New stage 4 signet ring cell
Does anyone have any info on this and what can be done for it and where I can find info. Thanks
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: RIDDLE: If you throw me from the window, I will leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but in the door, and You'll see someone giving life! What am I? ANSWER: The letter "n" wiNdow - widow door - doNor
stage iv
if you are stage iv, when were you dx? how long ago? thanks!
Is it cancer or chemo making him sick ???
My husband has small bowel cancer (adenocarcinoma) diagnosed in May 2011 had 5 chemo treatments all were good except the last two... now I am worried since he is not eating and has lost 20 lbs in three weeks, is this the cancer or the chemo?... first three chemo treatments were Great!!! the 5th one is so bad he had it on…
does everyone lose their hair on Chemo?
I Am just wondering, if everyone that has chemo lose their hair? at the hospital when we went to a class they said for sure 99% of the people lose their hair, my husband has had 5 treatments and his hair is still there, could it be that the longer you are on it the more chance of hair lost?
Blood around stoma...
We changed wafer tonight. We took it off, he showered as usual and I dried around it with a paper towel. I noticed a very small stain of red. I checked closer and where the skin meets the stoma there was a hairline stain of blood (about 1/4 of the way around it). Not much, but it alarms me. I intend to check it in the…
What a week!
PET/CT on Monday, and labs. INR was too high, so no Coumadin for 2 days. Saw my regular medical onc and had labs again Wednesday morning. INR had come down. CEA dropped back to a flat 4! Good news on the PET/CT! I have one node in my chest and 3 in the abdomin. They are all still about the same size, give or take 1/10 of a…
Hi mates it's FRIDAY here any interesting plan for the weekend?
As far good weather continues I'll be on the beach! LOL.
Jorge has a MRI
Hello all sorry I haven post much in some time . Hope everyone is doing good . Well I'm not sure if I have told you guys but we got some bad news about a month ago you see jorge was put on Folfox and oxy about a month after his surgery and he had 3 rounds of the Folfox and his CEA went up to 7 so he had a ct scan and it…
Avastin bad experience
My PET scan and CT scan showed spots on my liver so dr. suggested changing from Folfox to Folfiri with Avastin. We both read, discussed and knew the possibile side effects. I though all was fine until a week after treatment when I started having back pain, but passed it off as strained muscle after moving the couch.…
nothing seems to work now
Dear all, Like Tina, I haven't posted very often lately as my mum's situation has been very unstable recently. Got the PET CT result today and there are numerous new nodules in her lung, and the one in her liver has turned more active and bigger as well. As a mutant, irinotecan is the last available drug for her and even…
Medical Insurance for cancer survivors
Does anyone know of any insurance companies that will give a policy to cancer survivors? We currently have insurance for our family through my husband's job but he is undergoing treatment for stage 4 rectal cancer and we don't know how long he will be able to work. I am trying to find a back-up plan but with both of our…
'Chemo break' coming up!!
I'm sitting in hospital 'dripping' -- my 8th cycle of FOLFOXFIRI. But my heart is soaring -- because it is my LAST one -- at least for a while. My oncologist plans to give me a "chemo break". He quoted one study which compared two groups (folk like me - long-termers) and found that those who took chemo breaks had no worse…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: If you throw me from the window, I will leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but in the door, and You'll see someone giving life! What am I?
A couple of items on potential mCRC drugs in trial (plus some other articles for the curious):
medicalnews today.com/articles/235298.php on BIBF1120 medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/ECCO-ESMO/28800 on Aflibercept newswise.com (and other sites)now have article "Knockout of Protein Prevents Colon Tumor Formation in Mice." emaxhealth.com/8782/eating-miracle-fruit-during-cancer-treatment-add-miraculin (which i had…
What to expect from the doc when...
When the doctor came in on Friday to give the news that my husband's ct scan showed 4 tumors, he spent maybe 5 but definitely less than 10 minutes with us. Of course we were shocked and devastated. In that matter of time he quickly explained the course of possible treatment, and said see you on Friday for your first chemo…
Living With Chronic Illness Builds Courage
Here is the article I referred to in my update post: Living With Chronic Illness Builds Courage by Pauline Salvucci The challenge of living with chronic illness isn't always apparent when you're first diagnosed. This is just the beginning. It takes time to understand your illness, the treatment options available, and how…
Chemo Break is over back to reality
My chemo break ended yesterday. I only took 4 weeks off but did enjoy some of my short break. Only really started feeling normal about the last week. Guess I shouldn't have expected more.What concerned me the most was my CEA was 286.2 on 8/17 and jumped to 431.4 on 9/28. I know I shouldn't dwell on the numbers but this is…
All Right!!!!! Which one of you told Johns Hopkins?
newswise.com/articles/view/581134?print-article "Popular Colorectal Cancer Drug May Cause Permanent Nerve Damage?"
Questions about maintenance chemo
We met with the onc yesterday and began discussing plans after this session of FOLFOX/FOLFIRI. Jake will be finished the end of October. I am probably jumping the gun because he isn't having his CT scan until next week but it doesn't sound like its results will affect his future treatment plan anyhow. So far there has been…
Just wondering?
Hello, I'm new and I've been watching the board for sometime, lot's of good info. here. Just alittle about me, stage 3 colorectal cancer. I've had the radiation and the chemo, all the good stuff...I had CT Scan a couple of weeks ago.. it looks good. Doctor mentioned that it found that I have gallstones and some spots on my…
hubby stage iv. don't know if I can stay strong.
Hello all. my husband "graduated" to stage iv yesterday. 4 lesions found on his liver. originally diagnosed in Nov. 2009 had a resection and chemo. he's going for the pet scan this week and will start chemo on Friday. he is 46. we have 3 children ages 17, 15, and 11. we are devasted but he is a fighter. definitely nervous…
Happy news - I'm a mother-in-law!
On Sunday, my son married a wonderful young woman. The wedding was beautiful. The families mixed fantastically (all parents sat together during the ceremony, and walked out en masse - me between the 2 fathers. The bride's mother died years ago.) Sarah wore my wedding gown, much to the delight of both sides of the family.…
Nana b everything fine ?
any new results?,hope the best, praying for that!
Dr Appt today.......
Results were all blood platelets and levels great immune system up and running fine...CEA is though at 50, knew it was going to be high because nothing has been done until last Monday Now we will see how it goes and if it goes well them chemo breaks etc........this is my baseline and he will see me again in 2 weeks after…
Appt with Thoracic Surgeon -UPDATE
UPDATE: As expected, the surgeon said that the size 8mm and the Pet uptake - 1.9 is too small to warrant further action at this time. 3 months and get a CT scan this time, not PET. I'm at the 2.5 years mark since DX and colon resection. General accepted stats are 50% of recurrences happen with 2 years of Dx. So, could be…
good results
FINALLY! some good news. My ct is clear, my cea is 2.00. No more scans for 6 months. I feel so blessed and so happy for my csn family,thank you for all you support. Love and hugs to ya.
Got results from both of last week's tests this morning. My CEA was the same as always, very good! My chest x-ray was good, just showed some bronchial thickening. I would assume this is from previous infections. I feel great about me, but my excitement is tempered by knowing there are so many here that would dearly love to…
laurettas,,,,,,my apology
It was in bad taste to make the statement I made to your post and I do want you to take this apology that in no way did I want to hurt anyone...everyone should be entitled to say what they want when they want and I did, and you did, and I think I got a little out of line with my rebuttal......my apology.............buzz
Bad month
First it was the husband of a friend I had made on the Head and Neck board who died suddenly from metastasis to his lungs and spine. He was fine one day, then went to the ER with breathing problems and passed within a couple of days (this was a great guy, truly one of the good ones) Then a supplier partner who was…