This is a reply from Johnnybegoods mom (let me clarify things post)
Did not want anyone to miss it so we can send positive thoughts or prayers or both Jonny's way February 1, 2011 - 7:02am Well Said Emily, This is so well said. Since beginning to read this board in October 2008, I have seen this situation so many times. I am Johnnybegood's mother. I discovered this site filled with caring,…
erbitex and iritecan (sp)
HI! I just wanted to know if anyone has had any history or experience with the combo of erbitex and iritecan (spelling). My oncologist just informed me that we are doing that as our next course of treatment. Just ooking for some information. Sherry
Update on ****
You are wonderful in your love and support. After getting that very hard news last Thursday we are settling in for a plan. I can't believe how absolutely shocking it is to hear that the cancer is back. Those first days were so hard. We met with the oncologist here yesterday and spoke to Dr. Lenz. Both agree that ****…
Looks like it's getting hot
in the religious forum lol. Btw I think I can understand why we stick to the forums were we feel we can relate too and not move to others. I had colon cancer hence I come here to be happy,sad,angry whatever. Wish we could all get along like they do in the other forums more so the breast cancer forum (sigh)
Leaving the forum...goodbye to my friends!!
Just want to say that i won't be taking part in this forum again. I come here often. I try to read most posts. If there were any posts which i disagreed with (i must say that i respect others opinion so there rarely is) but if there were i would just not continue reading. i would look at the next post. I cant believe that…
Did I miss a post/topic that Pepe said he was going to be away for awhile? I just realized I haven't seen any new posts of his lately and although I don't have the time to weed through all the off topic discussions, I haven't seen Pepe's name pop up in the "new" posts to any discussion. I'm hoping everything's ok and that…
Was I just not paying attention?
It seems to me that cancer (as a whole or generic) is being mentioned more and more. Seems like I can't pick up a novel without one of the character's having had or being related to someone who had cancer. Even on the tv...was just watch a rerun of Law and Order and what was it about...Cancer patients. Anyone else notice a…
PET/CT today
I've made it through 8tx of FOLFIRI and Avastin. Not quite as hard on me as FOLFOX, but I've had a pretty rough time with this cocktail too. I'm surprised to realize I've gotten through 8 already. The whole experience is different when not trying to sprint to a finish line. It actually seems to go faster... My last PET was…
Latest weather update
Hello all, For those that have not followed this thread,I have been relating the circumstances of the recent floods in Queensland ,australia. Then a few days ago we were hit by tropical cyclone anthony. It was a catergory 2 storm crossing the coast at Bowen with 160km an hour wind gusts and heavy rain. It caused minor…
Asparagus Not good for reconnection or Ileo
Last night the scary old woman cooked up some asparagus as a veg with dinner. Talk about your MPS all night. It was still getting me at 4 pm. Not good. Ask my buddy Brooks. He blew out a ileo bag with asparagus. As you all know we live deep in the Missouri woods. We have been busy all day hunkering down for this ice/snow…
Treatment plan - need your wisdom
Hi everyone, We have been waiting for Dr. Lenz and our Hawaii onc to talk. We sent the PET and CAT disks to USC and their radiologists read them. Dr. L advice is for **** to go back on Folfori + Avastin. He said that there was no growth in the lungs until **** went off this. Also, we saw shrinkage in the node (but it did…
Depression and being tired
I had my first chemo on Wednesday and they removed it on Friday, now today Sunday, I'm feeling tired and depressed. Is this normal?
Look out Europe, here comes Sonia, Kathi, and Kathy
Well the week has finally arrived, I leave this coming Thursday for my trip to London! And it is going to be amazing! Somehow all the planets have aligned and Sonia, KathiM and I are all going to meet face to face in London! Sonia will be traveling my train and KathiM is going to fly in from Holland! I never thought I…
The world is a mystery
Ok firstly I had got up 5.25am after three hours of sleep (don't sleep much these days). Saw the post about pray etc, and I logged on my laptop to reply. Press send and low and behold the inernet crashes on me. Divine intervention, just a glitch who knows the world is a mystery itself to even fathom why the internet…
***UPDATE***.........Sorry to Complain but I need advice.... My chest hurts...****UPDATE***
Why is it always something??????? I have been feeling great but now this weird crap is going on and I don't know what it is. I am having this pain in my chest...right between my boobs....behind that big center bone. It feels like someone is squeezing me. It gets worse when I stand and I have to bend over til it subsides.…
Chemo starts tomorrow
Dear Friends, Thank you for your support as we figured our next steps. After we sat on it for a few days **** decided to start Folfori + Avastin tomorrow. They are going to monitor him very closely. He had a CAT without contrast on Saturday to get a baseline (I don't know why they didn't use the CAT with contrast from 2…
Seen new Naturopath Doc
Oh my gosh.... I love her!!! I feel this new inner "hope"...a new path...another option. I have always had this in the back of my mind....always pay close attention to the juicers and ALL "other" methods. Now I am becoming one... and I loving it so far. Doc wants to start slow until I rid my lungs of the pnemonia. She has…
lost caregiver
I have been married to my husband for 23 years, he is my best friend , we have 3 beautiful daughters ages 21,18. We found out that he has cancer alittle over a month ago, we were a really good team, he had 2 surgeries and tons of tests done then about a week ago we found out he was stage four,after that he has been pulling…
skin reactions or lack there of due to folfox?
Chemo sucks, chemo really really really sucks. She got mouth sores, fatigue and hair shedding...but no more itchy skin. But has anyone had this type of reaction due to folfox? My mom has extremely sensitive and itchy skin especially during the winter time. But now her skin doesn't itch. I just thought this was interesting.
Keith's first day at school and folfox 7# today
Feeling happy and sad about my Son Keiths first day at school. My daughter went back yesterday, and we played a little trick on Keith. He was all dressed up yesterday and he looked so grown up in his uniform. We all went to school, all the kids were happy to be back. all the parents are super friendly and caring and say…
brenda passed away
Brenda passed away about 1:00 am this morning. I was with her when she died. She seemed and peace and it was not a difficult death. My heart is breaking. Have lost my very closet friend and has left my 15 year old neice without a mother and an alchoholic father. We just got home froam the hospital at 4:00 am. My neice…
Please Allow Me To Clarify Things
Oh my how things have gotten way out of hand and my how things have been said on both sides of the fence that should not have been said, myself included. Winter Marie I should not have said you are going to Hell if you don't believe in Jesus Christ. Although I can prove my point with the use of the bible and scripture I…
Rare colon cancer.
My boyfriend was diagnosed with stage IV signet ring mucinoid adenocarcinoma of the colon almost two years ago. He went through chemo and was in remission for a while, but we recently found out that the same cancer metastasized to the kidney. This is such a trying time, and I'm wondering if anyone else has had this and can…
For colostomates, issues about food, what to eat!
Hello, I'm just curious if you had issues with food after having a colostomy. I was dx with rectal cancer last aug 2010 and had an APR last nov 11. I'm wondering if you had the same experiences with re food. I found out that I could not tolerate fatty foods and have a hard time digesting them and had bloating after intake.…
Colon Infection
Hello, I have currently been doing chemo since 8/09. My cancer is now in my liver. I was having bad pains in my right side this weekend and went to the er. Doctor there said that my colon has an infection and put me on steroids and pain meds. He said I also need to have another colonosopy. My colon has been clear since…
this should not even be discussed on here...shame on anyone that makes anything on oneside or the other!!!
Does anyone notice anything different?
One of my two new looks! I'm preparing myself for the possibility of bad hair days with the Irinotecan... and if it turns out that I don't have particularly noticeable hair loss, I'll still have two fabulous looks for when one just wants to get dolled up :D The second look is completely different, but that one is getting…
Two lovely ladies
I can't express what I am feeling. My mother died this morning 2 days after her 90th birthday. She has been in a nursing home since last April battling uterine cancer. She's had many bouts with colon cancer and had an ileostomy many, many years ago. She was a petite, beautiful woman and I will miss her dearly. I am…
Taking a break
Just wanted you to know that I'll be taking a break from the board for awhile to spend some much needed quality time with my husband, kids and grandkids. All of you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily and if you pray, please pray for me as well. This group is so wonderful and has always been there when it…
Results of a phase III trial of adjuvant chemo of irinotecan, leucorvin and 5FU..........
reported today at www.biomedicalcentral.com/1741-7015/9/10/abstract with conclusions being:"Irinotecan added to weekly bolus 5FU plus LV did not result in improvement in disease-free or overall survival in stage II or III colon cancer but did increase toxicity...." Also, www.empowerher.com/print/10441871 just posted "An…