Results of a phase III trial of adjuvant chemo of irinotecan, leucorvin and 5FU..........
reported today at www.biomedicalcentral.com/1741-7015/9/10/abstract with conclusions being:"Irinotecan added to weekly bolus 5FU plus LV did not result in improvement in disease-free or overall survival in stage II or III colon cancer but did increase toxicity...." Also, www.empowerher.com/print/10441871 just posted "An…
Power Port Flushing Disaster.....ER Visit!
On Friday I went to my Oncology Office for a routine Port Flush. This was my first flush since finishing Chemo three months ago. The nurse had me in a chair and was trying to get a blood draw from the Port. As usual...no blood. She put some heparin in the Port and walked around the corner to see if the Doc wanted to get…
Just another day in Paradise........
This is not a religious tale...simply one of my mood swings about simply life as it was and as it is...How did and do I really feel? At first, like a pissant in a whirlwind, I was lost, confused, thought I was gonna die, tomorrow. My only thoughts were my wife and kids and have I done enough to make sure they will be ok…
At the end of treatment
Hello, my husband is nearly at the end of his 6th cycle then only 2 more to go! At the end of the chemo treatment for stage 3b colon cancer dx aug 2010, he will be having a ct and colonoscopy, we are both so scared of the cancer reoccuring.
New kid needs info please
Hello, I am a 47 Y/O female, with stage 4 colon cancer. I had a sucessful bowel resection in December 2010. Tomorrow I go for my first chemo treatment.My chemotherapy will consist of FU-5, Leucovorin, Oxaliplantin and Avastin. The questions I have are; 1. I have heard that after people have tumors removed, that there is a…
Tired, but Happy
I got on my motorcycle yesterday, after a whole year of not riding. It felt great to kind of get back to doing the things I love. And enjoy a day out with friends. I strapped on my hernia girdle and my helmet, off I went...woooohooo...LOL. We rode 120miles from Katy,TX to Brenaham. Stopped at an airstrip, ate lunch and…
Great op-ed in the NYT today
Weather update
G'day all, Well after all of our floods we have just had a week of beautiful sunshine , including Wednesday,Australia day ,our National day. Now we are under the threat of three cyclones. To the uninitiated ,cyclones are the same as hurricanes ,they just spin in the opposite direction. West Australia has had one roaming up…
Woo Hoo I broke outta there!
Hey! Honey, I'm home .... Ya can't keep the mean ones down too long ... LOL Had a fun ol' time in the hospital .. NOT. Glad to be home so maybe now I can get some rest. They kept waking me at 3:30am for labs, then again at 4:40 for vitals ... and it just never ends there. Good news is I got a bunch of scans and everything…
What is next?
I am 51 and went into hospital for severe anemia; I was 5.5 when they checked me in and found microscopic blood in my rectal exam in ER. 7 days later on 1/14, I had a 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm invasive adenocarcinoma tumor removed along with about 1/4 of my colon. I guess the best news was that the 32 lymph nodes were negative for…
PET results not good
Well after a year and a half of NED the cancer has spread to my liver, small lessions on both side so no surgery right now. I am going back an Xeloda and Avastin. Onc also metioned another coctail but he is going to wait and consult with the CT radaiologist, my oncologist thinks we may be able to treat with…
Saturday's almost over....and it was a BEAUTIFUL day!
We left the house this morning while it was still dark, and headed to North Holland. Another swap meet...lol! It has turned VERY cold here, never reaching above freezing, even during the day. But the sunrise was MAGNIFICENT!!!! There was so much water in the air, and on the frozen ground, that a mist hung just above the…
CP9 Location is Chicago
Dates and hotel info to come in the next month or so. We were due to have one in the upper middle part of the US so Windy City here we come! It will be in the fall probably Sept or Oct before it gets too cold and after the heat of the summer has gone. I can say that we will avoid the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend so maybe…
Stage IV Good News
I had an appointment with my oncologist today to get the results of last week's CT scan. While we met with the nurse to go over the health questions, I became teary in anticipation of seeing the doctor. When my oncologist walked in the first thing she said was, "the scan looks good." I asked her about recurrence…
Well guys this Monday Jorge is having his ct scan at 2pm and I'm feeling very sick about it can't get it out of my mind. that its not going to be what we want to be . Please think of us on Monday thanks so much hugs Tina
Just wanted to say sorry
I just wanted to say sorry to each and every person that sees this post. I found out my wife has cancer today and my whole world stopped spinning. After reading so many posts and replies I just wanted to express my admiration to all that have been on this website. I fully understand there is no level of measurement to say…
Pain and discomfort
Is it normal to feel some light pain or discomfort from surgeries that are 10 months ago. Sometimes I feel discomfort on both my sides left side would be colon surgery and right the liver. Of course my mind runs wild fearing the worst. Any thoughts??? Bobby
My wife was just diagnosed with cancer. What do I do? (I posted this a few minutes ago before seeing
My wife Kim (Kimmy) has had blood in her bathroom visits for awhile and major cramping and diarrhea for awhile. First verbal diagnosis was stomach infection possibly before doing a throat and anal test. Sorry if at this point I am not up to par with medical terms. I dropped her off and upon returning with my 7 year old son…
CT scan results and plan of action
I have a few new mets that are going to require action soon. I still have the met in the portacava cavity. It has gotten a little larger and is pressing on the top of my pancreas. That is the pain I've been experiencing. Pancreatitis is no joke. It is very painful and very resistant to pain meds. I have a new met near my…
Hello ladies and gentlemen it's FRIDAY here! anything interesting to do this weekend ?
Just cinema , dinner with our sister in law , an lunch with my mom! what about you?
2nd Treatment Question
My Mom has her 2nd Treatment on the 1st of Feb. Her 1st Treatment went very well and hopefuly this will continue along the way. She had her appt. today to check her counts which where good, but she did loose a few pounds so the Drs will keep an eye on that. My question . . . at the next Treatment and going forward she will…
Anyone ever heard of Dr Stanislaw Burzynski in Houstin?
Someone just told us we should consider going to this clinic in Houstin and I just wondered if anyone out there has ever heard of him. I checked him out online a little and it looks pretty interesting. Dr. Stanislaw Burzinski Any thoughts? http://www.burzynskiclinic.com/ Thanks, April
Scan today**************Update*******
I have a scan today at 10:40 to see how just the Vectibix is working the past 3 months. Results with the doc at 11:40. I'm praying for good results! *********Update***********4:00 Scan results show stable. Yea! This was a wet read so I don't have the written report yet but doc is upbeat. We will continue with just…
I'm back!
Just wanted to check in with everyone. I'm back and in a little worse for the wear. That 2 1/2 week hospital stay was a real piece of work, but they took pretty good care of me. Of course, when I got home there was a snow storm and I've been without power for the past 15 hours so I've been staying at my mom's house while…
Lori-S is in the hospital
Hi everyone, I just heard from Lori. She is in the hospital with an obstruction and all the treatment that goes along with it. She is having pain, but says they are medicating her regularly. Let's send her prayers, good vibes, positive thoughts, and everything else we can find. I told her to get ready for a rush of…
For colostomates, issues about food, what to eat!
Hello, I'm just curious if you had issues with food after having a colostomy. I was dx with rectal cancer last aug 2010 and had an APR last nov 11. I'm wondering if you had the same experiences with re food. I found out that I could not tolerate fatty foods and have a hard time digesting them and had bloating after intake.…
Personality adjustment (joke)
So, on1/6 I went in for my personality adjustment. I had the a-hole removed. Now, I can still be a ****, but that option is up to me.
Mass in colon ? What do I do ?
I have just got out of Hospital and was told that I have a mass in my colon . They told me that they hope to be able to remove it . I just am wondering if there are options out there and what they are . I really dont have a clue about where to look for answers . Can anyone help me with this ?
clean scan...now what?
This post fulfills a promise that was offered by Cynthia, aka LivinginNH. Today I took the ride down to Dana Farber to meet with Dr. David Rosenthal, Medical Director, Zakim Center for Integrative Therapies. Dr. Rosenthal talked about a "three legged stool", that is 3 issues that I need to address in minimizing the…
Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica? - Where do they go ? Wonder no more ! ! ! It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintaining…