I got C-Diff. Tummy really Hurtin.. Advice please???

idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
Hey All,
Been having mid stomach pains (not cramps) for a week with diarrhea. I knew something was different cause it just wasn't the same kind of diarrhea that I get with chemo. I seen my Onc Tuesday...he said if it didn't stop with the 2 anti-biotics he put me on to call him today and let him know. I turned in poop samples for testing tuesday also. Called him today and told him the pooping has slowed a bit and stomach pains are "only" hourly now...unless I eat...then they are immediate. He said unless I want to go to hospital I need to drink some nasty gritty crap you mix with...whatever. It's called Cholestyramine. Fine...don't wanna go to hospital and he said its just twice a day for 2 days.

Then he called me back 2 hours later. Said my poop results were in and I was positive for C-Diff. He said to stop 1 of the antibiotics immediately and take the powder mixture for 5 days now.

Then I had to get online and look this C-Diff stuff up and now I am freaking. It can be deadly...or am I overreacting? I have went from thick snotty poop...to green poop (ate no greens) to watery brown poop... to now only diarrhea when I eat. Inbeween I have what I describe as dry heaves of the butt. My anus has contractions...till pain shoots up my rectum...and forces only air out...I am sorry to be so gross but it is what it is.

My tummy feels like it is WAY full but I haven't ate. No gas. No fever. These pains remind me exactly of the reason I went to the hospital when I was DX. They suck!

I thought...forget the internet info....go to the people you know...the boards...some of you have dealt with C-Diff...maybe you can help me. I need to know what you all did and is what I am experiencing the norm? If so, I will just deal with it.

Thanks guys



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Jennie
    You poor dear. Sorry that you are suffering so.

    Like you I went to the internet and it seems that C-Diff is something anyone can pick up just about anywhere since it is transmitable via contact. Those of us with colorectal cancer seem to be the hardest hit when it attacks because it targets where we are most vunerable.

    How about asking your doc about taking Probiotics? One of the things that lets C-Diff flourish is the lack of good bacteria in the intestines and colon.

    Stay in close contact with your onc/gastro doc to make sure it doesn't get worse.

    Hugs and hope you feel all better soon.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    C-Diff is a pain
    but very treatable. I've had several friends with it, including one who picked it up post-op in the hospital. All recovered well.

    The problem is if you become too dehydrated, so do what you have to do to get those meds in to kill the C. Diff. and to keep your fluids up.

    My sympathy, dear friend,
  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    I am sorry to hear that you
    I am sorry to hear that you have C.Diff. It is a bacteria that has replaced your normal intestinal bacteria with the C.Diff bacteria. Vancomycin is the normal treatment. The liquid Vancomycin is much more effective because one will normally pass the pill before it is dissolved. I would take Liquid probiotics and then the Vancomycin and then nothing to eat or drink for 30 mins. Repeat every 12 hours for me.

    There are two new antibiotics that the FDA just released and should be available shortly. The only reason I know this is experience. I got C.Diff. after my surgery in July 2010 and still have not got rid of it. I have it manageable.

    Get off of liquid dairy products. Switch to Goat milk, kefir, youghurt, etc... These have good flora and help a lot. I also take liquid probiotics, that are made from plant products and not dairy.

    Best Always, mike
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    George experienced the same as you (negative for C-Diff) that put him in the hospital for 4 days. He ended up dehydrated and had 4 days of fluids, potassium and blood transfusion.

    The diarrhea can be miserable and stomach cramps. Eat a spoon of food, hit the crapper. His poor butt was so sore and the diarrhea became uncontrollable.

    All is good now so only advise is drink, drink, and then drink some more. Oh,almost forgot, no dairy products

    Take care - Tina
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    thxmiker said:

    I am sorry to hear that you
    I am sorry to hear that you have C.Diff. It is a bacteria that has replaced your normal intestinal bacteria with the C.Diff bacteria. Vancomycin is the normal treatment. The liquid Vancomycin is much more effective because one will normally pass the pill before it is dissolved. I would take Liquid probiotics and then the Vancomycin and then nothing to eat or drink for 30 mins. Repeat every 12 hours for me.

    There are two new antibiotics that the FDA just released and should be available shortly. The only reason I know this is experience. I got C.Diff. after my surgery in July 2010 and still have not got rid of it. I have it manageable.

    Get off of liquid dairy products. Switch to Goat milk, kefir, youghurt, etc... These have good flora and help a lot. I also take liquid probiotics, that are made from plant products and not dairy.

    Best Always, mike

    Thank you all for your suggestions. I am feeling a little better. That powder drink is yukky but it seems to be working r maybe its the other stuff....the Metronidazole. Mike..thats what they gave me instead of the Vancomycin. I am going to start taking the liquid probiotic. Mike, what brand do you take if you don't mind me asking?

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    symptoms sound familiar
    Hi Jennie,

    Sorry you're experiencing "the craps" with the C-Diff. I had those exact same symptoms you've described including the "dry heaves" and green poo (which is because it's coming out too fast before it gets fully digested), but my test was negative for C-Diff. That was the few weeks before I went into the hospital, cause I had pain along with it. Fortunately, I'm doing much better now. Just take your medicine & also rice fiber and applesauce helps slow it all down.

    Take care-
  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

    Thank you all for your suggestions. I am feeling a little better. That powder drink is yukky but it seems to be working r maybe its the other stuff....the Metronidazole. Mike..thats what they gave me instead of the Vancomycin. I am going to start taking the liquid probiotic. Mike, what brand do you take if you don't mind me asking?


    I use a combination of
    I use a combination of probiotics. Life TIme and American Health brands are good tasting liquid probiotics. (20 Billion per serving, both are approx $12 per 16oz which is about 3 weeks worth) My Doctor suggested a different brand but it was $45 a week.

    I also use Trader Joes Probiotic in pill form. ($8 per 50) Then add Goat's Milk and Kefir to my diet. This has helped me a lot. At least as much as the Vancomycin.

    I only have the C.Diff under control and not rid of it yet. If my stool gets to liquid then I up my probiotics and I get my body back under control. This can take 48 hours. The isue is me getting nutrition and not getting dehydrated.

    Best Always, mike
    PS If you find something else working let me know!
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    hope your feeling better buddy
    sorry to hear your not feeling so good, sounds like you got some good advice though and hopefully the meds will work fast for you....
