Here's something I bet you never wasted time thinking about;:
Years ago, when I was still working, supervisor pissed off an employee to such a degree that, in the middle of the work floor, the employee dropped his pants and yelled to that supervisor :"Kiss my ****!!!" Supervisor issued him disciplinary action What if that employee had had a colostomy bag and he lifted his shirt and…
cea up again
Doc called me today and said CEA is up to 2.6 but not to worry. I guess I would be fine but this is the 2nd time in the last few months it has gone up. Is this normal? Is CEA a big deal? Patty
blood work done,what does pse reading mean? tumors have shrunk?
i dont know why the onc said that the pse levls are good . last month they were 45 now 25 does that mean the tumors are shrinking?
Reading Room - Foods That Fight Cancer
From Dr. Oz’s Website: ---------By William W. Li, M.D. ---------President and Medical Director, The Angiogenesis Foundation Foods That Fight Cancer Anti-angiogenesis, the starving of cancers by cutting off its blood supply, now a proven cancer-fighting strategy in cancer clinics supported by a growing body of scientific…
Ok guys I have a problem. I have Stage IV colon/liver. Was dx almost 2 years ago. Doc said inoperable but felt it could be "controled". So, I did the infusions and the xeloda for 7 cycles. A year ago December everything had shrunk and went mostly to sleep. Was off everything and July ct scan showed they were waking up and…
Found this randomly looking around in these threads....check out the Dates...and outcome
March 11, 2003 - 8:59pm Re: colon cancer met to lungs Hi name removed! I have had a similar situation myself. In 1984 at 27 yrs. old I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and was told that I would not be around long and to get myself ready to go home. I had 5 weeks of radiation therapy to shrink the tumor, followed by a…
Yesterday was chemo day, and it was a good day!
I'm going to be lazy right now. I'm just copying and pasting from my CaringBridge. I'm getting tired tonight. As has been happening to me the night before chemo, I did not sleep at all again - up all night long. But, usually that is ok because they knock me out with all that Benadryl and I sleep for 5 hours at chemo.…
*** update from chemo doctor and ct scan ***
Jorge's tumors has gotten smaller and the chemo doctor is happy but one they found was a blood clot where the port is . So now Jorge has to have needles everyday they called it blood thinners for as long as he has the port . So I guess some good news and some bad news . So thanks everyone for listening love you all . Tina
CDixon , Lori, LivinginNH and Dorookie any news from them?
Unfair to the max
I spend a couple hours in the chat room feature of this site several nights a week. I have made many friends there and it is always helpful to connect with others in the fight. But, tonight I met a young man in chat that broke my heart. He was dx'd with colon cancer at the age of 16 and now at age 18 has had a recurrence…
went to naturopathic dr and am starting a detox cleanse Friday
Hi everyone, Well I finally took the plunge and went and saw a naturopathic doctor. Even within that realm, the "ND's" (naturopathic dr) don't all approach things in the exact same way. I've heard of others on the board who have gone and just started in on various supplements. I have felt like the supplement queen lately-…
Stage 4 NED Survey
I am interested in finding out what people are doing if anything to prevent cancer reocurrance. As I reported in an earlier post I am stage 4 , and have been NED for 25 months. I once asked my doctor if there had ever been a survey done of those that had survived stage 4 for 5 or more years to see if they had done…
nanoknife Dr says to get radiation
Looks like I'll be getting radiation instead of nanoknife. The Dr said a non-invasive procedure would be best. He did say that he could do it if he had to. But since there is another option, I should try it first. So it's back to the beam.
New and Scared
My name is Patty and I am 40 years old currently battling stage 4 colon cancer. I was told by some of the nurses at my oncologist office that this is a good place for support. So here I am trying to gain some support from folks who have been through the same thing. My cancer spread from my colon to my liver but has been…
Jorge is seeing the chemo doctor
Jorge is seeing the chemo doctor today and just maybe the ct scan is in feeling a little worried can you guys send some good vibes his way thank you so much Tina
How are you? I have missed your posts.
Kerry S - Did I miss the post
that he is having an operation to remove his brain tumour on the 10th?
Warning!!! don't do record breaking diving off the blocks into the local olympic pool
so got the bottle off 1pm today had a nap at kids school went to the local pool for kids swimming squad. did 22 x 50 meter great laps. record for me since surgery 4 months ago. so my daughter mel says show me how far you can dive. i do this massive dive and feel the bag come away. oh suger, luckily i wear a rash swimming…
Question for the Ladies
Now I've got this lovely scar from my two bottom ribs to below my belly button, I've noticed a bit of a problem, when I get out of bed, the scars hurt because of the weight of my tatas, after I put a bra on, it's so much better except for the bra resting on the scar which of course doesn't feel all that great either.…
first avastin infusion yesterday
I had my first Avastin infusion yesterday...well first one this go around. anyway all went well but I have a question... I have not been to the infusion dept in about 2 years and they had something new I had never seen before, I was wondering if anyone had an answer or had seen this in there infusion restrooms....if not I…
First chemo over, have some questions
Hi everyone, and thank you for your answers, and support following my last question. It really made me feel good. I just finished my first chemo session consisting of 5FU Oxy, Leu and Avastin. I did get the cold sesitivity that I was told about. It seemed to come and go at times. Will this stay the same, or will it get…
Thoughts on radiation
My husband is stage 4 colon, he has started his first chemo this week and got along fine. We went for a check up with his surgeon and he suggested radiation, the tumors were removed but still suggesting radiation. He had spoke to three oncologists they said just chemo would be enough but he didn't seem to like that anwser…
Ionithermie Stomach Treatments
As you all know, I've dealt quite a long time with bloating and an overall feeling of discomfort, well on the cruise they were offering these ionithermie and decided to give it a try! Oh, wow! I lost three inches on my waist. My stomach was not as bloated after treatment 3, and still today, I do not have the extended…
erbatux, anyone on this chemo?need info
erbatux, i hope im spelling that right? anyway nasty stuff.. my brother is on it, he is so sick, anyone out there have stage 4 and need some answers,i need some advic. involveing his care. thank you
pain in side
Hubby is having pain in his side. Onc says where it is hurting it is his liver. He is stage IV w/liver mets. The pain starts most of time when he sits in one position for a long time. It seems to be getting worse and happening more often. Have any of you had this problem and do you have any suggestions? Thanks, Tina
Update on Mondays scan.....I got the results about an hour ago....
I'm OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That certainly took the edge off....I was under alot of anxiety the past several days.... The Oncologist called my wife this afternoon and told her my colon, liver and lung (where I had surgeries on) was all clear as well as everywhere else... Thanks friends for your friendship and prayers! I do feel…
Online Support Groups
Online Support Groups "CancerCare" offers a variety of online support groups for cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, young adults, and people who have lost a loved one to cancer. Led by professional oncology social workers, our online support groups are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are completely free of…
One Good thing
I have to say that having only received 1/4 of my oxy dose yesterday ... that there is a BIG difference in how I feel. If they take the oxy away ... just the 5fu and folonic acid will be a walk in the park. I can actually drink room temp and even a little cooler. I can get things out of the fridge without dropping them…
Once a Month Celebration
Darn it, tired of drama. So hereby I give myself permission to have a once a month celebration. Yes, a celebration every single month. Not just an ordinary celebration, no, a celebration of a friend on the cancer network. So, for me, the first weekend of every month I will plan on a celebration, a celebration of the lives…
Very interesting article at this date's www.internalmedicinenews.com on treating mCRC
Once on home page ,click on second title listed under Top Stories: Antibody Combination Targets Multiple Pathways in mCRC (title says it all) This date too, the Mayo Clinic Living With Cancer newsletter has item titled: Monoclonal antibody drugs for cancer treatment: How they work which contains brief description of…