lung biopsy results from hospital
Hi All, I got my lung biopsy results from the hospital back yesterday (right as I was walking out the door to go get chemo). No fungus in the lungs! They did, however, find a type of a staph infection in the biopsy, so I have been given antibiotics for that. They said it's possible that it was infected from the nose by the…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: Detective Allison Carr pushed her way through the crowded hotel lobby and into an elevator. At the tenth floor she found a forensics crew already at work. "What have we got here?" she asked Officer Frost. "Victim is one Jacob Williams," Frost said. "He and his wife and another couple are here for a week's…
Buck , first of all hope you feel ok since last chemo. BUT, just know Im anxious waiting your next r
take care of you mate!
scambuster busted or should i say banned I will miss him
i got an email from scam that he crossed the line and got banned. on a personal level and just my opinion he really helped with good info and links and support. he was not negative about csn, just indicated that this phase of his life was over and onto greener pastuers. i just want to acknowledge the advice he gave me…
Saw Dr. Lenz
He is a wonderful doctor!!! So animated and very informative. He had me laughing so hard, best appointment I've ever had with a doctor. Anyways, after reviewing my records he had me pointed in a very different direction. He recommended that I get a biopsy on my lung nodules, he is not ruling out that it's not cancer but…
I read on a post about using mcp I got how to mix it but how many times per day to take it. If there is anyone who can help me out with this I would appreciate it. Thank you
Erbitrux: pain in lower back
Hi all, Dad just had his first treatment of Erbitrux and seemed to do pretty well except for lower back pain. Has anyone experienced that? He had slight itching, but no rash, very little nausea,but thats about it. Can we expect that the side affects will increase as he does more treatments?
taste buds and eating
I finished folfox March 23rd came back NED for colon cancer. The folfox damaged my liver and I now have cirrhosis. Good news is gastro doc thinks I have a least two years maybe 10 before liver fails. My problem is eating. Since Folfox I have to force food down. Nothing and I mean nothing tastes good. I did 24 days in the…
Killing a tumor with magnetism?
Stumbled upon this interesting article about how research is being performed with "nano-particles" and magnetism to KILL a cancerous tumor. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/07/magnetic-nanoparticles-fry-tumor.html Basically, they inject a dose of very, very small particles of a magnetic substance, then place the…
Plh4gail are you ok
Has anybody heard from Gail.I can't recall seeing her in a post for a little while. Hope you are ok.Ron.
Cancer, your job, and EEOC rights.
http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/cancer.html The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Title I of the ADA covers employment by private employers with 15 or more employees as well as state and local government employers. The Rehabilitation Act…
bad arse day, who is in the most pain today, you gotta be able to laugh to join this post
anyone else having lots pain ? i don't think i am the only one. was at dinners tonight seated alo9ng way away from the only loo. i own the loo the now. all day today, pooing all day. some said i wasnfull of shiiit, they were right. this is an example of the humour i use to cope with pain. at dinner tonight my friend said…
Started a blog
Hi, everyone. I've been going through sort of a rough time emotionally. Too many people who are very dear to me getting diagnosed with cancer, plus losing too many dear ones. So, in addition to staying rather quiet here (and apparently the quietness has not been noticed!), I have also started a blog. If you are interested…
staging cancer
Is the staging of cancer done before and after surgery? Tessa
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Detective Allison Carr pushed her way through the crowded hotel lobby and into an elevator. At the tenth floor she found a forensics crew already at work. "What have we got here?" she asked Officer Frost. "Victim is one Jacob Williams,"…
Pain after surgery
It's been awhile since I posted anything. Roby had his surgery on May 16th 7 hours, could not remove all of the tumor. Said the radiation burned it into the wall. Then a few days later had to have another surgery, incision started separating and the bowel was starting to protrude, left that open till May 24th and then…
Tumor Stage ypT3,ypN1b,ypM0 ???
We got Matt's pathology from his colon tumor. it is YPT3, ypN1b,ypM0.. Can anyone tell me what this means? Our doc said he is Stage IV. Tumor was Low Grade (moderately differentiated). He has had a liver & colon resection, all margins clear. Just had a Pet scan & nothing lit up, just post operative stuff. Just trying to…
CT Scans and Bronchitis - UPDATED
Question: does anyone know if there are problems having a CT scan (chest/abdomen/pelvis) either during or shortly after a bout of severe bronchitis? I've been coughing violently for a couple of weeks - don't know when this will end, and I'm scheduled for my CT on July 6. I'm afraid that the inflammation in my lungs will…
Will colonoscopy always freak me out?
I'm almost 2 yrs NED I have no reason to suspect any issues, but I'm nervous. I guess it's because this is how I found out 2 years ago.
OT....website slow?
Taking me forever to login to the CSN discussion board. Anyone else have this prob? Hit several other msg boards and no problems, mainly here.
Colon Cancer Treatments and Decisions
Last February I went to the ER due to vomiting blood and it was discovered I had a large blockage in my colon which turned out to be cancer. I had surgery the next day and about 9 inches of my colon was removed along with the tremor. They also removed 21 lymph nodes for testing. NONE of the nodes showed any signs of…
Lab time!
Off to get bloodwork in a little bit. It's CEA time again! Since I recently had my colonoscopy and an ultrasound, there shouldn't be any surprises, but I'll be happy to get the results on Tuesday. I'll be back later and hope to catch up on messages here. *hugs* Gail
Good News to Share
Hi all, I wanted to share some great news! I had my scan last week after a reoccurance in some lymph nodes and my onc. used the words "complete remission". He mentioned that the radiologist called him the day after my scan and asked what exactly he was looking for because he couldn't find anything. I have finished 9 rounds…
Groundglass in luings
HI everyone, I haven't posted in a while but still lurk now and then. I recently had my scans and all were clear, 2 yrs from surgery date, or 17 mths from finished chemo treatments. Depends who you talk to about when you considered yourself cancer free, from surgery date or finished chemo date.. anyway, my chest CT showed…
did i really have crc? was the last year just a nightmare?
The wife, kids and I are having fun at wananavu resort fiji. So much so I have almost thought the last year did not happen. Did I post all the posts, have all the juices, try all the supplements?do the ops, take he folfox express? Well I know I did.got $700 suplements here on the shelf, taking them morning and night.my…
Thought of the Day
“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” ~ William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)
Good CEA report?
I had my second 3 month follow up after chemo. In April my CEA was 1.2 and today it is 1.3. I told my wife and she was really upset that it went up. I told her the numbers are low and it was a normal fluctuation and not to worry. I have read some high numbers that have been reported on this board. I don't know what my…
Sundance Book "In Progress" (Little Update)
Well, I just thought I would open this post to let you know that “The Book” is under way and gathering steam and is in full progress. After this post, the next time I’ll say something is when it’s finished. There won’t be any need to bore you to tears with redundant updates. I’ve jumped back into the “Deep End of the…
Buck! ready for the next release?
Really like it!
High CEA levels
I want to move out of the zone where my CEA levels rise, scans are done, results coming in and the wait causes stress, which causes cancer, supposedly. It's a rut. It's like a bad job. Waiting for the news. I want to reduce doctor appointments to maximum of 2x/year. CEA goes up and down. We can't worry and ruminate every…