Need some uplifting today
Hey there everyone I was just reading some of the post and of course as always some are good and others not so good. I am having one of those down moments right now as the devil has got a hold of my head. Making me doubt myself and my future and God I hate when I get like this. It's been a while since I felt this way but I…
chemo every 5 weeks ...
Dear all, I know as a caregiver, I really shouldn't complaint. Like Bobby, I'm now in one of my lowest days... I even though of dying with my mum. I'm very tired, exhausted and feeling very down. My mum has IV, non-operable liver met, plus KRAS-mutated. To make her situation worse, she has the worse side effects patients…
how is everyones folfox going ?
hope everyone is having a good cycle. my folfox has been ok except the diarrhea was acting up, so i went in and got a couple of litres rehydrated at the chemo ward Friday. mainly as prevention. i think the 2xcodiene and the 2xgastrow stops are working ok for me. I also had a bulky diet and backing off on the volume of veg…
Lost at sea
Please pray for my neighbor Andy Murray and his family Jim and Steve Sanders currently considered lost at sea. They were in a small boat in big seas. It is very cold and if still alive will have been subject to the weather for three days. Andy is 34 and has been very helpful to me and my family through the years. I haven't…
FOLFOX #7 Delayed
So my WBCs, Plts, and RBC are all down so no #7 for me. I was so sick this weekend, running a low grade fever (got up to 100.4 and 100.5 is when I'm suppose to call in), diarrhea (woo hoo), nausea and fatigue fatigue fatigue. Spent most of yesterday in bed and was told at the clinic today to go back to bed so .... just…
Cancer fighting cookbooks
Hi all, Does anyone have any recommendations for a few good "cancer fighting" cookbooks? We have "The Cancer Fighting Kitchen" cookbook, but it seems to have more soups than real entrees in it. Any suggestions would be appreciated! :-) Cynthia
What is the deal with the Colon Club Message Board
I have tried to register several times and emailed the administrator several times and never get reply emails. They also make it almost impossible to post as a guest. It drives me batty. There isn't much I want to respond to but when I do, I want it to work! UGH. Whatever, I like this place much better though. This is just…
In the last week or so
Hello everybody… Sorry I haven’t posted in a few but I’ve been back in hotel “Salem Hospital” for a few days then had an appointment with a Neurologist yesterday. The hospital stay was from the 18th and they let me out on the 21st. I went in with the same problem as the last few stays (blockage) but this time it was more…
Confused1 (Colleen Wilkie) passed away
I was about to wish her Happy Birthday and saw dozens of notes from friends and family missing her. She died June 29th, 2010. I loved her profile picture. She was a very lovely person.
Folfox #4 today
4 down 4 to go. Sub-zero temperatures here in Boston for a few days. Not easy for this type of chemo. You guys up in CANADA BURRRRRRRRR. We do it cause we have to not cause we want to thats for sure. Onc cut the dose on oxy by 20% because of the buning pain in my toes. Side effects seam to be more bearable so far but its…
yo buzz
we meet with the surgeon...will know more on friday...have a feeling they are going to choose radiation, over surgery anythoughts by you mean alot tried to pm u no luck i will try again love your input!!!!!
I thought this article might give hope to those going through dark days: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1349105/Told-terminal-cancer-little-weeks-live-miracle-survivors-club-proved-doctors-wrong.html If you scroll to the bottom you'll find an inspirational lady who was told she had terminal colon cancer in 1963…
my dad chemo update (info needed pls) :)
My dad started his chemo on wed. four days on and his only side effects have been tingling (pins and needles) in his hands. apart from that he has a great appetite and looks and feels very well. he always has an afternoon nap but doesnt feel especially tired. he has noticed that he wakes up more often though. when is it…
Jan 20th BEST DAY EVER!!!!!
Jan 20th at 3:48pm Chris and I became Nana and Papa to William(Will) Hunter Udink. He weighed 8 lbs 4 oz 19 1/2 long.. He is amazingly perfect!!!! Loves, Mel
One (of many) items coming from current ASCO GI symposium :if practical,don't delay chemo after surg
For best results,adjuvant chemo should "begin as soon as practical after surgery," within four weeks if possible....."{T}he benefits of chemotheraphy that begins more than three months after surgery are uncertain....." For complete story:www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/ASCOGI/24512 Other reports coming from this…
Update on Surgery
Just wanted to update on my status. My surgery on the 6th went very well, it ended up that they had to remove my whole kidney and took part of my large and small intestine. Still having some pain but each day is getting better and better. It ended up that this was an reoccurance of my appendix cancer that seeded just below…
has anyone had three leakages in a day
Today was the worst for leakages. Wokeup and decided to give wife a snuggle. First leakage on her too. Not a good way to start the day. Need to clean sheets. Ok cleanup and new bag. Do breakfast for kids and lunch. Visit neighbours. All ok. Slept all early afternoon. Drive to hospital with kids to get bottle disconnected.…
My big city MRI and lack of results Update !!!!!!!
Well Monday I headed to STL for yet another MRI of the brain tumor Tuesday morning. As they said we were going to get snow so I filled the back of my pickup with firewood for weight on the rear tires. I left the scary old woman at home as she does not travel well. Spent the night with our oldest son. Tuesday morning I was…
anything going on with the calenders, or is it on hold for now? Petrina
My new plan
Hey Folks I've spent a lot of time researching and deciding what I should do next. I chose what feels right for me. My choice is actually the most aggressive plan in front of me. I don't feel any more or less desperate having made this choice. I am currently on an intense pill regimen of natural supplements. 52 a day of a…
does anyone collect anything? part 2
another non-cancer topic for a Friday afternoon. On Dec 6 2009 I started a thread called the same as above.....was just going to bump it but decided to start a new one....you can read the old one just by putting it into search....I think it tells a lot about one another. I hope anyone new will join in or expand on things…
update from chemo doctor about colon doctor
well as you all know i was having a very hard time dealing with what the colon doctor said about Jorge's colon surgery he had all good things to say he believes that the tumors are smaller and he said we will know more on the 31th of this month.and he said if its not smaller and if its still on jorge's back we will do…
Buckwirth........How ya doin ?
Lookin to see if ya need any pointers or to see how it goes..........let us know how your feeling............Buzz
We carry on with the pump...treatment # 5 done..7 to go
Hi everyone... Just thought I would update on Jack. After the Oxal reaction we went through a stressful week of him wanting to stop chemo. Visited with the Doc and Jack decided to go ahead with the 5fu. He hooked up last Tuesday and unhooked Thursday. He, surprisingly, has felt worse than ever after disconnect. But he's…
Cheryl Hutch
Good luck with the port placement!
Dear all, My mum has a power port implanted last Wed and the whole process was so painful and she has two 5cm long wounds, one below the collarbone, one slightly above her breast. Does anyone of you who had the port implanted before also have two wounds? Besides the surgeon put the port slightly above her breast instead of…
short term memories
while making breakfast i stopped a moment and questioned whats that smell, is someone cooking, only to remember it when the toaster popped up, it was my toast, which i was toasting. thats a new record for me,:>) anyone else have this, penny
I have a Dilemma, any one else been there?
Hello Friends, I have a dilemma and would like some feedback please. Maybe some of you have been in the situation I now find myself. This is going to ramble a bit, please bear with me. April 29th I was told I had cancer & needed surgery right away, that great tasting stuff they have you drink (bowel prep) before you get…
Just to change the subject a bit, I thought i'd share a poem i wrote with you guys especially all you strong women who I've come across in these forums. keep your spirits up!! :) Heres to you all wishing you health, strength, hope and lots of love for 2011. xxxxx A SPECIAL TOAST FOR WOMEN Here's to the women who stand up…
John's Memorial
I've just returned home from John's Memorial. I just wanted to let you know it was beautiful. It was wonderful to meet all the others that John had touched in their hearts there. Adrian did a wonderful job planning the Memorial. I was honored to be able to be a part of it. I carried the rest of you in my soul with me, so…