Anybody had these? Eloxatin/ Oxaliplatin- Fluorouracil (5FU) Leucovorin - Avastin (Bevacizumab)-
Start chemo on Monday and this is the list of drugs the doctor gave me. He told me I shouldn't have any problems other than sensitivity to cold. Anything else I should look for? Don't want to fight any demons that won't be there, but I still worry.
Five a day does not ward off cancer?
Fruit and veg has 'modest effect' on cancer risk 10 hours 51 mins ago Research on almost 500,000 people found eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day (about 400g) had little effect on cancer risk, as did eating more or fewer portions. While there is evidence of a "small" protective effect of fruit and…
chemo side effects
Hey, folks. I'm new to this site. I want to ask how the chemotherapy effects folks. I'm not sure I want to go through with the treatments.
If there is something other than Chemo?
I just returned from my regular exam. CEA 2 weeks ago went up again, from 60 in Nov.08, to 200. It is more then 2yrs now as it is started to rise after being 2.5 yrs NED. CT scans, including the last one in Nov.08, still not showing significant progression though. Multiple spots, surgery is out of question. In my case CEA…
Xeloda feet
This week has been so nice. I finally have some positive energy and have been working in my garden a little bit.It really helps with stress, anxiety, as well as weight gain. This morning at 3:00 AM I woke up with my feet on fire and it felt like they were cracking all up.Have been walking on toes like a baby just learning…
It's All Over--Finally!
I started chemotherapy (FOLFOX) back in September, and today I finally finished the 12th and last treatment! It's been a long time and I'm so glad to be done. I had to have a few postponements because of low WBC and then platelets, which is why it's taken longer than 6 months. At the treatment center this morning the chemo…
Patti's Care Page link
Here's the link to Patti's care pages. Her family is updating it regularly for her. Patti's page click here
Termination of Health Insurance
Hoping someone can give me a bit of advise as far as my legal rights are concerned. I've been working in the same job now for 2 years and was provided health insurance through my employer. I just found out my PET was good but I have to follow up with a Bone Scan to see if its side affects from the Neulasta in my bones. And…
Treatment Choices: The Middle Path
Being diagnosed with cancer is devastating. It is as if the doctor’s words hang suspended and echoing in the air for hours when he speaks those dreaded words: “You have cancer.” Experience has taught me (as my husband’s caregiver) that it can be equally devastating to navigate one’s way through the labyrinth of treatment…
Failed Chemo
I was receiving 5-FU,avastin, leucovorin oxiliplatin (6 rounds only) and a phase one trial drug apomab.The treatments stopped working as my last scan showed progression of the cancer. My onc is starting me on Irinotecan and Vectibix, if I'm k-ras negative on April 21. I'm just looking for information on how other people…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet for the answer and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Subtract 5 from me to get a perfect square. Rearrange the square of me to get a perfect square. Divide me by 3 to get a prime number. Divide me by 7 to get a prime number. What number am I?
Patti's children
Patti's children and HER dog Patti and her husband have these photos open on Facebook for anyone to see so I felt it would be okay to share. The pictures of her children haunt me.... keep me awake at night thinking of them without their precious mother. Get well soon Patti!
pattis brother Jeff here
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that Patti has had a stroke, ..she has movement in her left leg and left arm.she is responding to us, shes just sleeping a whole lot right now ..please keep the prayers coming she needs all of you ....shes 42 years old diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer almost a year now…
Thought of the Day
“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Signet Ring Tumor
Does anyone have or had a primary tumor that presented as the rare signet ring type? Catherine
Allergy to CT dye
Hi everyone, We went to Loyola today for a second opinion on my husband who has stage IV with mets to the liver. He had surgery three weeks ago and was told liver surgery was off the table because of the location of the lesions. Unfortunately because he has a reaction to the dye used in the scans, they did the last few…
body odor
I stink. 22+ months NED and I can't get a handle on my BO I take a shower every morning- I use a anti-bacterial soap and MITCHIUM deodorant I wash my hair every morning I put on clean clothes and by noon I stink. Like I have been at the gym sweating up a storm, underarm reeking stinking- but I haven't just at work,…
1st onc. appointment since Nove.
My husband sees his oncologist for the first time since November after he received his last chemo treatment. Not sure what testing will be done, I hope a CEA blood work, but if his onc doesn't schedule a CT scan, would it be wrong to ask for one? Just getting very nervous now. Any help with questions or suggestions would…
Well, I don't know how I missed realizing this is going to be such a big week for me. I had my mammogram today, and I'm anxious for those results. Ever since the scare a couple of years ago, I fear the dreaded call. And then I came home and checked the calendar and realized I have bloodwork on Friday and an appointment…
Goodbye to my old friend Leaky
Goodbye to my old friend Leaky As they say… All good things must come to a end. I know that over the last 8 months we have became close friends but it is truly time to say our goodbyes. But before you go I wanted to say thank you for being there for me when I really needed you. You did a wonderful job and I would have…
From Folfox to Folfiri - Need Advice Please
I need some advice please. I was just switched from Folfox to Folfiri. Has anyone else been switched this way? I have had 8 treatments of Folfox, and just when I was feeling good about how I was handling all of the side effects, BOOM, they are switching me. (thanks again Craig for the tip about magnesium sulphate, but…
EMERGENGY prayers needed for ittapp!! Stroke!!
Patti had a stroke on Monday. I'll add more info as soon as I know more. Her best friend said to please pray for Patti, the family and her friends.
Probiotic fad
The after the colonoscopy I had last week my bowels were just not working like normal. My wife decided that I needed some Probiotic help. When you have been married forever, you learn to throw them a bone every now and then just to keep peace in the home. Her logic was I had flushed all my bacteria out with the colonoscopy…
newly diagnosed recurrent colon cancer with liver and lung mets
Recently diagnosed(at larger teaching university) with mets to liver and lung. Onc suggests chemo with no further treatment options at this time. Less than 25% of liver involved with 4 small nodules to lungs. Has anyone else been given this treatment option and had success with keeping their cancer under control? We have…
Since this is my 5th cancer surgery, I didn't know which subject to start with. I am a survivor and am still working way past retirement....I have been diagnosed with the genetic mutation gene. Finaly after 20 years, because of our family history the last hospital said .. you need to be tested for the mutation. Had I known…
Just saying
O.K. it is 2:44 am here and I am awake. I got a call from my Dad yesterday, he is 83. His wife was diagnosed with severe dementia about a week ago and my Dad called yesterday because he does not know if he can take care of her anymore. She was washing her hair blow dryer with the spray nozzle and the hair dyer was plugged…
Riddle Me This- Oncologist Not sure of treatment plan after my resection???!!! WTF???
So, my Onc calls me back - I left her a message about re-starting chemo as per Dr. Fong, who did my liver resection a few weeks ago. He suggested 3-6 months, same chemo as I was on. Onc states (once again) that I hae her stumped - that there is NO STANDARD OF CARE after a liver resection. Can that be true??? the oncology…
Patti's update
Hello all, looks like I have a recurrance in the plueral effusion area, It is from the same colon cancer, I guess all of that waiting with no chemo to have the sir spheres left me out there with no protection and this is what has happened. I was in the hospital for 5 days draining that area and they packed it with talc.…
PET Wednesday
Hello Friends, I know most of you are asleep now so you will get this Wednesday. If you could please say a prayer or send out a positive thought for **** today that would be great. He has his PET today and we should know results on Thursday. To recap, his last scan in December 2009 showed 1 lymph node still lighting up but…
Scan Update
Well, what a day!! I go in for scan results and chemo and end up in hospital having fluid drained from the base of right lung ( between the lung and liver) pleura area I think. The scan report read that my tumors looked larger and I had fluid. Onc. did not know why the tumors looked larger, wanted the IR to look at it…