CT scan today
Hi dear ones, It's been a while since I posted. I admit I have been lurking. Think of you all often and pray for you all, good thoughts, good vibes you name it. I try to post but can't get my thoughts out. I really admire all of you who have the ability to so eloquently express yourselves. I keep telling myself it's the…
Those having insurance problems. check out cancer.about.com
for article entitled :"Options for the Uninsured with Cancer" which might provide ideas/places to contact. Hope this helps someone (do not know how to do this so all you need is to click for a link)......steve
Did Chris have the surgery yesterday and how did it go?
Question about surgical reports in Canada?
My mom has always had access to her medical reports. Had no troubles with the medical record department giving her reports on surgeries, blood work, or biopsy reports. We requested a surgical report on a second surgery and they could not find it. So they done some digging and found the charts but had no report done. This…
MRI and CT Results
Hey Semi Family! Well, here's the results from the tests I had last week. MRI - Performed because of back pain. I fractured my T7 vertebrae back in late Dec,2009. I thought it had healed because the pain had ended. I went and got a professional massage...and it was quite rough. Obviously TOO rough for my condition. I was…
I need the best ileostomy reversal surgeon in Southern California
My 28 yr old son Jeff who lives in San Antonio, TX had to have a colon resection about a yr 1/2 ago due to cancer from AIDS and has had to live with the "temporary" ileostomy since. It's been a HORRIBLE experience for him as many of you know and his doctors have decided FOR him that this is the best life for him and refuse…
Daughter having scope and endoscopy on the 23rd...
So my 24 year old daughter told me about two weeks ago that she's been having bowel problems since about August and thought she'd tell me. I immediately called my surgeon and he's doing a colonoscopy and an endoscope on her this next Tuesday. Mostly because of our family history, but then again, mostly because he can't…
The wedding!
Our son's wedding on Saturday was so beautiful! The weather was so warm and lovely, and the ceremony was touching, and I loved every second of it. Matt and I did the mother/son dance to "Baby Mine," which is the lullaby from Dumbo. This was Allison Krauss's version. So tender and so wonderful. If you're on facebook, you…
gluten and the bowel
Hi I have been noticing that when I eat breads, pastas, or other items with gluten, then I have lots of leakage. But when I stop the gluten I dont' have the problem. I can even eat salads and fruits without having a problem. I had resection back in 2007 and have in treatment of some sort since march of 08. Antone else have…
Scan results tomorrow Update
The scan I had back in October showed a single small met to my liver, which I scheduled to have removed via Microwave ablation. He also ablated a met on my left adrenal gland and now it's time for another scan. My CEA continues to rise, so I'm afraid of what the scan is going to show. At least I don't have to wait a long…
My husband's colonoscopy today
I'm so glad my husband finally got his scope done. He is too. Now that it is over, he is glad he did it because they removed 3 polyps. He knows they will never have a chance to grow and cause him the troubles that mine did. He just turned 50 this year so he was due for one. Something strange was also found durihg his…
The Reading Room: NY Times-With Cancer, Lets Face It: Words Are Inadequate
Interesting philosophical piece. NY Times Link: With Cancer, Lets Face It: Words Are Inadequate> Hatshepsut
Friday Riddle Answer
CONGRATS to robinvan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: A rich old lady died and left all her money to her grandchildren and her children. At the end of the will she stated that she had one last thing to give away: her precious diamond. She gave a clue to where it might be. She said "it's in a cylinder…
Insurance woes
I recently got a letter from my insurance company (Aetna) that Pennsylvania Hospital will no longer participate in Aetna network as of 2-15-2010 (where I had my surgeries, radiation treatment, scans, follow up visits, which I am still currently doing, and even my counseling sessions). This is a kick in the gut. I need to…
4 Years NED Today
Four years ago today was my resection for Stage 1 colon cancer. I've been fine since I recovered from the surgery. Had my annual physical last week and no sign of cancer anywhere! My next colonoscopy will be in October. My gastro doc says that I'm the poster child for early detection. The threat of recurrence never goes…
fresh spring chemoites.
please do not think I am gloating....so many of you are suffering right now...thought I'd just send a lighter spring-fed note. :) :) last year at this time I was on oxy and xeloda and dragging my a--. Towards the end of oxy I did not want to get out of bed...some days I would lie in bed and pray I wouldn't have to turn my…
CEA Marker
My CEA marker has continued to rise since my initial resection surgery in November 2009. it was 4.8 in the hospital. The next month it was 5.2, then 10.4, then 12.3. I have had scans, xrays and blood tests, and nothing else had presented itself. My onc is baffled, and thinks it's just an anomoly, and said not to worry, as…
CEA and other bloodwork is stable and within normal range
Whew...... The doctor's office has never called with normal results before and I was freaking out when I returned the call! Thank you Lord Jesus for healing me! CT is next Tuesday.
Hot flashes
I've been having the worst hot flashes at night in the last two weeks. I've gone through menopause already and I don't have a thyroid for that to be the problem. Any one have ideas if it is connected to chemo, my cancer or just being an "old" woman? Thanks, Debbie in Arkansas
3rd time to fight this beast! advice/options/prayers wanted
HI all. been a while since i posted, so breif history: (I am caregiver) My hubby was dx in 2004 stage 4 1 met to liver, colon resected and liver resected in 2004 with FOLFOX/Avastin in between surgeries... another surgery in 2005 for adhesions/bowel obstruction.. met returned to liver and was resected in july 2007 followed…
got another question?????? hernia
Has any one experienced a stomach hernia while on FOLFOX treatment or after surgery? If so did you wait to have it repaired after the treatments?
Any help would be grateful
Hey things are not good CEA is up to 280,, and Liver blood work came back bad Dr. Harvey said that cancer can hide so we are going to do a PET scan and see what that comes up with anyone know about this or is this something to get worked up over which I already tanking 1.5 mg of (Ativan) Lorazepam and that is not doing a…
Help With Medical Bills
This was in a North NJ Newspaper a little while ago. I hope it can help some of you out there with your medical expenses. -phil HEALTH COSTS By M.P. Mc Queen Help With Medical Bills A diagnosis of cancer or other serious disease can be devastating to one’s financial as well as physical health—even for people with…
The Reading Room:Los Angeles Times-Obesity's role in cancer
This article was printed in today's Los Angeles Times Newspaper. I thought you might find it interesting. Link: Obesity's role in cancer Hatshepsut
Test set
they are going to do a C scan on my liver tuesday at 11 am ...hope they find out what is going on been very sick today in bed most of it...man cancer sucks
Got results from CT scan and lab work today. CT is clear, CEA is 0.6 YEE HAW. A little redneck humour. Changing scans from every 3 mo to 6 mo. It's always a little nerve racking the day before you get the news, so for the moment I can relax... ...but tomorrow say a little prayer for me. I have a polyp in my uterus and will…
health reform hmmm
Well, I don't know how all this is gonna go down but I do know that if I live until 2014 I'm gonna bust some insurance companies bottom line all to hell.
Neuropathy 'prevention' info
Shands Teaching Hospital article Glutathione: Glutathione is a small protein that is involved in detoxification; it binds to toxins in the body and transforms them into a form that can be excreted in urine or bile. Glutathione appears to significantly reduce numbness and tingling in the extremities, which is a common side…
Colonoscopy Results
Thank you all for your support. Colonoscopy procedure really was a piece of cake. The results - 3rd degree internal hemmorhoids. That is what caused all the blood. If it doesn't clear up in a couple months banding surgery is a possiblity. Thank you all for your support this weekend! I wish you all continued health and…
Stoma Care - How Do You Do It?
I have read others posts about how they hate their bag and from others who seem to think it's not that big a deal. Aside from the fact that we all have different levels of tolerance for different kinds of stressors (I may be able to handle a bag, but can't handle needles, for example) I wonder how much of it has to do with…