now since Feb. and is going in for his third on this coming wednesday. Dr. said "statisticlly" people in his position only see 20 to 24 months. We refuse to be another…