I would like to make contact with anyone who has had a reaction to chemo which I describe as 'Chattering Teeth Syndrome'. This is important to me as the medical personel at the Cancer centre I attend in Perth, Western Australia, have never heard of it or come accross this side effect. I have Mucanous Adenocarcinoma Stage…
Thanks to the postings on this board I have just set up a consult with Dr. Chung at Memorial Sloan-Kettering in NYC to discuss more aggressive treatment options. I'm receiving my primary care here in New Hampshire and had my colon resection and upcoming Therashpere treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Florida. While my care to…
tumor boards to discuss cases of cancer
I have not seen anyone on these message boards mention anything about having their "cancer treatment" discussed by a tumor board. I have colon cancer with mets to lungs & "possibly" liver. I go to Penn State Hershey oncology center in Pa. Each cancer has its own set of physicians here & after the colon Dr. read my CT scans…
perifosine trial open?
For those of you looking into clinical trials, the phase III perifosine trial looks like it is finally open. This drug showed a lot of promise in the phase II trials, and is worth looking at: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01097018?term=perifosine&rank=37 The drug should work for many different types of genotypes…
Questions to colostomates who lift weights
I'd been lifting most of my life since early teens, lost it all in the past year and a half, end chemo within a few weeks and would like to get back into lifting, which surgeon said I could do. Started recently with 3 lb DB using right arm only (as picc is in left arm); "muscle memory", for those who are familiar with…
Roche/Xeloda offering discount on co-pay
Hi everyone. I got a call from my pharmacist today telling me that my Xeloda was ready to be sent out to me. He said" I believe I have found a way for you to save money on your co-pay". He goes on to tell me about a card Roche sent out and if I would call and give Roche the info...an ID# and Rx group# to activate it then…
Spring Break
Just wanted to let you know that our oldest son, Scott (39 in July) and our 7 year old grandson, Jackson, will be arriving either late Sunday night or Monday morning for a long (8 or 9 days) spring break. We've got Braves tickets and are going to climb Stone Mountain and spend the day at that park. Loads of fun things…
List of Current Studies seeking participants
Someone took the time to find these on another forum and I thought we might have a member needing this info! Gemzar info MEK/PI3K inhibitors: biologic IGF receptor targets Advanced, Refractory Solid Tumors This study is currently recruiting participants. FOLFIRI in Combination With AMG 479 or AMG 655 vs FOLFIRI in…
What EXACTLY does Stage IV Mean
The meaning I was told from day 1 was Stage IV means.... we can ONLY treat your cancer....you will NEVER be cured from stage IV....as there is NO cure for this TERMINAL illness. If you get to the "NED" status...and NEVER have a recurrance....would you not have been "CURED"?.....OR do you maintain the "terminal status"…
I have a date!!
It’s true, My iliostomy “Take Down” reversal is set for April 9th three days short of my cancer dx in 2009 (April 12th) anniversary. This journey is coming to a end and a new one is starting. I hope it’s one of being NED!! Surgery April 9th 2010 Kaiser San Diego Zion Hospital. I’m READY!! Brooks
Liver still acting up
they are going to do the needle bio next week some time but I gotta tell you this liver pain is the worse I have ever had. I didn't realize how important it is to have one working at 100% until I didn't have it anymore.My ONC wants to know what kind of mass I have even though the bio said now cancer cell activity so we…
Plan A for Hatshepsut's Husband: An update
We saw my husband's oncologist today and here is the treatment plan that will be put into effect tomorrow: Xeloda 1000 mg. twice a day (one week on and one week off) Oxyplatinum (via IV) (I'm not sure whether this infusion will be weekly or every other week.) Vectribix (via IV) (This infusion will be every other week.) My…
might get a choice
Good news or bad not sure yet DR says ca in colon has grew again so took me off chemo for now . I get CT Pet scan done Thurs and following Thurs find out if it has spread anywhere else DR said that the spot in my lungs was stable last CT scan but since the one in colon grew that meant chemo is not working. So he said if it…
Surgery before chemo...only option?
Hey all! Obviously, I cant get this horrible news of my moms cancer off my mind and I have one thing in my mind bothering me. The colorectal surgeon told us last week that she would need surgery before they start chemo if in fact the spots on her liver are cancer. The reason behind this is the tumor on her rectum is…
Craig's Post
Hello everyone, I was so glad when I read Craig's post. I am so glad you got help. I know first hand about being humble and having a problem accepting help from others. As all of you have read, I have MS and John has helped me and cared for me for the 20 years I have had it. I can still do a lot but I am in a wheelchair…
ACS Email. Did anyone else receive it?
I received an email from the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. It talked about an 8 yr old kid who had maxed out their lifetime health insurance. Now, with the new changes happening, she will still be able to have coverage. I was just wondering if anyone else got the email from ACS. -p
Is surgery on liver possible?
Hello everyone, My husband was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer in November. Since then he has had a stent put in his heart, received a power port and six weeks of chemo and radiation followed by a short reprieve and then two weeks ago surgery to remove the primary tumor. Thanking God he did not have to have a…
Portal vein embolization
Does anyone have any experience with preop portal vein embolization? My husband is scheduled for this procedure in a couple weeks. Any advice or experiences would be appreciated. Thanks
Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling well. Hope to hear from you soon. Hugsss! ~Donna
A Little April Foolish Diversion
Enjoy... This Too Shall Pass Rob; in Vancouver
Found a way to take Modified Citrus Pectin
I've found a way to take the Modified Citrus Pectin that is pleasant. I mixed it in applesauce. I can't taste it and there is no powdery texture. :-D
New Member seeking help
My father was diagnosed with colon cancer for the second time in December and underwent an ileostomy in January. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy. I am a thousand miles away (literally) and I am seeking ideas of gifts I can send him to help him through his treatment since I cannot be with him all the time. I know he…
What is your happiest childhood memory?
Everyday I post the "Question of the day" on Facebook. Todays question I thought might be a good one for the board. What is your happiest childhood memory? During the summer when my brothers and I were kids we would take off for the day on our bikes and find all kinds of things to get into. We’d ride for miles without a…
An Interesting Site (Especially for Californians): www.hospitalbillhelp.org
This is an interesting site. The site is directed at California healthcare consumers but the sample letters and other bits of information might be useful to people in other states: Link: HospitalBillHelp.org Hatshepsut
To Craig
First let me say how happy I am that you found an angel to help you. There have been many angels in my life, and I need you to know that you are now one of mine! I saw your advice recently, about adding magnesium sulfate to the folfox treatments. My doctor agreed, and I had it yesterday. I had been having trouble with even…
Tell ya what I'm gonna do....
If you order before midnight tonight, you can have the miracle PYRO-ENERGEN for ONLY $1119. That's right, ONLY $1119. — PYRO-ENERGEN is often imitated but never duplicated — “It's a good thing that PYRO-ENERGEN is copied by some crooks. It's a sign that our product is excellent and effective.” -- A Breakthrough in…
Colonoscopy prep with Gatorade is great
Colonoscopy prep with Gatorade is great. It really was a big difference from my last 3. Had the colonoscopy and they found one polyp that I was just told was benign. Also told my next one will be in 2 years!!!!!! Music to an old man’s ears. Now I can get the port out. They also told me there is yet a new way to prep. You…
I have not been on site in many months...it is coming up on the six month aniversary of my beloved siter Peg's sunset :) i am working, functional I suppose....but inwardly disoriented and so very broken hearted. The family has done all the major holidays since Oct 11, 2009~another one this week. i hurt so on her birthday…
Reading Room - Reduce Your Colon Cancer Risk
Reduce Your Colon Cancer Risk Published: 02/26/2010 Colon cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. It is also one of the most preventable. You can significantly reduce your risk with regular colon cancer screening, and by WATCHING YOUR WEIGHT and being physically active.…
B9 but still looking
the scrapping they did the bio with came back neg for cancer , but my ONC said he is concerned that they may have missed something and he wants to do a needle stick bio next week just to make double sure there was nothing missed so that is what we will do and I got to tell you I know they are going to find nothing there…