Hi mates, it's FRIDAY ! any interesting plan for the weekend?
Beach of course!
Round 2 of round 2
My wife is starting irinotecan, avastin, and Xeloda. Hoping for mild to no side effects. CEA over 400, so hope this regime gets things under control. Best
Back to Work
I start my new job next week. Back to Human Resources!! Glad to hear I'm still in the running and making the money! :-) lol As many of you know, my other job issue is still going strong. I am not giving up on Cancer discrimination!
I feel real moodiness ,fidgety , in very bad manners today , yesterday was my disconnection and havi
Shouting every body, can't stay calm ,moving from one room to other! . Did it happen to you some times?. Need a bit of help!
Need to vent.......
Hi all, Been a while since I posted anything, been pretty much just lurking around. I started up my folfiri/Avastin and had just completed my sixth treatment. Ugh, I find this regiment to be both hard physically and mentally and I commend all of you folks who have been battling the beast all this time. I try to use **** as…
In my evening of searching about any and all things concerning hilum, what I have surmised is that it is a particular section of a lymph node. So what I am possibly looking at is a cancerous node ? Is this close or way off base...I am simply getting a full grasp of who what when where how and why before the trip to Vandy…
this man of mine is crazy
Guy I've been with jorge for 24 years and he has never asked for ice in anything he drinks this man would drink warm beer on a hot day and now he has done 2 rounds of folfox and oxy. And he is asking for ice in his drinks this man is backwards. I'm done trying to understand him but all I know is he is nuts .hugs to all Tina
Insurance not paying for Lung RFA anymore?????????
Has anyone heard anything about this. I have seen 2 different sets of doctors now to discuss RFA for lungs. Both said it is a recent determination that the benefit of RFA to lungs does not add much to survival time and therfor will not be covered by most insurance companies anymore. They will continue to cover liver RFA…
3rd day after Irinotecan/Camptosar/CPT-11 plus Avastin
Dear all, Today is the third day of her new chemo regimen (Irinotecan+avastin), she is handling it well. She can still eat although she looks very tired. She has signs of diarrhea but I let her take imodium immediately and it seems under control at the moment. I've heard that from the 4th day, it will be the beginning of…
need to vent i am tired
good evening semi's praying all is well. i am having a hard time recently with not the dragon but with my family. i don't know what is going on. we went on a cruise in may and since than it seems we are not functioning like a family. no one tries to help me with the bills and yet i have to come up with things to do. i am…
I got C-Diff. Tummy really Hurtin.. Advice please???
Hey All, Been having mid stomach pains (not cramps) for a week with diarrhea. I knew something was different cause it just wasn't the same kind of diarrhea that I get with chemo. I seen my Onc Tuesday...he said if it didn't stop with the 2 anti-biotics he put me on to call him today and let him know. I turned in poop…
Here i go again
well today it started again Jorge and Jorgie are fighting again i'm getting worried about the stress that my son is giving his dad . will make this cancer grow omg i'm hating my life right now i try so hard to keep everyone happy but i can't anymore i just want everything to stop . sorry guys
Integrative Medicine why not ? lecture at md anderson UPDATED added video, best 60min i have seen.
i just found this transcript of an interesting lecture, we can make a difference to our journey. this authors book has been discussed here by myself and others who are interested in improving upon traditional outcomes. i hope you like the post, the lecture and the book. i read it months ago, it gave me great hope. the…
Time for an Update...
George is doing so much better than in May when he was in the hospital. Since then we have had PET and CT scans. The chemo CPT-11 and Avastin continues to do its job. On the CT scan there was a hazy area by the spleen but on the PET it showed nothing and nothing lit up. His original tumor was right by the spleen and when…
*UPDATE Dave deBronkart: How We Can Help Each Other
Let's try another title. The response has been underwhelming with the exception of a few. I know this is basically what we do on here but it's nice to see it in action elsewhere. Dave deBronkart: Meet e-Patient Dave. I was checking out some TED Talks on my ROKU (Streaming TV device) and saw this fantastic one called Dave…
Need some info...
I need to find notable hospitals that are noted for their expertise in different areas of protocol... First RFA, Nanoknife, Cyberknife, .maybe a rough draft of what each entails....my reasoning is that if it comes to this that instead of complete removal of the left lung I am heading to where ever I have to to have…
Newbie - Colon Cancer Stage 2B - T4 - Folfox regime with port
Hi everyone! I first created a blog thinking that was what I should do ... then I realized I needed to just post to discussion board. I would love to hear from you. I already had my colon resection (4 weeks ago) and have my 2nd round of chemo coming on Monday. They put me on folfox regime. I felt great the first and second…
jest of my story -- retrieve your own pathology report dont wait for a doctor to call and after 24 hours of no call from them-- assume its negative
Platelet info!!!
My husband has not had a treatment now for a month every time we go get his blood checked his platelets are too low (7-15 83, 7-22 89, 7-29 76). Why would they start declining if no treatment has occured??? totally confused. I have heard that after 12 tx's they usually give a break, but the oncologist seemed to think they…
My 63 yr old Dad with sigmoid colon cancer has just started Oxyplatin and 5FU
Discussion boards and chat rooms are all abit new to me. I replied to someone elses post before realising I could just submit a discussion. Dad is an otherwise well fit 63 year old who has been diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer. He appears to have some lung and liver mets with no known nodal disease. He has just started…
I accidentally de-accessed my port, grrr
I was bending over putting on a shirt a bit ago and had my pump on the bed. I didn't allow enough slack in my port line and unhooked myself. I was half tempted to use my supplies and glove up and clean the port and my chest area and plug myself in, but thought better of it and called Home Infusion. They are sending someone…
Brenda happy birthday
hey i haven't posted in a while but i am saddened to read about so many who have died in the last few months. My neice Rachel now has her own bedroom here. She loves it. She has a terrible relationship with her fahter. She will be 16 soon and says she is not going home. She does not want to answer his calls, but I always…
Mum given up.
Unfortunately, my mum has given up on chemo treatments. She even refused to my idea of going for a second option treatment ): This just breaks my heart. But I guess I have to respect her decision ): Now, I think I'll just go with traditional medicines to help her ): THANKS A LOT to those who replied and cared for me when I…
Just was thinking of you and wanted to know if you are doing ok. Give us a quick update if you are still lurking. Kim
Sundance Turns the Big 5-0 !!!
How do I feel today? I really don't know. Glad that I made it, but the bells and whistles aren't going off. I think there are days in your life when you expect or want something more than just the ordinary day. Turning 50 appears to be one of those markers in life that signals more things thing in your life besides the…
What do you do about your job
My husband has not been working since his diagnosis at the beginning of May. He gets chemo every other week and would not be able to work that week but the next week he feels good enough to work. The problem is that his job involves working with live turkeys and they carry disease. With his immunity down from the chemo,…
Belated Birthday
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CRAIG I have been away for a little vacation, with my boyfriend and some friends. We went to Kelowna,Pentiction , Osoyoos all in the beautiful province of British Columbia, the area is famous for the vineyards. My job was tasting the different wines, a very hard job I can assure you. The reason is…
Mum diagnosed with colorectal stage IV and given 3 months to live.
Hi all, im a newbie to this forum. I just need an outlet to vent my feelings out to someone but dont know who ): my mum was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer at the age of 46 around mid-august on 2010. i didnt know it was stage 4 at the start of diagnosis as she tells me it was stage 1. my aunt was the one who…
cancer spread
Hi, haven't posted on cc for a while, my husband had the bad news that the cancer had spread to his peritoneal from being dx with bowel cancer stage 3c in Aug 2010. We are both still trying to get our heads round it. The onc is giving him 3 types of chemo, 2 via iv, and then 8 tab of xeloda at home which after the first…
New picture
this picture is of Jorge my true love