FYI from Greta
Occasionally staff from various organizations creates CSN accounts to announce events or raise awareness of their services. This is inconsistent with the purpose of CSN, which is for survivors and the loved ones of cancer survivors to share their experiences and practical tips and to support one another. "Organizational"…
Going through the motions?
My husband was diagnosed 8 months ago. We have always been close and had no trust issues but latley he accuses me of being unfaithful (even though I am always with him). I can't do anything right and am scared to death to talk to anyone for fear of setting him off. I feel like I am doing something wrong just by asking you…
Question.... Cramping, charlie horses..legs..hands????
Anybody got anything on this? I have started having cramping...like charlie horse kind...in my feet....uhhhh...its really wierd... I have to put all my weight flat on my foot to get it to stop...if I relax...the whole foot starts drawing up.... it don't hurt like a charlie horse in your leg...but I cannot control it or…
vectibix and irinotecan (bad side effects)
Background: husband diagnosed July 2008 stage 4 colon cancer. Colon surgery done August 2008. He did Folfox 2008-2009 then Folfiri off & on in 2010 & 2011. He was off chemo this past June, July & August. Pet scan done in august shows subtantial tumor growth in his lymph nodes. He started vectibix and irinotecan on Sept…
I think it's good news
We saw onc. today after body scan on Friday. What we wanted to hear was, "Tumors have shrunk unbelievably. We are sending you onto surgeon. We need to restage you because initial Stage IV may have been incorrect". What we didn't want to hear was, "Tumors are not responding to chemo". What we heard is "Chemo is working…
Severe Neuropathy + Dizziness = Stop Treatment?
Hello, I am new on this forum. My father has a stage IV colon cancer. He was first on Folfox + Avastin, and he developed neuropathy at the 10th treatment, then he started Xeloda. Things had been going from bad to worse. I am in despair. First it was his toes nad end of fingers, then it progressed. Now he has pain in his…
CEA is up - 6.5
Well in the past year I have gone from 2, to 3, to 4.5 and now to 6.5! Guess I'll go take a juice bath......phew...... CT and Pet are being scheduled. Here I go, wish me some good Karma, and if you pray, PRAY! Stage 4, mets to the liver. 2 years NED since, last chemo. 3 years since DX, Nov 2008. I hear you Buzz, Lisa and…
I didn't go crazy
When diagnosed 0ne year and 7 months ago, I didn't go crazy and hit every diet or herb craze that was suggested. Guess I was in too much shock, you have 2 weeks at the outside if you do nothing my onc told me,4 to 6 months with chemotherapy, no possibility of surgery. Gave stuff away, cars, things that meant the world to…
Details on the Drug Shortages
Check this link: Details of drug shortages Lists all of the current shortages of CRC drugs and the (reported) reasons.
Another question
My husband is a month or so away from finishing his first 12 treatments of chemo for stage four cc. The onc is thinking about just stopping treatments for awhile and seeing what happens. For those of you who have done this, what sort of checkups did you get during your off time? I have read several stories of people who…
zofran and what else for nausea
thank god it isn't cancer but my sister has hepC from a blood transfusion over 30 years ago she just started a difficult routine of meds, that have to be taken on a very tight schedule around the clock- and some of the pills have to come 30 mins after a snack of 20mg of fat. She is working with a hep specialist- who…
New Stoma
I have been out of the hospital for 3 days now had to have my colostomy moved.I now have a stoma above the waist line and a mucus stoma and a hole down were the pubic area the one way down is suppose to close up and I will have 2 things to maintain. Been in out out of the hospital scene Oct 2010 for blockage and radiation…
Newby Caregiver.....with rectal question.
Husband was dx w/colorectal cancer 12/2010, received chemo/rad then surgery 6/23/11. They removed his rectum and he sports a colostomy that is healing nicely. He is currently going through his first week of chemo since surgery. Though it has been a short time since all this rained down on us, it already feels like we've…
Greetings me fellow CC survivors . . . Did ye know that today be 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'? So, to all of ye pirates and wenches around the world who have come together in this battle - I raise me cup of grog to ye courage and strength!! The Wench Yoga Jo
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: The case had been closed for almost one hundred years. William Pritchett and his sister Olivia, had died of a strange ailment. Their arms and legs shook violently, they had severe abdominal cramps and fever. On her deathbed Olivia accused Holly, the maid, of poisoning her and her brother. Holly told a different…
Oxaliplatin and cold weather
With Fall and colder weather on its way, can I expect increased cold issues from Oxaliplatin? I am on it through November.
oxaliplatin-leucovorin-fluorouracil--6 months having jaw pains and first bite pain BAD!! my Onc. sai
anyone else have this pain?? need help!!! first bite of any food (room temp or above) feels like I stuck my tounge in a light socket for 20- 30 seconds....ANY IDEAS??
Colostomy bleeding
Husbands colostomy bleeds so much that it makes the pouch keep slipping. Wondered if anyone else has had this, what did your dr do to make it stop? He has had a colostomy since January. Has tried to adjust to it, but the bleeding drives him nuts. They have cauterized it, and stitched it over and over. The surgeon says they…
Irinotecan Regime Kicking Butt. Need Tips
Background: Wife, 47 at diagnosis, July 2009, Stage 4 Colon Cancer. FOLFOX, 12 rounds. Numerous surgeries, liver resection, liver tumor embolizations, on and on. Each time, she sailed through (except for the liver infection). Now: Xeloda, Irinetecan, Avastin, Neulasta. Round 3 on Friday, and today she can't get out of the…
Flower Power?......Crocuses vs Cancer
http://blog.pharmtech.com/2011/09/19/of-crocuses-and-cancer/ and click on link therein to Univ of Bradford press release (www.brad.ac.uk/mediacenter/press-releases/title-54781-en.php
new here
Goodmorning. I was diagnosed having stage 3A colon cancer about 2 months ago. What a shock, I never expected to hear that. I finished my first round of Oxaliplatin/Xeloda chemotherapy without too many side effects. Round 2 starts this Tues with an infusion of the Oxaliplatin. I'm not looking forward to Tues. And I must say…
And so it begins.....
Hey Guys... I have to be at St. Louis Univ Monday morning for lung biopsy and fuducial placement for upcoming Cyberknife. They will work on tumor in left lower lobe first since it is largest at about 2.2cm now. I have opted to go to a new facility in St. Louis area that houses a new Cyberknife machine. This new machine…
? about chemo
Hubby started chemo again last Monday after surgery in June. He has chemo 5 days, 2 wks off, then repeat for 4 rounds. When he had his first go at chemo (starting last Feb), he did really good, till the last treatment, then became really sick. This time, he seems to be having a reaction right away. Is this common? He is…
I mates it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
Here just having some fun in México!. Hugs!
Not all k-ras mutations the same
My mom was diagnosed with K-ras mutant. Both avastin, oxy and cpt-11 stopped working. We went for second opinion and found my mom has k-ras 13 d and now supposly this certain mutant is sensitive to Erbitux.. Shes been on it now for 4 weeks and the side effects have been pretty good with it plus cpt 11.
an idea for all to try
Greetings fellow survivors! I believe I mentioned this in an earlier post but not sure if many saw it. In one of my researching forays I read about the benefits of rebounding. I actually found quite a few sites with information on it. I was rather sceptical about the whole thing so I asked my naturopathic doctor about it -…
Scan Results In.Not sure How I feel Yet
CT scan in July - nodule in right lobe of lung ggrew from 3 mm to 7 mm CEA 2.5 - up from 1.9 PET/CT last week- Lung nodule uptake - 8mm CEA down to 1.6 Onc feels it's "something" but not an alarming something. She said "knowing you are aggressive and want answers" she suggest a consult with Onc/Thoracic surgeon to discuss…
Does anyone know about the Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) treatment?
attached is the link: http://hipectreatment.com/index.php
FYI- scientific study of effects of curcumin/turmeric on colorectal cancer
Hi, I know that in our alternative/supplements discussions, tumeric has been discussed as being beneficial. Here's the results of a study on it from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. It seems to have amazing results! This is copied from Life Extension Magazine online. Read below...…
Verdict is in........
I have a CT scan with contrast scheduled for Friday at 9;15...used as a baseline for my protocol that starts next Monday ... I go in Monday for irrinotecan leucovorin then Tuesday for Avastin and leucovorin, a push then have my 5fu pump taken off Wednesday... 3 days every two weeks for the rest of my life.....Hmm, Then he…