please help
It has been 4 weeks since I had my colon removed due to cancer. I am having a hard time getting back my strength and staying hydrated. My stools are still like water even with the immodium(sorry so graphic). Today the stools also were bright yellow. My bum is so sore from going so much. Tried every ointment on the shelf…
Recurrence of colon cancer
I just found out that I have a recurrence of my cancer again with some activity in my abdomen. My doctor said I may go back on folfox 6 again. Is there anyone here who has had a similar challenge and was the second time around any different?
Need help gang for my Aunt with Small cell carcinoma
My Aunt has Small Cell Carcinoma and I want to get some info and help for her. I don't see it on here anywhere and wondered if anyone knows where on this site I should ask questions. She is on carboplatin and camptosar. She has no appetite and we need some suggestions for things that she might feel like eating. Perhaps…
PET/CT results and update
I was scheduled for chemo last Friday, but Thursday night I got very ill. Sorry for the graphics, but projectile green liquid diarrhea, and vomiting. Often both ends at once, including accidents over the last couple days. Now that was embarassing. (I haven't had that happen since I was very ill in 1st grade.) And I have…
Below, I have copied and pasted an article by Dr. Mercola on fluoride. This week has been dubbed as "Fluoride Awareness Week". I know this is highly controversial and most dentists today still stand by water fluoridation. Read below and I wonder if you're not already questioning it, that you will be now...(it no longer…
Inadvertently deleted this with the iPad.... For those new to a cancer dx, as well of for those of us who have been dealing with this for some time, LIVESTRONG.com offers a variety of resources. Recently I ordered their guidebook, which is available for just the cost of shipping. I find it to be an excellent resource, and…
Home. It was FANTASTIC, but 2 weeks of traveling is WORK!!!
The cruise was great, except the first day and night was high surf and wind...more time for Bingo! *smile* We had first-class service, champagne on boarding and little snacks each afternoon. On my birthday, the servers sang to me and gave me a delicious chocolate cake, part I took back to our cabin. In the elevator, which…
Anyone try this supplement?
Anyone try IP-6 and Inositol, if so what were your experiences with it??
first post . . . . . stage IV, one year, 24 chemos and still going strong!!
Greetings Fellow CC Survivors! Thought it was time I introduced myself as I have been 'lurking' for a while now. My story: On July 7, 2010 I went to the hospital first thing in the morning with a very sore shoulder - thought maybe some pain meds were in order - by 5:00pm they had finished doing more tests than I can…
Hi mates it is FRIDAY ! any interesting plan for the weekend?
I'm going to the beach house right now, weather is superb today Enjoy it!
Confused by diagnosis
My 70 year old wife, who is in great physical condition with no apparent health problems, underwent surgery for an apparent umbilical hernia. (a lump near the navel). The surgery and subsequent biopsy showed it to be a metastatic nodule in.on the omentum diagnosed as "metastatic adenocarcinoma, possibly colorectal primary…
Free Cleaning Service
Hi all, it has been quite a while since I've written on the boards and there are alot of new faces here. A brief history: my dear husband Scott was dx in Feb. 2004 with colon cancer and passed away Oct. 2005. He was 43. He left behind 2 wonderful children who are now 14 and 10. It's been 5 years and we miss him dearly. I…
Wanted to say hi
I wanted to say hi here and that I haven't forgot about my wonderful CSN family. The summer has been a fast one and full of memories. My kids and I have all done a lot and had some well deserved fun. Everything from the simple BBQ (just us and also backyard parties), weekend getaways, and a cruise to Mexico where we went…
need a bit of advice
Hi all, been lurking and having a busy summer. I need some helpfor my sister. She does not have a computer. She had a colon resection, the sutures burst, ended up in icu with perintinitis.(?) they had to open her up and mop up the infection and just leave it open. she has to let it heal from the inside out. now she has a…
Sweating, is it normal?
Wondering if anyone has any info on this. My dad (stage 4 colon w/mets to liver) has been doing chemo for about 8 months. He was on Oxyplatin but now he is just on luecovorin, 5fu and avastin. Occasionally, out of the blue, the left side of his head gets soaked with sweat, for no apparent reason. He doesnt feel like he is…
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!!!!!!"
Visited the remains of the Berlin Wall today, as well as many other sights in Berlin. The difference between East and West Berlin are remarkable!!!! Hugs, Kathi
prominent lymph nodes
I havn't posted in a while but I do come on here everyday as I'm sure most people do. I am just way too busy looking after my two babies. Well I had a ct scan the other day, I finished my chemo is March so this was a 6 month follow up scan.All other scans have been totally clear nothing to worry about But this scan…
What questions should I ask?
I had my resection surgery about 5 weeks ago and will be meeting my oncologist for the first time soon to discuss chemo/radiation options. What questions should I ask?
Should I skip the surgery
I have Rectal cancer stage 3. I had chemo and radiation. The tumor shrank to what they call an ulcer. I am doing great but still scheduled for surgery, any thoughts.
Hello !!! Remember me??
Its been a while.... I finished my 6 mts of folfox6 in Sept. I was not medically cleared to return to work for the State of Michigan as a corrections officer ( officer of the year 2009)..the state SEPERATED me nice word for fired... the state is denying my disability retirement, I had 24 1/2 years in... they say I can be a…
Nice words.......
"It's impossible," said Pride, "It's risky," said the experience, "Nonsense," said the reason ... "Try" whispered the heart ....
World is spinning out of control
My husband was DX with Colon Cancer in May, he went for a colonoscopy, and a needle Liver biopsy. The liver biopsy came back negitive so he was sent for a colon resection. The colon resection showed he was stage 4 with mets to the liver. 10 lymph nodes all positive so T3 L2 M1 stage 4. He had a PE while in the hospital and…
7 Years and Still Here Stage 4
Well It's been 7 years ago today I had my emergency colostomy done. My tumor had my intestines totally blocked and they were ready to burst. Had the "big" surgery a couple months later after I was healed enough and built back up. The tumor had grown through the intestinal wall and an overy was totally engulfed in tumor,…
Does anyone ever throw in the towel?
Seems that everyone here is like the Energizer Bunny. You just keep going and going and going. Times are bad, your lives are changed dramatically & sometimes horribly, yet you deal with it all: crappy and sometimes permanent side effects from rad, chemo & surgeries, fear, depression, elation, depression, fear, - HOW? I…
not cc related
anyone here play any of the facebook games like frontierville or gardens of time or farmville? It'd be nice to keep in touch there if you play something. I only (sometimes) play during the evenings weekdays (EST eastern standard time). It keeps my mind "otherwise" occupied if you know what I mean. If you want to add me....…
First day of chemo
I just had my first day of chemo the only side effect which was almost immediate was the neuropathy. Is there any medication they can give to make that better?
How low can they go??????
My husband went for his 5th chemo session yesterday and was told that he could not have it. His WBC count was 400! This would have been the first treatment after pulling the Oxaliplatin from his regime. He took chemo before his surgery and it never dropped below 3100. Does anyone here know whether over exertion could have…
Erbitux is working
Mom went to the doctor today and got results of the Erbitux. The cancer in her lymph nodes are shrinking; however the tumors on her colon (didn't know she had them) are growing but the doctor assured her it was growing very very slow. Her lungs and liver are all clear. He feels like this will start shrinking the tumors on…
Was on a high until yesterday.
Went in for my 6th treatment. Talked to Onc after labs and he delivered news to me that I guess I just never heard him say. Maybe he said it from the beginning and I just wasn't listening. My tumor marker is down to 1.6 and all 30 of the lesions in my liver are shrinking considerably. However, he told me that I would never…
What would you have done differently?
Hey gang, I was talking with some folks I had just met at the local pub (shocker - huh, lol) near me last night and I told them my story after they asked me what I did for a living. One of them asked me that very question and it struck me as being a profoundly good one. Since we have a wealth of people at different stages…