More good scan results
We saw the onc yesterday for scan results, and it was mostly good. Lesion in liver is not as bright as it was a few months ago altho it is a little bigger. CEA is 2.5. Onc is fairly pleased with this. He will be calling the surgeon to take a look at this, to see if it can be somehow surgically zapped, froze, cut..We will…
anyone else using alpha lipoic acid to help peripheral neuropathy ?
my neuropathy seems to be improving slowly, especially the fingers for which i am very grateful. had to spend another $50 on a new bottle of ala and just researched again why i am going to the trouble. the link below mentions a trial, the results will be interesting. either way i have already placed a bet on ala helping.…
My 24 year old son stopped by today. Said he had a surprise for me. He had special ordered something for me. It's a blue colon cancer bracelet with the words "FEAR NOTHING" enscribed on it. He ordered one for every family memeber. He said I have taught him to stand strong...not just thru my fight with cancer...but with…
Good scan results!!!!
Just got the results of my MRI bone scan -- and it's good news!!! Yea (and phew -- I don't want to tell you what a wreck I was last night -- not pretty!). This is the first scan since I've been on a new chemo regime (FOLFOXFIRI) for multiple bone mets --after 4 cycles. The results: no new bone mets, no new anything nasty,…
sorry it's been such a long time.
Hello everyone, Sorry about not being around I have Just been super busy with my kids, We did have a great Summer something I missed out on last year so I made it all up this year. lol( lot of swimming and going to picnics.) I am doing real good. I go for a colonoscopy on Sept 7th. then have a ct scan and hopefully if all…
good news on crc prevention for our families and friends
hi all, i have been getting back into my healthy routines regarding diet, chinese herbal medicine, supplements and meditation. did some surfing about colorectal news and found this news item with reference new crc cases and diet, it gives me hope. Colorectal Cancer Risk Higher If You Eat Red And Processed Meat, Lower If…
Hello from Berlin!
We just arrived at the hotel, and I thought I'd make a quick post... The last time I posted, I think, was in Rome. Since then, we left Rome and traveled by train to Venice. The train was good, not great...not too much to see, and fairly expensive.... Venice was grand!!!! We moved around by vaporetto....a series of boats…
Cea level jumping around
I am new on here. I was diagnosed in 2009, with stage 4 colorectal. Mets to the liver. Cea was 334 at time of diagnoses. After chemo, radiation, and resect got down to 3.4 . Ever since then it has been bouncing around from 11 to 30. I am on avastin every 3 weeks, and xelods 14 days on 7 off. Just wondering does anyone…
Biopsy has been scheduled
All….. I just spoke with the Drs nurse and made my appt for the bronchioscopy……Here is what I know about the whole situation… I have to be at admissions Thursday the 11th at 11:00 at Vandy……The scope and biopsy will be done at 1:00…Then I will be in recovery about 2 hours, then sent home…..Results will be back from…
Join us Walking, Swimming, Cycling, Weights, Paddling, Jogging and get SURVIVAL BOOST 3#
Join us Walking, Swimming, Cycling, Weights, Paddling, Jogging and get SURVIVAL BOOST post 1 had 147 posts. post 2 had 112 that lots of exercise friends. Now we have survival boost 3. Lets play poker with our cancer and take him to the cleaners. See the first post here about the science of exercise. This post started out…
Hi all, update from Jim and April
Hi Everybody, I always feel so sorry for letting so much time go by between visits here. Summer has kept us busy and emotions sometimes keep me away. I thought I would drop in and check on everyone and give you an update. Jim is doing alright. After his last scans it showed some slight growth and so the Doctor at CTCA took…
Other options
Mom gets results tomorrow to see if Erbitux is working. If it isn't does anyone else know other options that may help. Doctor already said he would not put her back on chemo but she said she would if this didn't work.
Talk to me......
I just got "the" call..from the Oncologists..seems as if the area around the hileum (*sp) lite up and also a small place on the right side of the liver..They are not so much worried about the liver as they are the spot on the hileum. The hileum is around the breathing tube and has a lot of nodes in that area. She wants to…
Im in 9th round of chemo and Cea droped again from 5.5 to 3.9 normal levels now! hope we see same results in next PET scan!. My CEA it's been th following in the past 5 controls: -15 -12 -9 -5.5 -3.9. Seriously thinking same philosophy as Phil after my 12 round!. Hugs!
Sorry for the lack of posting on topics but I've been experiencing so many deaths of people that I'm associated with. My sister in law died on the 4th, my friend died on the 3rd, my sister in laws mother died on the 31st my friends mom just died on the 25th. I'm an emotional reck. We are leaving in the morning for the…
How much time?
Hi everybody, Just registered but have been reading through your posts for a while as I find it helps a lot to deal with this heinous disease. My dear mum (66) had peritonitis on holiday in Sept last year and we only found out in Jan that the tumour was cancerous. She had a scan then which revealed 2 large tumours on the…
fart your troubles away!!!!!!!!! fartfartbubble hey
now this is deep and and meaningful post. anyone want another laugh read on. 3 months after reconnection, i have noticed that using 2 immodiums most days keeps my stools together and stops the horrendous 50 poo a day symdrome. this is the only medication i take but its worth its wait in gold. within 20 minutes of taking…
the most intelligent organ ???????
this is another serious post, sorry in advance!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it is the RECTUM. its because our rectum can tell the difference between gas, liquid , solid better than the large intestine. i miss most on my rectum. its a marvellous organ. Any other contenders ??? hugs, pete
Recovery from liver resection - experiences?
Hello all, So I'm stage 4 diagnosed in March but things have been doing along pretty well. CEA counts took a nose dive during the first set of 6 chemo sessions, and am two weeks out of having a partial liver resection to remove one confirmed met and much smaller one found during surgery. The path report showed nothing…
Hello everybody, I went to see my Onc yesterday for a “routine visit” only to get a big shock from what she told me. As many of you know I had my last CT scan last May 17th and a few days later I got a call from my doctor telling me that everything is fine and she’ll see me on my next visit. Well, I don’t know if she…
Neutropenia and lower dosage of chemo, your opinion please!
Hi mates , would appreciate your comments .Since I had an episode of neutropenia ( infection included hahaha)in my last infusion, my doc wants to low a little,just a little he said, my dosage, he says it will not affect the results of chemo since normal dosage use to be the maximum your body can deal with, not what the…
Question about lymphnodes
My mom's colon cancer has not spread to any of her organs; however she has some lymph nodes in her chest and abdomen that have cancer. My question is can these not be removed? The doctor told us no....can anyone explain. She is on Erbitux (only) and we find out Thursday if it's working or not. Thanks. Love FM
update on tests
I am so glad I "fired" my gastro doctor of many years and went with this new doc.The new doc is one of the best in my area and despite being one of the best he listens to his patients...no more "I'm the doctor I know what's best". Obviously, I am very happy to report that I didn't even have a polyp in my colon and the…
feeling better after doc visit
hello all.thanks for all the support and hugs to everyone.went to see my surgen today and he feels very confident about my upcoming liver surgery.so with that it makes me feel better too.my chemo onc made a mistake last week and told me that my surgen had spoke to him and said i was inoperable.WHAT A BLOW to us that was.my…
Not sure what to do
My son was dx with stage 3 rectal cancer 03/09/10, had radiation xeloda to shrink tumor, resection 07/10, mop up chemo for four months. Had his ileo reversed 1/11, f/u CT 4/11 which showed artifacts to lungs and 3 nodes by his lumbar spine. He got a 2nd opinion at Sloan Kettering and was told to take the waite and see…
dealing with new chemo regimen
I am a two year stage iv colon cancer patient with mets to liver. I just changed docs/hospitals and regimen. These docs are more aggressive and feel they can do procedures on my liver which is great. My problem is the chemo. My oncologist for now says two months of it. I go one week and get campostar and get hooked up with…
3 months after AP resection
Hello all... I finally became a member of the site after reading stories and situations for a long time... I had an AP resection April 21 2011 at the age of 41 due to rectal cancer. before that they tried to shrink the tumor with radiation and chemotherapy. It shrunk but the surgeon thought the best thing to do was to take…
Wondering about my treatment
I'm posting for the first time having read many stories here and on other sites have not seen anyone answer some off my questions. I had surgery March 19,2011 for a rectal tumor only 1.5 cm from anus so J-pouch was not an option and I have a permanent colostomy. Having had drive thru radical mastectomy in 1996 ( one night…
aggie here on checkup
went for my colonoscopy, doc said see you in 2 years everything looked good. went to my onc. last monday, gave blood said everything looked normal boy what a feeling
jonnybegood , how are you?
Miiss you!