Another good report
Got the test results of my blood workup this morning... CEA holding steady at about 1 - 1.1, everything else looking GREAT. Go in tomorrow morning for my high-contrast CT scan to check liver and the small calcium spot on my lung for any growth, but we're expecting good news there too. Thank you Dear Lord for GOOD news :D
Has anyone been to MDAnderson?
i'm trying to get Dad into MD. It 's been taking so long. We sent his records and now we wait for the review board to decide to take him or not. I 'm so scared that they will turn him down. He has the two mets to the liver and damage from the chemo or SIRT which has resulted in ascites which is controlled by diauretics. He…
Colon Calendar - Ms September 2011 AND COVER
Newbies.......or anyone Stage 4 survivor, thought you might like to read. http://www.colonclub.com/2011September.html COVER http://www.colonclub.com/2011Cover.html
I'm home from the hospital
Hello Everyone, I got discharged from the hospital at about 8pm earlier this evening (Thursday). Stayed overnight Tues and Wed nights. I'm doing fine now & did find out the source of my pain since they gave me a sigmoidoscopy with ultrasound (after practically begging them and crying to a doctor in the hospital- another…
Jorge's CEA count :(
Well today the chemo doctor called to tell us that jorge's Cea is at 5.1 now in February it was at 2.6 its 3weeks today that he has his tumor remove from his rectum and on the 11th of this month and on the same day we meet with the liver doctor I have to tell you guys I'm sooooooo scared I just want to cry thanks for…
OT - My Excellent European Adventure Day Seven
We rise in the morning, and prepare to check out of our hotel. After packing up we make our way downstairs and place our bags in the lobby, then a last meal in Verona. Today we go to Venice! The group comes down in bits and pieces, but eventually we are all there, waiting on our bus, and a quick trip to the train station.…
Liver Resection / Chemo Afterwards?
My Mom is scheduled for a Liver Resection on the 12th of July. After her 9 rounds of chemo the 2 spots on her liver have shrunk. Dr. said she will be in the hospital 7 - 10 days. Just a few questions . . . How long before full recovery? (planning a celebration trip in Feb 2012 - godwilling) Is chemo typical given after…
crc mets
I new to this site. I am hoping to find support and information. I was dx with CRC last yr and underwent surgery, radiation with oral chemo and 6 months of iv chemo...my followup scan in May showed mets to both lungs. I'm now starting chemo again. CPT11, 5FU, Avastin. Is anyone out there on this or have experience with it?…
new to site
I have recently been dx with colon cancer. I have been waiting for 4 weeks for surgery because my Dr. wanted to do gentic testing first because of my age and no family history of cancer. The gentic tests results came back that I have HPNCC. My CT scans showed no evidence of Mets. MY CEA was 0.7. I am waiting on the call…
Young and Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
I am 28 years old with stage IV colorectal cancer. I was just wondering how many people out there have been disgnosed with colorectal cancer and were also under the typical screening age.
Recently at the farmers market a very healthy woman in her 50s was selling fermented foods. the health benefits of them can be researched on the internet. She introduced me to a tea she said it was made with a fermented mushroom. she said it would help with digestion and give me a refreshing cleanse, and to top it off a…
What Is Papaya Enzyme? Just an FYI
I pop three of these chewable tablets in my mouth each morning and they have really helped me with my acid reflux. Just an FYI on the enzyme. Papaya enzyme is called papain, a digestive enzyme that helps break down certain types of food in the stomach. Papain dissolves protein tissue when it comes in contact with certain…
Marriage and CRC
Marriage Might Boost Colon Cancer Survival Sometimes it is the simple things.
New to board
Hi everyone, I am new to the board and am caretaker for my husband. He became a semicolon in February and had 7 out of 12 nodes positive.Our oncologist told us without chemo there was a 60 % chance of the cancer coming back....with chemo it would be 30%. He has had 8 cycles of 5-fu /Oxalipatin. Not to many problems with…
Sundanceh! Craig!
You fine? ,not posting since a while ! are you concentrated on the Book?. Miss you Mate!
Buzz, KathiM,LoriS ,AnneCan ,Maglets ,Cheryl ! where are you lately ?
Little things that make your life easy while on chemo!
Doc. Says i'm doing very fine with chemo.I'm in my 8 cycle of Folfiri+Avastin , not major effects, good labs,not major liver damage ,no nausea ,no big diarreaha ! CEA,dropping!. Wow, I must be happy .Yes I'm not having any dramatic effect if I compare my self with other mates.But there a some little things that my doc does…
pete43lost_in_paradise day 1
there must be a god, he was kind to me today. the day before yesterday was a really bad and painful reconnection day. somehow yesterday it eased up and i got heaps of packing and the house tidied so we could go away. waited in the checkin queue for 90 minutes. after being the laqst family on the plane and running to the…
i like milk thistle great crc, fix liver and now anticancer. more evidence.
i have been taking this for a year to protect my liver, now i just find out it fights crc tumours. how good is that. hugs, pete http://www.naturalnews.com/023997_liver_milk_silymarin.html Supplementing with milk thistle has a long history among Europeans who have used it to protect their livers from the effects of alcohol…
Needed: Gourmet juice recipes
Hi guys, hope everyone's doing well. I know for sure that peaceful Emily "whose skin is orange" will be able to help me out, but I also suspect some of you guys are holding on to your gourmet juice recipes waiting for a franchise opportunity. If I promise not to reveal your secret recipes to the clamouring public, will you…
Kerry's Burial... Message from Susie
Hey Semi's! Kerry's wife Susie asked if I would share this email with you all. I sure miss the old coot!!! Jennie Hi Jennie. Well we did it. We celebrated Father’s Day and the spreading of Kerry’s ashes last Sunday. It was a gorgeous day and the boys and their families came down Sunday afternoon. I wanted them to be able…
Pain associated with colon cancer?
Hi, I have been having some abdominal pain, sharp pains that stop me, they only last a minute or so but the pain is still there slightly and can be felt if pushed on. The pain is in lower right abdomen and after I eat it gets especially bad, real gassy and noisy, the right side also gets real bloated after eating but then…
Carefree/ Cancer free
Hi, everyone, I had a pet scan and it was cancer free, I am off chemo and hope to never return. As for those who know I had a long two year battle and at some point it looked very grim, My doctors call me a miracle, but i know it is just doing what was necessary, good attitude, a strong belief I was going to beat this, and…
Buck is there a new release of your travel available?
Hugs my dear friend!
Hey Mates it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend! Newbies welcomed to post here!
Beach , Beach, Beach ,hope a better weather than last! . Let's post mates!
reaction during chemo
Yesterday during my usual chemo session I became very cold (suddenly) and even with several warm blankets on me started shaking more or less without stop for quite a while. the nurses immediately stopped my treatment (I was receiving Oxaliplatin ,sorry about spelling ) at the time ,the Dr.suggested I was having a reaction…
UNDY 5000 in Denver!
I will be thinking of you all as I participate in this walk/run in Denver tomorrow. My team is "Run for yer Bum!", so if you are in Denver and participating in the Undy 5000 look me up - I would love to meet you!!! Hugs Shanna
Warning on amenia drugs
Hi Friends, I know some people have received some of these drugs for anemia during chemotherapy. I thought you'd find this article from the Boston Globe interesting. I know if **** was on any of these I'd be asking some questions.…
AnneCan how are you?
Thinking of you!
Had my CEA checked yesterday....should find out Friday! Just thinking a bit about it. :)