Starting Chemo in 2 weeks
First of all, I've been touched by the stories and support everyone has shared on this board. This seems to be a very honest and educated group, so I'm hoping I can learn something and possibly share an experience that will help someone later on. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, had the tumor removed with a…
Just checking in and Venting
Well I relized how this cancer has made me bitter and how it changes your life. first I relized how you live week to week. one week all i do is lay around and sleep. And the next week all I do is try to catch up on all the stuff i did/t do. Second thing I relized is that is an up hill battle when u get cancer. With chemo,…
Whenever you question your lot in life
Whenever I'm disappointed with my spot in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in the school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school.…
Was scanned Monday.....I feel the tension...man what a ride!
Hey...done this before....had good ones and bad ones... Wow....waiting is a stressful time for me.... Should know tomorrow or Friday.... OH Well..... Your FrieninPenn
Dress in Blue Day is the First Friday in March - Please also show your support on Facebook....
Dress in Blue Day is the First Friday in March - Please also show your support on Facebook.... Dress in Blue Day is the First Friday in March. The purpose of Dress in Blue Day is to promote awareness about colon cancer, Please go to Facebook and type in "Dress in Blue Day Event". It was created by Tiffany Amber, Shana…
I appreciate all that you do, can you please monitor the latest religous debate that has erupted here again. I was going to get involved but I'm so tired. I have divorce papers to go through, a bone scan to have on my hand in case I have cancer on it, a scan next week, depression. And our members who are new and need help,…
For what its worth, I didn't come here to learn how to pray or to exercise my rhetorical skills,
I came here to learn how to live with cancer, how to live with a bag taught to me by people who were already doing so; to learn what doctors can't teach unless they've lived it; to acquire empirical not book knowledge;to overcome the fear and loneliness when initially diagnosed; to educate myself as to what my upcoming-at…
Anybody ever have a need to see a urologist?
Why can't they just go:" Open up your mouth and stick out your tongue?"
Prayers For Mom
Hi All - My Mom has her 2nd Chemo treatment tomorrow (2/1). Just asking for you to keep her in your prayers, as I will be doing the same for all of you. Thank you - Liz
Drum Roll Please.... My MRI Results
I got my MRI results of my brain scan that I had last week. Dr Says "All's Clear" If anybody wants to know where I'll be today I'll be doing the naked happy dance!!! Brooks
Crazy weather
Good Morning, I dont know about all of you but we are getting a horrible winter storm. My husband just started chemo yesterday, we haven't lost our power yet, but we are level 3 snow emergency,alot our friends have. If we do what should I do the roads are bad my car is completely iced of , if I wrap him head to toe in…
After the last week controversies please let me me know
if l can keep my weekly Friday post, or if...we are only allowed to speak about blood sweat and tears.( Churchill dixit). Get fun mates , l pray for it!
No, not some nasty bug, but folks with the bag. I had a full rectum removal on 1-10, and came home on 1-17. Today we saw the surgeon and had the drain removed. I have been unable to sit, and am in bed most of the time. I go for walks (shuffles) buy they are pretty shrt and I use a cane for balance. Now, to top it off, my…
Any hot cliinical trials you are aware of?
I am likely heading to a clinical trial soon - rising cea, enlarging neck nodes, scans pending. have already been through: FOLFOX/avastin - stopped the oxi due to neuropathy Folfiri/avastin - stopped aVstin due to bowel perforation now on FOLFIRI/erbitux with good initial results (CEA 12 down to 5) but now climbing despite…
Really bad day today
Hi. I was supposed to get FOLFOX#7 yesterday but, we waited a day to let my platlets come up some more. Then this moprning I went in to have my infusion. About 1/4 way through the oxy (monster) I had a very severe reaction and almost passed out completely. The doc stopped the oxy and I was sent home with my 5FU having…
folfox #7 great service downunder, port neddle almost popped off today
its been so hot that the dressing that holds to chemo port neddle onto my skin just completely came off this morning. Luckily that needle just seems really stuck into the port. I am on the 5fu bottle for 46 hours. so after dropping the kids to school and breakfast I went to local hospital and thought I try out their chemo…
Thrilled with this invention!! :)
I don't know how many are like me with severe arthritis, pretty much everywhere. The worst places seem to be my knees (most common), my feet (who knew?) and my lower back. There are other joints but those three areas are the worst. Chemo, especially the oxy aggravated the arthritis so fast that I think it aged the…
Thrilled with this invention!! :)
I don't know how many are like me with severe arthritis, pretty much everywhere. The worst places seem to be my knees (most common), my feet (who knew?) and my lower back. There are other joints but those three areas are the worst. Chemo, especially the oxy aggravated the arthritis so fast that I think it aged the…
OK, gotta share this little secret...Its a spring special ......
Last spring I got out in the yard as I normally do when my bag starts gassing faster than the vent can let it out...and I noticed this time that the smell didn't run up under my shirt as it usually does and make my nose hair burn. I saw that it actually rode with the wind SOOOO it turns out its time to experiment with wind…
For those of you that remember Robinvan (Rob in Vancouver/Rob Pollock) he is having some pretty serious surgery this week. It will take place over 2 days. If so inclined, go over to his blog, eblogger, A Cancer Journal, you can find in if you search and you can read about the surgery and if so inclined, leave him a note of…
Folfox and Avastin
Well today was my discussion day, I learned that chemo will start on Valentine's Day, lucky me. I got my port in Monday and that went well. Today I learned that I will be receiving Folfox and Avastin and will get them every other week for 3 days. I am very nervous as the side effects list was huge. Please anyone that has…
Irinotecan & Erbitux
We found out today my husband's CEA had gone from 31 late Oct to 200 and he will start Irinotecan and Erbitux next week. He did 13 treatments of folfox w/avastin last Jan-Sept. and responded well to it. I've read all the side effects of these new meds but I really wanted to know from the people who have been there, done…
Let's lighten up people :)
It seems like I miss a lot of "stuff" that's half gone now, thank goodness. I didn't come here for opinion's on religion or no religion. Whatever happened to selective hearing/reading. Most of us know how to do this gracefully. I think we should all just get along like the good adults we know we can be. Remember…
hokey doodle oxy eyes
well I just came in from shovelling my darlings.....a fresh foot and a half and the banks are so high you cannot throw it up any longer.....the wind is out of the north east and drifting...our town is shut down and shut off....no highways open ever since oxy if I go out in the cold I get thousands of little hot needles on…
Happy Year of the Rabbit
It's "New Year's Eve" in Hong Kong -- much excitement as we head into a four day weekend for Lunar New Year. Because of the holidays, my chemo got bumped back a week (i.e. I have three weeks between treatments this time, instead of two) -- yeeha!! A wonderful gift for me.... It is a wonderful holiday here -- filled with…
Knew it was just a matter if time...But lets try to save it from going any further
There is a section on religion,spirituality-meditation that was created when this first came about ...Yeah, I was in on it too. I have then come to realize that Religion, and yes I am religious, it does have it place as everything else...and yes there is a fine line that we all walk, to try and accomodate all that come in…
Treatment 7 ...I think
If anyone out there is more aware of what treatment we are on feel free to chime in...I'm a little confuzzled after all the changes...(o; Anyway... I think we are on treatment 7. Second treatment without the Oxal, just the 5fu. Jack is doing good....only complaint is fatigue and his "system just isn't right". I write that…
Gail had Treatment #5 today lets send her some positive vibes.......comin atcha gail.
First day of Chemo
Today was the first day of my husbands chemo, ended up being a good day so far. YEAH!
funny but extremely painful symptom
I have pancreatitis caused by a met pressing on my pancreas. The pain is frequently unbearable. The only respite I've been getting is when I stand up for long period of time. Sitting doesn't offer any reprieve and laying down actually magnifies the pain. I've rigged a couple of pieces of furniture together and am squeezing…