MRI 5/30/12.
Hi everyone. I haven't posted in awhile. I've been on chemo break since January 13th. I went back for MRI yesterday. She told me that she took 1100 images. I see Onc in the morning and get labs done. I am so scared. My last MRI 12 weeks ago showed 15 lesions still in both lobes of my liver. I haven't had treatment for 4…
re my pain post
thank you all for the thoughts and advice, got my pet scans back and it was not good, the chemo i was on did nothing, i now have a 6 cm mass on my abdominal wall, that explains the pain for sure, and a 2.5 cm mass on the lobe of my liver, i hope to start radiation next week and meet with the dr. at moffit on thursday,…
Just Diagnosed; Questions about laxatives, diet, and narcotics
I just found out that I have colon cancer. The tumor is almost completely blocking my colon and the doctors have me taking 4 laxatives per day, want me if possible to avoid narcotics, and say I should eat a low residue diet. The problems I'm having; All of the laxatives make the stomach cramping worse than it already is.…
Day 2 of Xeloda*...
Today is the second day of the "mopping chemo". Feb 2011 my Husband was dx with stage lv colorectal cancer (many large mets to liver). We did chemo, rfa ablation, colon recection, ileostomy, liver resection (65%)and ilestomy take down. His first scan since liver resection is clear so the docs want him to do chemo via pill…
vitamins and supplements
Im new here - diagnosed on Friday the 13th of April with Stage III rectal cancer and just finished day 23 of 28 chemo/radiation (planning surgery and more chemo next). Things are going well I guess. Im so humbled everytime i go to the infusion center and see wonderful people who are suffering so much worse than i am - i…
Maybe the folks on the east coast can get Christmas Cards to NOAH on time. Noah is unlikely to survive into the new year, and his mother has put out a request for Christmas cards for the family’s Christmas celebration this weekend. http://www.inquisitr.com/46377/noah-biorkman/
Testing blood to determine best chemo
Hey, anybody ever heard of this? Not sure exactly awhat they call it, I believe it was profiling or something. It's done in Greece. They take a sample of blood and test the cancer markers in the blood to determine the best course of chemo. I just had a naturopath talk to me about it. -Dawn
Fought it to the end
My Dad was a great man whom in his last days would have drug himself to another treatment on his elbows. The time came all too quickly when the Doc explained we were at the time he had told us about. He passed on May 9th, 2012 after 7 days in the hospital. He had been off of chemo for 3 weeks but his strength was not…
just finished another 5 day retreat with Ian gawler
30 other cancer patient and a few partner spent 5 Days meditating, eating great vegan meals ,exercising and learning and sharing. All have been very committed to this lifestyle, so the content ad pretty advanced. Ian's stories of real live success stories inspired me. My 30 minute meditations once or twice daily are being…
Takedown tomorrow UPDATE
Okay, so I've read the good, the bad and a lot of ugly. But tomorrow is the big day. Supplies collected and then I'll wait to see what happens. Thanks for all the support I've gotten from here as I prepare for this next passage. (sick joke) Anyway, I've got a serious case of the jitters but it helps to know many of you…
The Garden is in:
Although this is off topic thought I would post anyway. Again this year I am part of our community gardens. The garden plots are 25' x 25' and it is finally in. This year I have planted: Tomatoes, Green Peppers, Red Peppers, Garlic, Parsley, Carrots, Zuchhini Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Cucumbers, Peas, White Sweet Onions,…
Hi Everyone, Although I have not written as much as I should, everyone is still in my heart. This website gave me so much encouragement and I am thankful to be going strong today. I would like to write today for a dear friend, Michael, who was just diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer with mets to the liver. He is now…
Another Surgery
Well, the results are in and more tests are needed. I continue to recover from the resection surgery well. The stapes are removed, I have been cleared for light driving, and I’m feeling pretty good physically. Unfortunately the lung nodule has grown larger from 12mm (per X Ray on 11/3/2011) to 18mm (per CT scan on 5/21).…
In the days ahead....
CTscan and CEA tomorrow. Onc visit the 7th. Liver biopsy the 18th. Prayers and good thoughts welcome. Will do the same for all of those "scanning", etc. at this time. Cathleen Mary
Jorge's ct scan
Hey guys hope everyone is good . Well Jorge got his ct scan back and it said there's a spot on his liver that might be a tumor but there not sure .so now he goes for a MRI on June 7th .omg I can't do this again. Hugs all Tina
Oncologist's Opinion....
Met with my Onc yesterday and this is what he came up with. I just had a PET/CT done at a different facility and read by a different set of doctors. I do that so I get different eyes on different tests. More than 1 opinion is important to me. The Rad Onc at St. Louis Univ read the scan and said I had a recurrence with 4…
At hospital waiting to hear what stage my Aunt's cancer is UPDATE
My Aunt JoJo was diagnosed with uterine cancer last week. Got a call last night she's having surgery today, they're taking out all the female parts (she's 61, no worries about wanting babies) so here I sit. She is now the second in all my family to be diagnosed with cancer, with myself being the first. They are using the…
Having trouble with bathroom stuff
I am looking for suggestions on how to help regulate my bathroom visits. I can't seem to find a happy medium. I either go all day with very small bowel movements or I am constipated. I was taking Miralax everyday but got where I was in the bathroom alot. I backed off to a couple of times a week but now I am on the…
Anyone read Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau?
Did anyone read this book? My sister (good intentions) bought the book for me to read. I started reading the book but the information just didn't seem to rest well with me. I did a little google searching and found that 20/20 did an expose on this Author ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN5ihrECJms). I think this guy is…
Owner of a Lonely Heart
I've heard from one other person who has had similar experience, so I wanted to see if this is common or not. I believe in being upfront and honest about my dx, so when I meet a new lady and things start going well I let her know early on that I have Stage IV cancer. I get some typical supportive sounding noise, but then…
Vultures on the fence
I've been fighting for two years now and the tumors in my liver are now at the smallest they've been since my dx. But still, in the past few months I've been getting people asking me if I'd leave them certain things when I die. At first I'd laugh and say "let's talk about it after that happens" but frankly it's starting to…
re pain...again
thank you all for the feedback on my last post...update, my abdominal pain is worse everyday, had a pet scan today, waiting for results, i am changing my doctor, and going to moffit here in tampa, id never bad mouth anyone that trys to help you but after a stage 4 diagnosis and being around for 3 yrs it seems my dr has had…
juicer vs. blender
I start my first round of chemo this coming Friday. I have read the info from the oncologist and feel fairly well prepared ( I am sure you chemo veteran's are thinking "sure you are"). I have a question, though: I am thinking of getting either a juicer or blender (have neither). Any recommendations for me? Thanks!
Protein, appetite and chemo
Has anyone used protein powder to keep up their weight and muscle mass after surgery or during chemo? (Besides food or in addition to) I am at a weight I should be since my two surgeries but am concerned about getting enough protein before chemo starts next Friday. My appetite is better but I cant consume large quantities…
This weekend I lived cancer free
I just sort of let it go for a few days, turned off my phone, refused to participate in society, skipped the barbeques, stopped people in their tracks who came by and insisted on talking about it (there are some people who are obsessing with helping me even when I tell them my mind is finally resting and I need a break)…
my sister, Mary
has lost her fight and I am so relieved her battle is over. She was surrounded by the people who loved her. How lucky I was to have time with her. Judy
vit d and curcumin improves immune function
http://www.lef.org/newsletter/2012/0529_Curcumin-Helps-Improve-Immune-Function.htm?utm_source=eNewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Help&utm_content=TextLink&utm_campaign=2012Wk22-1 More good news for diet and lifestyle. I Eat turmeric and sunbake, otherwise if I must i do the supplements. Hugs, Pete Ps take a few small…
colonoscopy clear
Had my test yesterday. No polyps. What a relief. Now to Hawaii for a month to see daughter. Since I had rectal cancer in 08, then met to lymph nodes in 2011, should she wait til 40 for first colonoscopy? She is 28 now. Her dad just had one with 9 benign polyps. I'm wondering if she should be tested for HNPCC. LOVE TO ALL.…
What is typical treatment for a Lung Met?
Hi All I haven't been active here in quite a while as I went about my "normal post cancer" life. Hah! A spot on my lung that we've been watching since the summer doubled in size to 1.3 cm on my scan last week. My onc said she would recommend a 12-course round of Folfox (oxiliplatin, right) and 5FU after resextion. For ONE…
blood work
I'm having blood work today for the first time since Feb. Silly me, I'm so frightened. I've an appointment with my onc next Tues. to find the results. Lydia