OK, I have asked a lot of serious questions and thanks again for all the responses, but I have one not so serious question now that needs to be answered. Before I knew about my recurrence, my husband and I paid for our family's first vacation ever! We are supposed to leave June 11 and return June 18. We were planning to…
Changing/Mannie gone home
Hi,just a note to say my husband Mannie (changing) went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Feb 28th.Just want to thank each of you for your input and support over the years. I know he never posted a picture but you could get a peek of the most humble and talented person I've ever known. See…
Raw Food Lecture - And Pass the Plate....
I went to a Raw Food lecture in NYC the other night that was touted as "Hear Author Brenda Cobb's Inspiring Personal Story of Healing Cancer without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation and the relationship of high vibration energy and healing". They held it in a nice restaurant on the city over by the Flatiron Building. I…
One more Gluten question
I know many on here have gone Gluten free. I have had many symptoms of Gluten intolerance in my past so I too am "experimenting" with this concept. I was wondering how long it took you to notice any differences in your system? I have gone just over a week with no "obvious" gluten in my diet. I'm not buying everything…
Hip/leg pain from radiation?
I know we've talked about this before, but any advice is appreciated. I've had (worsening) hip, butt, and upper leg (inner thighs) pain since about a month from end of radiation treatment. When I saw my radiation oncologist, it wasn't that bad. Now, it's much worse. It interferes with some Pilates positions/moves and it is…
Will I Finally
did it. I got my first tatoo on Saturday and it wasn't as painful as I thought, and my pain threshold is NOT high. The only time it was really bothersome was when she would go over the same spot a few times. I got the Blue Colon Cancer Ribbon on my right shoulder with survivor on one of the ribbon arms. My husband was very…
Hypec surgery???
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed in November of 08 with stage 4 colorectal cancer I've had two surgeries. One to debulk cancer in the periteneal area and one to do a bowel resection. I've since had a colostomy bag. I would like to know if anybody has considered the Hypec surgery? I had been cancer free since my surgeries until…
Update - Surgery date set
My surgeon performed a laparoscopy, and the results have changed the surgery plan again. After the CT, MRI, PET and colonoscopy, showed such good results, we thought the surgery might not be very extensive. But during the laparoscopy, Dr. Shen found 5 mets in my peritoneal lining. They did not show up on any of the scans,…
Brooks/Molly the Owl
Thanks a lot Brooks, now I am officially hooked on that site. Last night came home from work, fired up the laptop, and I had Molly on the laptop, on the dining room table, full screen, hacking away at that rabbit, while we ate dinner. Tina
UNDY 5000
Hey all. anyone ever heard of the Undy 5000? It is a 5k run and a 1k walk to raise awarness of colon cancer. Apparently they do it in a few cities around the country, this was the second year in St Louis. People run/walk in their underwear (dont worry they wear them over sweats if they are too reavealing lol) to raise…
adhesion pain??
HI everyone, hope someone can help me and provide some info. I had a resection in june with a ileostomy, ileostomy takedown in sept and had a bowel obstruction requiring surgery in jan. I went back to work a month ago, I work 12 hr shifts. I started having abdominal tenderness, blamming it on muscle use and increase in…
“The Road to Ruin” – At the Financial Crossroads – A Sundance Update
The sign up ahead said “Rest Stop.” So, I thought I would pull over and talk to you again this morning. You know, I just really need someone to talk to today…I hope you have a minute? Well, maybe more than a minute…some of you know how I am :) Lots of things have been rollin’ around my head lately and I’ve been wrestling…
Friday Thought of the Day
“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” ~ Mary Byrant
Colon Palooza 8
Hope we have tons of people. We have a blast when we get together! This is a dedicated booking website for Colon Paloosa 8 so you can make, modify and cancel hotel reservations online, as well as take advantage of any room upgrades, amenities or other services offered by the hotel. If you want to call the hotel to make…
bad reaction to chemo and radiation
Hello All, Just wanted to know if anyone experienced what my mother is going through. She originally was diagnosed with rectal cancer due to her rectum being blocked. When they did surgery for a colostomy bag and took a biopsy of the tumor, the pathology came back that it was ovarian cancer. So she received chemo therapy…
ittapp UPDATE on Patti
This update was posted this afternoon on Prayers for Patti. Please continue the prayers.. all needed and appreciated! Patti is still in the hospital, doing better but still in pain from the procedure, scan and chemo this week if all goes as planned, will hopefully be home soon. Prayers for Patti group
What a difference no aspirin has made
I have taken one full strength aspirin daily for years. I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and it has always helped to keep it in check. We have all read, daily aspirin folks have better outcomes so it made good sense to keep it up. Both my colon and primary doctor said as long as I was not having problems to keep it up.…
MD Anderson-need referral
Anyone out there being treated at MD Anderson and can give us the name of your oncologist? My sister is struggling right now. I am not sure MD has any "new" answers but right now, she really needs help and we feel she is not getting a "whole" approach. She is in terrible pain, has trouble eating and keeping weight on and…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: There's a body lying dead on a bed, and on the floor beside it is a pair of scissors. The scissors were instrumental in his death, yet there's no trace of blood. The body reveals no signs of any cuts or bruises. How could the person have been murdered with the pair of scissors? ANSWER: The scissors cut a hole in…
Hey everybody, I've been through 3 rounds of folfox, folfiri + avastin, and have been on avastin for 9 months. I'm now stage 4 with mets to lungs. I don't want to do the pump anymore so I told my Onc I would do the pills(xeloda). I know the side effects of 5fu but was wondering whether the pills were easier or tougher than…
We need some serious advice and information/Serious Recurrence
I had to take my husband back to the hospital yesterday. This is his 6th hospitalization since late November.He has developed a new fistula. In the process of diagnosing that, the CT scan revealed some aggressive growth (doubling) over the last month of a tumor at his abdominal wall. The surgeon doesn't want to operate…
Hello--New Here
I am new here, so I guess I should introduce myself and start with my colon cancer story. I’m 59, married, no kids but 3 dogs, and a high school special education teacher. I’ve enjoyed training my dogs in agility (which I think I read that someone else here does?) but at the moment I’m not doing any training—I hope to get…
my brother and his brush with polyps
My brother, age 47, had his first colonoscopy over a month ago. They found several, one large, one medium. Being a Vet and getting the exam at a Vet hospital, the word on the biopsy took fcrever. Like over a month. Nothing like taking care of our vets eh? Anyway they did find the polyps were adenomas, which if left will…
Sugar content in foods
I read this recently as was pretty surprised at the sugar content of some drinks and food ( I love the CPK salad): Refined sugars and high-fructose corn syrup are considered by many experts to be the biggest contributors to obesity and poor health in Western civilization. In her book What To Eat, Marion Nestle, professor…
What's for dinner?
Brooks does this on Facebook every day. Thought I'd find out what YOU'RE having tonight. We had red peppers, asparagus, portabella mushrooms (sauteed in olive oil) and steamed shrimp over whole wheat pasta topped with a sauce made from the aspargus 'water', a spritz of lemon with 5 cloves of garlic and 1 tsp cornstarch. It…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO GOOGLING or SEARCHING the Internet allowed and GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: There's a body lying dead on a bed, and on the floor beside it is a pair of scissors. The scissors were instrumental in his death, yet there's no trace of blood. The body reveals no signs of any cuts or bruises. How could the…
Question about CEA
From whom did you guys found out what was your CEA before surgery? My primary physician does not have it in the pre-op lab ordered by the surgeon, do you think they could have done the test in the hospital just before surgery? if so, will the surgeon be the one to have the results in his records? if anyone could tell me…
Chemo #24 - hopefully the last
Hi All, I'm sitting in the chemo room with **** right now as he gets his 24th and hopefully last chemo. He should have finished 10 days ago but his step father passed away and we flew to Boston to be with family. After that we flew to Kona and stayed in our friends' beautiful home for a few days. In the midst of all of…
Pray for John and Adrian
John updated his Caring Bridge site and said he is in horrible pain even with the nerve block treatment. The last nerve block lasted only 24 hours. He's pretty much 'home bound' due to pain. Adrian's 500 lb heart brought in $50,000 for charity and is on display downtown San Francisco. :-) ♥ Please lift them up in thoughts…
Have you seen Molly the Owl?
If you want to see something kind of cool? go look at Molly the Owl and her 2 babies Max and Pattison. The story is= This guy down here in San Marcos, Ca got a Owl Box and hooked up a camera in it so he could see if any Owls come. Go check it out. HUNTER AND I ARE HOOKED!! http://www.ustream.tv/theowlbox BROOKS