Neuropathy and Oxaliplatin Revisited
Hi all neuropathy sufferers: Now I know what you are all talking about. I had very little neuropathy with Cycle 1 of folfoxfiri (or whatever the word is). I took 2 daily VitB6, L-glutamine, and cal/mag. Today I had cycle 2 at a reduced irenotecan treatment (and maybe reduced oxaliplatin). All I can say is "oh my". The…
Tagamet for metastisized colon cancer
My husband has Stage 4 colon cancer, metastisized to the liver and also lymphnodes near the superior vena cava. He was diagnosed very late, had a resection in Novemeber, 2010, and as of yet, no further treament. Two weeks ago he was told he had between 6 and 12 months left. This is NHS, UK medicine at it's worst. Anyway,…
Liver resection
is scheduled for June 1st. Just wanted to post info for anyone else that might have one in future and they can use the info.....if it goes good or bad. I was stage 3B dx 12/08, 3 positive nodes out of 30..Did 7 rounds out of 12 of folfox...ended up 10 days in hospital due to toxic reaction. Have bad neuropathy, but been…
CEA going DOWN...YAY!!!!
It rose to 11.9... I have had 3 treatments of CPT-11 only..no other chemo.... Had levels done yesterday and just got results... down to 8.2...YAY!!!! Now I don't feel so bad about losing all my hair this past week. I have never had acid reflux but I started having this fluid come up in my throat and it burns...kinda like…
Buck how do you feel? ready for release number 5? not yet?
Do it whenever you feel better but don't forget about here you got a fan of the thread !
almost died in Florida
Well I'm back from Florida, I have a new beautiful grand daughter. But there was a major problem. After about 3-4 weeks my abdomen filled with fluid so badly that I couldn't stand the pain. My wife and I had driven down to Florida after onc thought the fluid was the effect of Folfox and would be absorbed. Instead it got…
ADker, I am thinking of you and hoping all is well. I hate to post this on the board itself but know that many people don't go into their inbox. I sure wish a PM on this board would automatically send a notification to a person's email... Could you please post sometime or PM me? Thanks! Amy
The crazy making process of waiting for test results.
It’s amazing how much I was catastrophizing things when I visited my doctor this week to learn the results of my CEA and CT scan. This would be the one year mark since my last chemo treatment, and my doctor told me that if colon cancer returns then in 90% of the cases it will happen within the first year from the last…
Roger (Crow71) was much more than most of us knew
The following the the obituary Roger's wife posted on CaringBridge. Roger Thomas Fowler passed away June 9th at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem, NC. Born December 16, 1971, Roger was a longtime resident of Lewisville, NC. Roger graduated from Forsyth Country Day School in Lewisville and attended Emory…
how much does chemo alter permanently
3 years NED yippppeeee- during chemo I was hospitalized 3 times for vile chemo issues one of those times, my mouth so swollen I couldn't get it open, couldn't talk, couldn't eat gums, inside lining of my mouth, tongue- very swollen, gums swollen to the point you could not see my teeth ok, so I made it to the other side…
leveraging Peripheral Neuropathy info, treatments and tips from diabetic world! why not ?
leveraging PN info, treatments and tips from diabetic world! why not ? i noticed lots of overlaps on alternatives. http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/thread22794.html story about PN and diabetic weight loss and vegan and reducing PN http://www.reversingdiabetes.org/HowitWorks/Research.aspx vegan diet helps 50% diabetics.…
Mom_2_3 & pscott1 have PM"s
Mom_2_3 & pscott1... i sent you pm's. Thanks!!!
Preparation for Chemo
Hello, I'm glad I've just found this network. I have Colon Cancer Stage II, high risk. Fortunately, my surgery went very well. Two days ago, I got my mediport and I'm going to start my chemo next Tuesday. I'm quite nervous about it. Has anybody some ideas how I could prepare myself for it. Thank you for your help. Sylvia
FOLFOXFIRI - 1st round OK
Hi All, I had my first round of FOLFOXFIRI last week. It went fine and side effects not too bad. Since I have been on many other 'cocktails' ;) I had some basis for comparison. I would say not too different from, say, being on FOLFOX -- for me. It took me a little longer to be feeling "good". I used to say hey I can feel…
Buck ! think is time for a good story! ,let's go with release number 5!
blood work question
Hi there... I'm not new, but haven't been around for a while. My husband was dx stage IIIc in Nov. 2009. He finished chemo about one year ago. Everything's been fine up until recently. He's sleeping alot! He says he is so fatigued. He had some crazy death dreams and he has opened up to me that he is depressed. Alot of very…
Just Booked CP-9
Just booked for CP-9 12-15th Oct........Chi-Town will never be the same.........
chemo or not?
Hi everyone. I am home from the follow up appt. with the surgeon.(surgery was 5/24) Healing is going well. In 2 months I go back for bloodwork and ct. Pretty typical. Now when we first spoke with the surgeon he said he saw no reason for chemo after. I had it before and it came back. NOW, he wants me to see an onc. to talk…
PET results - questions
My oncologist is out until Thurs. so I had his nurse fax my PET results. I'm stage IV, currently having had two lung ablations for lung mets (the only area showing disease until now). The scan looks okay, but I'm worried because it says "A hypermetabolic soft tissue nodule is seen in the pelvic mesentery, showing a maximal…
Stage IV CC Survivor Running for President
Herman Cain (Republican) is a stage IV colon cancer survivor and is running for President. He will be participating in the debate tonight. I am not trying to start a political debate here, just an FYI. Hugs, Sara
What was that new drug mentioned?
Sometime in the past week someone mentioned a new drug coming out that targets tumors 3-ways (something like that). I read it quickly, meant to save it, now I can't remember which thread it was a part of. (i hope i wasn't just dreaming this) Bring out all the ammunition.
Skin Breakdown..Feeding Tube
Hello all, Looking for any tips anyone can give us, hubby has a PEG Tube, the bumper is stiched to his stomach as well as the tubing is also stiched. We are having some big time issues with skin breakdown around the bumper (peg), I try to keep the area clean as we do have some leakage, i have tried to coat the area with…
Surgical site a year later
Been awhile since we have been on here. Been dealing with the ups and downs of the whole process. Going immediate surgery, herbal and radiation route -no chemo thus far have us with no signs of any cancer -thus far:) May 21st was one year when our world changed forever. He hasn't been back to work yet but I think he is…
Hello everyone
Sorry for the way my last post ended, but I had answered the phone while typing that post and left after hanging up the phone to go to the hospital. Long story short, brother is fine for now. He says he didn't do it on purpose (overdose that is) I honestly don't know if he did or not and probably never will know the truth.…
ColonPalooza 9
I am excited to be charged with making the plans for the ninth Colon Palooza, a celebration of life for Colon Cancer Survivors and their invited guests. Who appointed me? Well, I guess I was in the right place at the right time last Fall at CP8 in Ft. Worth, TX. This year our weekend celebration is in Chicago from Thursday…
DIET Post removed !!
Wow, Someone (Joseph) posts his success story which he thinks was primarily due to diet with a mention of a clinic that will support alternative treatments and diet, and he gets attacked, abused and now run of the board. The post was intended to have people investigate the benefits diet may offer to their winning this…
“SUNDANCE vs CANCER” – The Results Post
Faster than a speeding locomotive – Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound – Look! – Up in the air! – It’s a bird! – It’s a plane! – It’s…..it’s……awww $hit, it’s only Sundance:) LOL:) The “Betting Windows” are now officially closed, so I hope you got your wagers down – there was sure plenty of time:) Well, this is…
hes coming home*************update*****************
I'm so happy to tell everyone Jorge is coming home today . I can use some help how to get him strong away he lost 20lbs so we need to get it back. Hugs all
A Thought for the Caregivers (dedicated to all caregivers)
Thought it might be a good time to revive this: You were there when we discovered we were ill, and you shared our shock and pain You were with us in the hospital, worrying while we slept You stood by us when our moods got dark You were there with us when the treatment seemed worse than the disease You cooked special meals…
After the operations and treatments... what about...
Without going into a big story, suffice it to say that I've spent 5 weeks in the hospital, have had 8 or 9 (I loose count) operations and "procedures" since January of last year, took chemo every other week for 6 months, and am now working on FINALLY getting over my (hopefully) LAST operation, which was hernia repair back…