oh my goodness, the anger :(
I just came to work from my aunt's home, I've been there this time since last Thursday. I just don't ....well, I do and I don't, understand all of the anger. Mostly she is mad at my uncle (he passed in May of this year) but she also always complains about "us" meaning me and two siblings who have been there for and with…
PLEASE help save the DRUG AVASTIN for Stage 4 Breast Cancer patients- EASY way to HELP!!!!! I have b
Blood Diets
Has anyone heard or read up on this topic? There is a section that specifically talks about blood types and how they relate to different types of cancer. Here is the link if anyone is interested in reading it. http://www.dadamo.com/science_ABO_cancer.htm A Dr. Peter D'Adamo is the doctor behind all of this, he seems to be…
A wife of A Colorectal cancer patient
This is my first time on this site. I joined by searching the internet. My husband is 49 yrs old and was diagnosed of colorectal cancer last year June 2010 after colonoscopy. He had his 1st surgery last JUly 2010 to get the stool that blocked on his stomach .He undergo chemo and radiation theraphy till October 2010.After…
Scott lost his battle
Hi I wanted to let you know that my son, Scott lost his 17 month battle with colon cancer on Tuesday night. He fought hard to live for his boys but in the end this ugly thing beat him. He leaves behind him 3 little boys who are struggling to understand why this had to happen to their daddy, we are all helping them deal…
Kombucha Interesting reading..at least for me :)
http://www.kombuchahome.com/ Kombucha is different than most herbal teas in that it is fermented. This tea is also unusual from other herbal remedies in that there is scientific data supporting Kombucha tea’s ability to promote health. Most such claims made of holistic medications are based on anecdotal information and…
signet ring adenocarcinoma - specialists
Hi all, I am looking to help my sister has signet ring adenocarcinoma, stage 3A. We are looking for doctor in US or UK who specializes in this specific cancer. Also, looking to see know what treatments she can have post regular 5FU etc. she could not take more than 4 sessions due to reoccuring abscess in the abdomen. thank…
PET vs. CT
Someone asked me if a PET scan is for certain cancers and a CT for certain cancers my husband has only had CT scans so I didn't have an answer. I am not much for research, but I know alot of you are and maybe you could answer this question for me. Much thanks Kim
New here
Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a 41 year old mom of three. I was diagnosed with colon cancer a couple months ago. I had a resection two weeks ago and will meet with my oncologist for the first time in three weeks. No one has told me yet, but what I can gather from the internet is that I am stage IIIb.
signet ring adenocarcinoma - specialists
Hi all, I am looking to help my sister has signet ring adenocarcinoma, stage 3A. We are looking for doctor in US or UK who specializes in this specific cancer. Also, looking to see know what treatments she can have post regular 5FU etc. she could not take more than 4 sessions due to reoccuring abscess in the abdomen. thank…
Good infor...Dr. Gabor Maté: "When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection" V
http://www.democracynow.org/2010/2/15/dr_gabor_mat_when_the_body The Vancouver-based Dr. Gabor Maté argues that too many doctors seem to have forgotten what was once a commonplace assumption — that emotions are deeply implicated in both the development of illness and in the restoration of health. Based on medical studies…
Scan Reults- Somewhat freaked out
Had my 6-months scans this week By way of perspective, I am 1 year out from last chemo; 2 years out from DX,colon resection, ileostomy and 1 year out from liver resection of 8 tumors There's always been a nodule on my lung, no one ever worried about it. Current scan shows a growth from 3mm in December to 7 mm now. Onc said…
hello everyone
aggie here haven't been on in awhile,i get the camera up the butt this monday, little worried, but need it done it's been a year since hopefully getting rid of cancer just wanted to talk thanks
Haven't seen you in awhile. How are you doing?
spread !!!!
Hi, just had the most terrible news, we were on holiday and had to come home early because my husbands tummy very swollen, went to hospital and he has as cites, they drained 7 litres! then we had the results of ct, the bowel cancer has spread to liver, and peritoneum, we go to see the ongologist on Thurs 14th july. My…
Hi Strangers!
It's been a while since I lurked or posted. There are a whole bunch of unfamiliar names and faces. However, you are all family. I am constantly saddened to hear of new diagnoses of this stupid disease; it sucks! But I just want to send out encouragement and prayers for everyone. If my CT goes according to my plans, I will…
Seeking those in a similar situation
Diagnosed with Crohn's in 1982; colorectal cancer surgery resulting in a colostomy 12/2008; now facing complete removal of colon and living with an ileostomy. Having a very difficult time not only physically but emotionally as well. Would like to find others for mutual support and information sharing. Thanks
Some good news
Hi all, It has been awhile since I have posted, but I do check in from time to time to see how everyone is doing, to celebrate good news, and to grieve, of course, for the losses. One thing that has helped me these past two years, especially at times when I was scared and couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, was…
Been a while (**Updated pic!)
Wow, I really need to update my picture. My little boy is already 21 months!! (EDIT: just changed the picture. He still has the same smile, just more hair and a bit more attitude!) Anyway, I haven't posted much but check in almost daily to see how everyone is doing. Just wanted to share some good news: 15 months ago my…
Happy Birthday Lisa42
I hope you have a great day.
Buck my friend you fine?
Hope to see you soon!
numbness in hands and feet
i have been done with chemo since jan. of this year. my fingers and feet are still numb. anyone else have this problem ? how long did it last ? i am takeing vit. b6 and b12 for this. thanks
Scan today.
. Just back from getting 3-mo. post chemo CT scan. That liquid dye had to drink gave me the runs bad. Had to go empty my bag 3 times before proceedure. Now will be waiting anxously. Wont get results till the 12th when seeing the Onc. (keeping my fingers crossed)
Elevated liver enzymes please help..UPDATED
My husband just met with the oncologist yesterday. He has completed 2 FOLFOX teatments and has had the normal side effects but the Dr. informed us that his liver enzyme were elevated. He did not say which one nor the actual count (said it was not real high). He was on a high dose of Xeloda before surgery without any…
do what you love
hi all, do what you love, if you get the chance, i am! not been able to checkin as the internet here is difficult. my family, friends and i are having the best adventure in fiji and are all well. i am sad today about our anne's passing but still wanted to post how grateful i am for my current health and all the support i…
15 year old
My 15 year old granddaughter is having signs of colon cancer.My daughter thinks she is to young for a colonoscomy and to young to have colon cancer. I had stage 4 colon cancer at the age of 47.I told her I had read about many young people that have colon cancer.any advice I can give her?
Surgery on liver - what to expect?
Hey there. I was on Folfox & Avastin for 5 treatments. Pet scan shows all tumors in liver (at least 15) are not lighting up. Onc. says they're gone, and suggests i have whole Rt. Lobe of liver removed. Rt. lobe had at least 12 tumors, left lobe 3 or 4. Met with surgeon today. Still have to have an MRI. I think he is…
Liver Resection Surgery 7/12
My Mom is scheduled for her liver resection surgery on 7/12 to remove the (2) spots on her liver. They said the surgery can last from 6-7 hours. Just asking for prayers - thank you. Liz
very worried !need help
hi, i am a 21 yrs old indian male. for the last 8 months my stools seem to be irregular . i went to my doc. he said it was bad digestion. he asked me to take an abdominal ultra sound sonogram and lfts.results were normal except that alkaline phosphatase was 139 iu/mg(normal range 110-130). my doc said it was because of…
Friday Riddle Answser
(Riddle Reference: Letter Equations are well known phrases or facts where the key words have been replaced with the first letter of that word. These are often in the form of an equation, which contain a number, an = sign and the rest of the obscured phrase or fact.) RIDDLE: C in D = B/2 ANSWER: Courage in danger is half…