My dad in bad relationship and wont let go! Its making me crazy!
My dad has been dating this lady for 3 years. When he was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer with mets to live, she automatically moved in with him without even asking. A week later, she moved her 23 year old son without asking. 5 months later, she said the cancer and chemo were too much for her and she was overwhelmed…
Ulcers around stoma
Can anyone tell me how to clear up ulcers around a stoma? I'm starting chemo in 3 days and worried they won't heal. Many thanks!
something is happening on my mind!
I feel nervous ,anxious, like depressed , I'm in my infusion 11 so if good luck and God wishes only one to go but i feel like floating ,in other world, somtimes bad humor can't find a comfortable place to sit or stay ! have some Ativans every day but no resulst beside aesleep ! Did yo ever feel like that? On the other hand…
I have been stalking this site for a few weeks and reading all your posts. My husband, 54 was dignosed Feb. 1st 2011 with stage IV colorectal cancer (mets in liver). It was a whirl wind of doctors, oncologist, surgeons and second opinions at the Mayo Clinic. I totally understand not wanting to down play the seriosness of…
Flu like symptoms
It has been 5 weeks since my colon removal. I continue to have flu like symptoms all over my body from time to time. no fever. Just chills and body aches. Could it be a sign of dehydration? Anyone experience this? Tessa
I'm shedding (and in the oddest places)
It finally is happening; my hair is falling out! Thinning mostly, but there are odd bits, like blowing of my nose and getting a tissue full of hair, or noticing that the tub is full of body hair and I am beginning to look like whoever did my waxing needs to go back for more training (and no, I do not wax! :smile: ) Ahh,…
Kind of excited
Call me weird, but I'm kind of excited to get started with my first chemo treatment tomorrow. I got my port put in Tuesday and it feels better today. Maybe it's the prayers of my friends and family, but even though I am nervous I feel full of joy about the experience that is ahead of me. I know I will have terrible days,…
lost my best friend today heidi the cat
today i lost my baby heidi. she was adopted 18 years ago. she has always been there for me. when i was fighting the dragon 7 years ago she was right there with me. she was there when i left for work and when i returned no matter what time it was she was at the door waiting for me. i will miss my little girl r i p heidi see…
UPDATED "put up or shut up" I have made the core argument clearer I hope SUGAR
UPDATE 16aug2011. checkout blakes post thats clearer in some respects http://csn.cancer.org/node/224351 A wise mentor, not on this board, suggested the only way oncologists will start advising walking is when a patient who dies sues then for negligence. I still have the uptmost faith in my doctors, our society and system,…
Ulcers and Tumors confused??
We found out my husband has colon cancer last christmas they moved on him quickly removed his gallbladder and half of his right side colon , he has done some of his chemo but had trouble with blood and platlet counts going to low, so we had an other PET scan and was told he had a tumor on his intestine and pancreas, which…
Another new club member - radiation machine issue
Hi all, Thanks for your inspiration you didn't even know you were giving. I've been lurking for a couple of weeks. I'm 3 1/2 weeks into this, stage III rectal cancer. Anyway, I'm in my second week of treatment, chemoradiotherapy five weeks. But today and yesterday, the radiation machine has been down. It is being fixed but…
Ulcers and Tumors confused??
We found out my husband has colon cancer last christmas they moved on him quickly removed his gallbladder and half of his right side colon , he has done some of his chemo but had trouble with blood and platlet counts going to low, so we had an other PET scan and was told he had a tumor on his intestine and pancreas, which…
hot chemo
Hey guys does anyone know anything about hot chemo .my bother inlaw asked me about it I told him I would ask you guys and back to him hugs all. Tina
I would love some input on CAT results -
Hey all - QUick rundown - I am 35 year old mom of two - stage 3 - colon cancer. Finished 12 rounds of chemo a year ago this week - I had my blood work done this week - CEA totally "normal" and all blood work looked good. I had my CAT done - Onc called today and said that they saw two tiny tiny spots - one on the liver and…
last update for a while
I think I let everyone know that a few weeks ago I had a colonsocopy and an Endoscopy which came back no cancer and no polyps in my colon and no veins in my throat from the chirrosis. I just finished a battery of tests and some weird stuff has happened. I have had high blood pressure for years on meds and I have always had…
honey (not the sweetheart kind!)
I have been doing the no sugar thing for almost a year now. Going not too badly. I have a small piece of dark chocolate most days (which is supposed to be good for us) and use organic agave syrup when sugar is required (I still eat grains and use the agave when I bake - with organic ww flour and organic spelt flour). My…
Please Watch the Dates!
Before answering a post, take a look at the "creation date". Spam outfits post to threads that are usually from the archive, so answering to that thread only perpetuates the damage to the forum caused by the spammer. Just sayin'..... Healthy thoughts! John
Just letting you know I am thinking about you, if I remember correctly you have test tomorrow, saying lots of prayers for you my friend, please let us know how you are doing. HUGS Beth
must be a day for bad news
Went to onocologist today, last week when Michaels CEA rose to 508, they sent him for a PET scan Saturday he has had 4 treatments of Folfox, and colon resection since Mother's Day when he was diagnoised. Today, the Doctor said his chemo is not working and he is being switched to Folfori starting Friday. He also said it…
i survived UPDATE
i got a very good phone call a few days ago. the US tv series "i survived" is doing an aussie version. my lost at sea story 4 years ago with a crc trailer made the cut. i am getting a few grand on the 19th august for an hours work. this will just covers my next adventure to PNG for a few weeks diving with my adventurous…
Feeling crappy......
Had chemo yesterday..... I never get sick to my stomach.....until now.... not been to bed all night...been throwing up...till nothing left to throw up..now dry heaves....pain in my heart when I breathe deep...port part in neck hurting...stomach bloated and feels like my guts are trying to get under my ribs... I did have a…
Update Dennis not doing well
Hello all.so sorry for not posting sooner.I am staying in our camper near the hospital where Dennis is and no internet. Dennis is out of IKCU and all the procedures in the last 2 weeks have failed. He also has got a nasty bacterial infection. £hey have talked to us about hospice. We have chosen to go home where he is more…
Bad news once again ):
Doctor came over to my house today to check on mum. Her pulse was checked and all. After that the doctor talked to my grandmother who was over at my house as well to talk about her condition. The doctor told her she got less than a month to live. I'm all out of hope now.. Nothing can seem to cheer me up ):
Jury duty? What happens if....
Here's something I didn't think about happening. I have a jury duty summons tomorrow and had every intention to go. Today I started thinking about the different problems that could come up while court is in session. When I need the restroom, I can't wait until the next breaktime. Has anyone come across this? Thank's, Gail
Has anyone ever had the onc give a diagnosis before surgery?
First I apologize if this is not quite coherent. My seizure meds are kicking my rear tonight. I was brought in by my oncologist last week and told that i have a new cancer (either gallbladder cancer or pancreatic). she told me that she would no longer be handling me as a patient and referred me to a new onc surgeon which i…
lysine and other supplements
Someone told me to take lysine before chemo to prevent mouth sores. Good advice? Also, I have questions about vitamin supplements in general. I always figured that if you eat a variety of healthy foods, you shouldn't need to supplement. But maybe during chemo you do. What are your opinions? Thanks. -Biz
Blog entry
Hey, there. If anyone would like to read it, this is my latest blog entry. If you do go there, I would appreciate any comments. Thanks! *hugs* Gail www.survivorcity.blogspot.com The entry is titled "Cancer is killng me."
Rising CEA??
Matt's been on maintaneance chemo for about 3 months after his colon resection. His CEA has been btwn 1.5-1.8. Today we received his latest bloodwork back and his CEA was 2.3.... It is freaking me out. I know the normal range is btwn 0-5, but when it starts to rise what could that be???? Thanks for any information..…
Anyone with Stage 2 (a-c) taking or considering Xeloda as a treament?
My mother has been diagnosed with Stage 2c Colon cancer. The doctor has given her the option to take Xeloda pending the outcome of her PET scan in late August. Has anyone else been given the "option" to take chemo or not? While I cannot make the decision for her I would like to assist her with the best info available.
need information to make difficult decision in treatment
I was diagnosed with Rectal cancer. Mass was removed due to rectal bleeding path report states T2 nd mass was large with small amount of cancer cells. All biopsies since have come back negative. Saw 2 colorectal surgeons with 2 options, they are total APR (colostomy non reversable) or chemo/rad. Since surgery I have had 2…