Picc line vs a in-chest port
Hi Guys and Gals: I have a quick question re: what you think of a picc line vs a in-chest port. What are your experience with them and how did you choose one over the other? Thanks ahead! JADot
Just diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer
Diagnosed and had transverse colostomy to bypass the tumor which was blocking my lower colon. Apparently have metastisis to my liver, LN, and omentum (fatty layer over the organs). That's about all I know right now, other than it is an adenocarcinoma. I have to recover a couple more weeks before I can start chemo. My plan…
One of THOSE issues
It's about poop. Just sayin' now, in case you don't want to read it. (And actually it's more about doubt if you read between the lines.) So, I just finished my pre-surgical 5FU/radiation therapy and am waiting until August for surgery. I had a normal BM today! Meaning, not diarrhea. I've had diarrhea for a month, so I just…
Staple Removal
Good morning... 11 days post-op from my liver resection and will be going in to get the staples removed. This is a first for me. Is this painful? Any suggestions? I burst into tears this morning at just the thought of going to the doctors much to my husand's surprise. I told him that every time I go to the doctor's lately,…
Does anyone actually always consistently sleep for 6-8 hours? I wasn't sleeping before cancer and now every time something new pops up, I go through a few days where I don't sleep. Thankfully eventually I get so tired, I make it through the night. Do you get to a point where you just say it's going to be what it's going to…
Radiology report question ... do these types of mistakes happen? UPDATE
Hi everyone - I was hoping you can help me with something. Yesterday, we met with mom's oncologist who went over her CT scanr results/reports (contrast-enhanced chest, abdomen and pelvis). The news was GREAT - God is good. According to the scans, mom's in the clear. I noticed as the onc was going over the report for the…
Helen...just wanted to point out to you DMDWINS who posts on this board is another, like me who had mets to the ovaries, ....sorry Dawn but our experience may help Helen.
New numbers
Well, I got the results from my labs yesterday and my CEA is up from 130 to 181 and my magnesium level is down in the danger zone again: 0.8. But, the onc did say that I'm responding very well to treatment, so maybe this slight jump in CEA is an aberration like the one a couple of months ago. Just have to wait two weeks…
I see so many people posting that normalcy is what they seek.. that I thought I would share with you all the speech I gave back in January at the Relay Kick-Off dinner.. it is being published for a local med school to share with their students.. It is soley my feeling and thought and was aimed to make those not going thru…
Small bowel obstruction advice
Hi everyone. Wondering if anyone could share experiences or offer any advice to me. Six weeks ago I had emergent surgery for an intestinal volulus.(no adhesions were present) I was really sick ....finally after a heart rate of 176 and BP of 50/20 they took me to the OR...but that is a whole nother story. I was recovering…
enunciation and clumsy
DD says I am slurring words as if medicated, especially upon waking . Sometimes my mouth just doesn't work right!!! Last chemo of folfox6 was Feb. 15. Chemo, op, chemo. It's hard to explain the latent effects with motor skills. Probably the Oxaliplatin. I still wake up in a panic, but down to three a week since I'm in…
Is there any body already using REGORANFENIB?
Just want to know about side effects and if any body already has their first blood tests or Scans!. Thank you all!
Rash News in the Cure
straight two+ years of (immuno)chemo
My wife has taken daily, oral UFT chemo with multiple modulators for two+ years now. The longest "break" between two treatments was 36 hrs, for her second surgery, to remove the cluster of multiple para aortic lymph nodes, higher up at the renal arteries. That totals about 175,000 mg of 5FU content. She is never "chemo…
just finished colonoscopy with results
this is my second colonoscopy. i am 63. the doctor found 4 polyps and all are benign. he said two of the polyps were of the pre cancerous type but he removed all 4 of them. the doctor said because of my polyp history i should have this procedure done every 5 years.
Sloan diagnosis
Two surgical specialists, two residents looking in my butt. lol Oh joy. I got a birds eye view since the screen was right in front of me. I'll just keep my day job. Well I was hoping they'd both say the same thing but Sloan says chemo and radiation necessary in very low doses to avoid permanent damage to the muscle. Too…
Need advice Please!
Hi, my name is Deena and I usually come on here to just read, although I have posted twice before. Now I have a question I need help with. I have stage 3 colon cancer and have had 12 inches of my large intestines out. I'm on chemo and have take 8 of my 12 chemo treatments. My two main problems are total exhaustion and my…
My dad had colorectal cancer...
About 2 years ago my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. He had a resection and changed his diet & lifestyle. He ate herbs and did everything that he's supposed to do, but this April he had found out the cancer metastasized to his liver. Starting from January he was complaining that he was unable to digest food,…
Xeloda side effects! Those who have been or are on it please give me a hand!
Starting xeloda instead of 5fu on Monday !would like how you deal with it! what about side effects, what about affectivity ? Thanks in advance. ( will be on xeloda/ avastin combo).
my surgery update
Well I made it throught the liver surgery . They did not do the hipic. They took 5% of my liver and have to start chemo in a few weeks.Not looking forward. To this.I have to just try to find my positive side but I am right now just looking at all the bad and feeling depressed.
TMI.. Maybe.. but I am curious....
My cancer was very low in my rectum on the fringe of my anus.. so I wound up with a colostomy... permanent.. Am I alone in this here... I never hear anyone talk about this... to me the cancer stuff and meds seem easy to deal with though side effects are hard... it is the physical changes that interupted my life.. and was…
Questions for Thoracic Surgeon
Hi there! I know a few of you, or more than a few, have had lung mets removed, and I'm meeting with a Thoracic Surgeon on Thursday to discuss removing my 2 small mets. Are there any questions you asked or feel you should have asked prior to the surgery? I'm not even sure I want to go through with it as it can be pretty…
Catheter Flipped Up
Has anybody had trouble with the catheter flipping up on their port? Was having an ache in the Jugular and the Oncologist referred back to interventional radiology for a check. They found that the catheter had somehow flipped up and kinked. They were able to pull it back into position using a wire up the groin (femoral…
a very happy birthday! I just turned 2 UPDATED got cea 45 ouch !
2 is my colorectal age. it also reflects my english and grammar skills. i was diagnosed on 3 june 2010, the day the old big peter died and the new healthy stronger pete was born. I am into my 3rd year in this game. I am enjoying the game, enjoying my days. I went out with friends on saturday and sunday lunch and dinner and…
Anyone heard of this: Suture granuloma with foreign body giant cell reaction
Hi, had sugery last June to take out my appendix and most of my cecum. Dx was appendix cancer. Fast forward to April 2012, had laprascopic surgery for a look around and to remove right ovary but the surgeon's report had "posterior cul-de-sac was noted to be studded with multiple small excrescences, all less than 0.5cm, did…
“What’s Happened to the Man Called Sundance?” – In the Eye of the Hurricane
After six-months of sailing on the toughest seas of my entire life, I find myself suddenly in the eye of the hurricane…the winds have momentarily stilled and I have a silent moment to contemplate a few thoughts and talk with you today. My dad has passed away. There has been much ongoing drama along with the other hardships…
Where were you when you found out you had ColoRectal cancer?
I thought it might be fun (or maybe not) to hear some stories about how others found out that they had Colorectal Cancer. For me it was right after I had my colonoscopy. I woke up to find my wife talking to the doctor and my wife was crying. Right then I knew it had to be cancer and it was. The doctor told me that she took…
Scan results were not what I wanted to hear.
I went to Oncologist yesterday for my results of MRI from Wednesday. Not great news. One of the lesions in my liver has increased from 0.5 cm x 0.6 cm to 3.6 cm x 3.0 cm and then another one of the smaller lesions mm size has increased as well. For the most part, there are still 15 lesions scattered across both lobes with…
Can you help me understand CEA numbers?
On 5/11 I had a colon resection. On 5/18 my CEA tested as 8.12. On 6/1 I had a lung resection that removed a single tumor (metastisis of the colon cancer). On 6/8 my CEA tested as 6.32 I beleive the normal CEA range is 0 to 3, so it appears my CEA is moving in the right direction; however, it seems like it is still far…
Lauragb---How are you?
I've been thinking so much about you and saw you posted on another post. How is everything going? TC