Petscan or CT scan
Ok so here's my question. As you all know I just finished up my 12th round of chemo and I also had colon and liver surgeries in the last 10 months. My CEA number was 26 at it's highest point and was 2.0 at my last chemo. I am due to have a CT scan on Feb 1st and a colonoscopy on Feb 26th. My Onc says he like to start with…
Therasphere (not sure about spelling)
Just wondering if anyone out there is familiar with this option to treat liver mets. It entails inserting a catheter into the liver and shooting beads of radiation to the tumors. My doctor has suggested this procedure, so I wanted to know if any of you have heard of it or experienced it.
Chemo questions
I have some questions regarding chemo such as what some of the side effects are and what to expect. I just found out that I will be receiving chemo and radiation treatments for 6 months. I was told that I would most likely lose my hair. I go Monday to get a port put in and I am curious about that as well such as if it is…
Stereotactic Radiation update-good news
Hello all Yesterday was my last day of 1 to 1.5 hrs of being sucked down under plastic on a mold on a table while a machine out of some Marvel comic strip beams multiple times at me for what sometimes seems like an eternity. No, this was no walk in the park; however, it is having good results. The doc says I am having an…
Friends, Romans, Colostomates
New to the bag thing, and looking for suggestions: 1. It is a well done colostomy, above the waistline and to the left of my Belly Button 2. It sticks out ~one inch 3. I am comfortable looking at it, emptying the bag, and cleaning the stoma Currently using Hollister two piece with drainable pouch. Questions: 1. How often…
Hats for Men
Just a quick question. My brother just started Chemo and I heard that he is losing his hair. ( His ex-wife says he is shedding like the dog ) Is a regular baseball style cap comfortable after the hair loss? I want to try to order some hats for him to wear, but want to know if there are any tips that anyone can share. He…
Prayers and positive thoughts - UPDATE
Hello - I have not posted much lately but I do read daily. I get my scan results today so I am just dropping in to ask for an extra prayer/postive thoughts my way. I had my scan last Friday and I am meeting with my Oncologist this afternoon. I am a little worried because my CEA went from 3.1 to 6.1 from November with my…
PET scan results today
I will be getting my PET scan results this afternoon...i am really not too axious about the results but would like the time tomday to go by quickly so I can find out what the scan shows...if anything. I will keep you posted on my report. Thanks to all who have prayed form me and I will continue to pray for each of you.…
Picked up My College ID
My onc asked when I wanted chemo, I told him on Fridays since that's the only day off I have from college. He then asked me why I decided to go to college. I said, "Well, hell, since I'm going to live, I figured I might as well be further educated while enjoying my old age." He laughed, and said he was sure I was going to…
Wierd thoughts...making an impact on my life....handling the end of my life...(NOT now...!!!!!)
OK, so it's a bit early (or late, depending), so that may be part of this post. It's just rambling...don't waste your time if you have better things to do.... I have, as you have seen my posts, been trying to make sense of all of the losses as of late that have been in my life. NOT my own, thank goodness...I continue to be…
Viagra and the single man......and yes its cancer related cause it makes ya forget it for a minute..
Yep back in tha day when I was a young lad and single I had 2 girls that would visit me occasionally whenever I felt as though I needed companionship and it was a mutual agreement so no harm no foul, until one weekend feeling good and frisky I decided to call both of them over for an all weekend hulabaloo....I went to tha…
Chicago Already???
Heck, I must be thinking about Chicago pretty hard. I turn on this TV station called news at 9:00, but they were talking about this horrible weather, calling it pretty good with highs in high 20's, lows in low 20's, and I'm think where the heck is this place? They had their web site on there, called WGN9 tv station. Looked…
Join a Live Chat! Dr. Laura Porter, Stage 4 Survivor and Colon Cancer Alliance Patient Advocate
Join Us For a Live Chat! Update from ASCO GI Cancer Conference presented by Dr. Laura Porter, Stage 4 Survivor and Colon Cancer Alliance Patient Advocate In January, over 2,000 healthcare professionals from around the world met to discuss breaking news, research advances, and emerging therapies on various gastrointestinal…
Cancer takes another good man
I was notified today that one of the best cops I worked with for over 25 years died yesterday of his cancer. He taught me a lot and was one of the first k-9 handler/trainers. He was old school but knew how to deal with people. It would have taken a lot to bring down Dave-damn cancer!
bad scan - very sad
Dear Friends, Wow that was a slap in the face. We were hoping that ****'s scan would clear him for flying. Instead we are fighting for "more time." He had his CAT yesterday and he has about 16 small nodes total in both lungs. Also a 5 cm mass up near his aorta. Also numerous small to med size lymph nodes. It's back. We…
haven't posted in awhile
Thought I would post something about my husband Keith's condition. Last time I posted we were just starting out on this-what seems to be the longest trail of our life. He has been a trooper through everything. Within weeks he had a port, imaging, aspiration biopsies, an ileostomy and a ton of tests. We have covered the…
Just whistle a happy tune
You older folks know where the subject line comes from. I know some of you think that you can’t be positive all the time. It takes practice to keep your focus on the positive note. Practice that is very rewarding for you and everyone around you. It is clearly your choice. Hell I even get down. The difference is I will not…
broke my heart, met face to face with a real long term survivor
I went to my cancer general cancer support group yesterday. only about 12 turned up. one other guy who happended to have colorectal sat next to me. small world. we sit in a circle and share for about 2 hours, weekly. but I can go only once a fortnight as it clashes with chemo day. this is not related to the bowel cancer…
Clinical trial success stories needed!
I am creating this page for my husband, Tony. In March of 2010 he was diagnosed with stage IV cancer of the small intestine during a hernia operation (which turned out to be cancer causing the hernia). We chose Vanderbilt as our hospital. At that point, the CT/PET showed tumors on the small intestine, colon, liver,…
MRI of brain this moring ~ UPDATE ~
Wish me luck on fitting my fat head into one of them MRI thingy's!! Brooks Everything seemed to be fine and my head did fit into the MRI. Why do them things need to be so loud? Anyways after I was finished the guy wanted to know if I had any family history of MS? I told him not that I know of and drove away wondering why…
Good News? Bad News? Right News?? Wrong News??? Daaang!!!!!
Well... I am just confused on news I got today. As many of you know my CEA was dropping steadily since my Cyberknife and I had a PET/CT a few weeks back to clarify if Cyberknife was successful and if I was NED. St Louis U did the Cyberknife and PET and said area where Cyberknife was performed was clear but on another area…
update on Brenda 3_16
Hi everyone: Brenda is at the hospital on hospice care. She couldnt get out of bed yesterday and was taken by ambulance to the hospiatel (was supposed to have onc appt) They did scans in er. All much worse. She was losing blood and she has what they called a "bleed on the brain" she is either asleep or unconscious. not…
feeling helpless with my dads condition
I wish i could hug you all and make all ur suffering better, but i can't. "I feel just as helplesss with my dad". i just don't know how to make things better!! i wrote him this and it inspired him. i hope it helps any of u too. I remember all of you in my prayers.....i know most of u live very far away from gibraltar but…
My new avatar-another Dutch adventure!
This is from a city named Utrecht, in The Netherlands. We visited 2 museums that day...one, my fav (I collect music boxes), is the music box museum "MUSEUM SPEELKLOK". It is housed in an old church, complete with the church organ and many beautiful dance organs. The other museum, the train museum "SPOORWEG MUSEUM", is the…
Chemo Starts again
Had a nice visit with my onc, today. Starting on the Xeloda and Avastin on Friday, every 3 week regime again, at least no oxy. My CT Scan came back nothing showing up on liver or lungs!!! We were worried about the lung situation, it's looking good!!! So working on getting rid of any possible cancer cells that may be…
abdominal bloating
Just a quick background...I am being treated for reoccurrence of colon cancer. The tumor was removed Aug 30, 2010 low agressive just like the last one four years prior. But this time three localized nodes involved. No apparent spread. I have been on folfox for 7 treatments and every treatment brings a new discovery in bad…
colonoscopy how soon
Hey there everyone just wondering how quickly everyone had a follow up colonoscopy after surgery. I had my surgery back in March 2010 and then had one in April of 2010 to see if they got it all after the surgery. The surgeon said at that time we would do one in April of 2011 but he has now said we could skip to 2012 if I…
Just rambling, not a useful post, best to just skip it
So my friend and neighbor is lost at sea. That makes 11 people that volunteered at my benefit last year that have died since Feb 2010. There were 126 volunteers that help cook, serve, deliver, and then clean up. Now 11 of those people are dead. All were young and in good health. I remember them all praying for me and…
“Pain and Suffering” – A Close Examination of Our Feelings as We Walk With Cancer
Pain and Suffering. Two words, that in the course of our journeys, will help to define who we are and what we have endured to reach this stage of our lives. Annabelle (Kim) had opened a post a few months back and was talking about a “magic pill” that could take away our pain and bad memories, so that we would not have to…
brenda 3_16
Hi everyone Have notposted in a long time. Brenda stated becomming jaundiced in November and December. She went to Sloan on 12/27 and had a stint placed in her liver to drain the fluid that is making her jaundice. Procedure went ok but she is still yellow and biliruben is still creeping up. It is around 25. She has a…