KathiM ,where are you lately? I'd love to hear one of your nice weekend adventures on the lower coun
Miss you a lot since you came back from your cruise!
Maglets love your mini cabin , you must invite me and I'll do the same with you in my
house of the beach! hahahaha ! Any opera today or still good weather? Hugs ma Cherie!
Hi All, 1 year ago today I had surgery to remove my tumor and woke up with a perm colostomy. I have had no evidence of disease since and hope it stays that way. After surgery healed I did almost 4 months of oxi/5fu couldnt finish the entire regimen of oxi. I have had 2 CT scans in the last year and multiple blood draws CEA…
Worried about accidents but don't want fear to control me
Sometimes it is only people who have had cancer can understand how your level of anxiety can skyrocket by what-should-be a fun thing. We are going camping this weekend with two other families and their children. I was looking at my list of things I had to pack, not just for my family, but for me, just in case. the list…
If I knew
If only I knew what I did with the dish tv remote three days ago I'd be a happy woman, I discovered it after missing for two days in my coat pocket, I asked myself "Why the heck do I have it in my coat pocket?", then I specifically placed it somewhere where I could find it, I've been looking for that "place" for four days…
Scanxiety? Not me?
This is really odd. I normally do not have scanxiety, but right now it is a bit different. I usually like the scans to give me informational updates on where things stand currently. I don't stress over them. But, I'm in a different place again. I've got a lot of other stresses going on with splitting our property (to sell…
I am in Akron Ohio
I am in Akron Ohio to watch my son and daughter (in-law) run the Akron Marathon. Anyone else here to watch it or are running in it? If I can ever manage to get even a little healthy my plan is to try a triathlon next fall, but for now I will just watch my children run and celebrate with them when they finish. I think this…
Meeting With Surgeon
I am trying to determine whether or not this is a good sign. We met with oncologist on Tuesday and he said he would bring my husband's case before a Board of doctors to see if surgery was an option but wasn't optimistic it would be. He said he would see us in two months following four more rounds of chemo. Today we got a…
Colon Resection Question
HI to all new here, my dad just had a Colon Resection 3 weeks ago. I have a question has anyone experienced the constant urge for a bowel movement all day long? Dad hates this feeling, he doesn`t go alot but just has the urge all day. Does this go away, or what can he do to make the symptom go away ....any suggestions…
Hi my friends I'm back from Mexico!
It's been a nice trip . Good weather every day, although too hot for me, lots of sun although I tried to be always under a palm tree, we have seen lots of whale sharks this year , I was afraid about loose some weight since I don't like Mexican food too much but I Won 2kilos! I supose it was because I was with no stressed…
48 hours
That's how long I was in the hospital. At 4:30 pm Monday they finished my 5 hour surgery for a Lower Anterior Rsection with a temp Illeostomy and exactly 48 hours later I was in a car going home. How crazy is that? Just goes to show that medical technology has come a long way. My surgeon said EVERYTHING went perfect, he…
update on ****
Hi Friends, Lisa was so sweet to ask about **** in a pm. He is currently on Folfori + Avastin I think about # 56 treatment total. The last CAT showed things stable or shrinking in his lungs. He has a PET in October,sure would be great if most of those things didn't light up. So, right now we are trying to live our lives. I…
Hi all, I started back to work this week just part-time and did not realize how hard this was going to be. Not only physically but mentally. I think I have heard the saying "you look great" so much that I wonder if people are just speechless of what to say to a cancer patient/survivor. I am so exhausted after four hours of…
Stenosis in rectum, Anyone have to have surgery to aleviate problems from this condition. Husband is going thru misery to get this problem solved, first they do labs, then scans, colonostopy, biopsy of stenosis next is MRI. All tests are negative so far for cancer. Still holding our breath, husband 3 years in remission.
yippee another quiver in the bow - they say omeage-3 fatty acids reduce premature death rsik by up t
but who really cares ? just harping on about that same crazy health stuff i have been on about since getting here. i do.... thats who. my colorectal surgeon advised this soon after surgery. i wonder if he was aware of all the benefits of good old fish oil. been drinking this vile life saving oil for years but upped the…
Started CIMETIDIME today. Really happy not following the heard. Naturopathy warning also!
I want to praise this forum, I get the best life saving information here. Thanks tanstafl and lisa42 about cimetidime, maybe others have discussed it as well. Thanks to blake the advice about printing info, or taking reference books and letting doctors decide. It worked well on this occaision. I visited my local doctor…
look what we built
sorry guys...totally not cancer related but maybe a little boost for any stage 4 or others. Yup that's me on the roof building our little cabin in the woods. the main cabin is larger so this little building will do as a bunkie. we are off the grid so this building was a lot of work...totally done by hand...no power…
Food, nutrition and the prevention of cancer at Livestrong at the YMCA
We just joined the Livestrong program at the YMCA. You not only learn the importance of excercise but the importance of diet as well. A dietitian spoke and gave recommendation on diet and physical activity. All the information is provided in the links below.…
Biopsy Results In..... Need Your Help....PLEASE!
I don't know what to make of this news and need you all real REAL bad. I really need your honest opinions. Peliminary results (still a few more tests to be performed) show this tumor in left lung to be a "New Primary" ... Not same characters as mCRC. So now I have lung cancer too??? Right away I think..well...cut it out…
Went in for my 8th treatment of Folfox
on Friday, 9/9 and to my surprise...my Onc decided to place me on maintenance chemo!! YAY! No more pump, no more full day infusions and no more Neulasta shots (for now). I will still go in every 3 weeks, 1 30 minute infusion of Avastin and I will do 8 of these total. My tumor marker is at 1.3....he told me normal is…
My Husband
My husband was diagnosed last Dec. had a colon resection and did ok he went thru 12weeks of aggressive chemo at 6mths he had a PET scan and found another tumor, was scheduled for surgery 2wks ago called a Whipple procedure, the Dr. was unable to remove the tumor, so they had to reattach his intesines to go straight to his…
Good News
I found out yesterday after only 4 treatments that the PET scan showed that my spots on my liver have shrunk 30 to 40%.
cancer small intestine
Hello, my husband was diagnosed in May of this year,with a rear form of cancer they are treating him for colon cancer since it is the closest to the rear type of cancer he has, the doctor told us with treatment he has 9 to 24 months he has one more treament of chemo, then I am not sure what happens, the unknow is scary.
Wish me luck
I have my CEA blood test Thursday. Hoping for good score. Mark
Colostomy bleeding
Drs are at last going to try and do something to help husbands constant bleeding. They will do a "colostomy revision" next week. Hopefully this will help. He is at least encouraged to think it can be improved.
7 years NED (stage IV mets to liver and left lung)
My onc and I had some interesting talks about diets, sugar, vit D, and other things but I won’t post it cuz this is a good news thread and I don't want it to turn into one of our "board fights". It was very flattering when he told me that he and some of his colleagues have learned a great deal from me. He also said he…
10 Weeks After Liver Resection
Hello All - It's been awhile since I posted. It's been 10 weeks since my Mom's Liver Resection. She's had good days and very bad days. Had C-diff, had to go back into the hospital overnight because of C-Diff and she was dehydriated. She will hae her first MRI since the surgery on her liver to see how everything is coming…
Liver lessions
My husband just recently had a CT scan after 4 rounds of FOLFOX which said that 5 of the lessions were stable but the largest one had shrunk from 20 mm to 13 mm. We thought it was strange that 5 of the lessions did not change at all and only 1 showed a response. Has anyone else ever had a similar response? Just trying to…
Stricture questions
Since my plumber doctor rarely has much to say about anything, i need to post my questions here with the experienced. I have been diagnosed with a "chronic stricture", and have to go back in another month to get dilated again, and hopefully this time get my much needed colonoscopy. The "chronic" part of this diagnosis is…
I went camping! *Success*
Posted last week about my ambivalence toward going camping because of all of the fallout from the rad/chemo and ostomy reversal. Well, I went and everything went fine....wait, scratch that, everything went GREAT. Had packed a bag with all the "new necessarys" and avoided the red wine and s'mores (chocolate can be quite the…