blood work
I'm having blood work today for the first time since Feb. Silly me, I'm so frightened. I've an appointment with my onc next Tues. to find the results. Lydia
update: split chemo, radiation
Hi All, Well, a few developments. I'm supposed to be on GOLFA (Gemzar + FOLFOX + Avastin) but have had some false starts. The GEMZAR seems to hammer my platelet count, leading to tx delays. But my CEA spikes with the delay. So my onc is thinking to give me most of the Gemzar during my normal chemo cycle (he told me the %…
I just found Expressions
Well, I guess "just found" isn't quite right, I've always seen it there. But, I did just realize that we can post pictures, stories, poems etc. so I put up a pic of my dog and one of me that was photo shopped about four years ago, two years before my dx. Pretty cool that we have something like that to share with each other.
Memorial Day Remembrances
Memorial Day here in the USA is celebrated, on the last Monday in May, to honor all who have died in all wars. Here on the board, we have traditionally remembered those of our members who have died in the past year. Here is the list I have put together. If I have missed anyone, please post and add their name. Also feel…
stopping treatment
I will be doing my tenth of twelve rounds this week since my last liver resection. My most recent scan was clean. Treatement has really beaten me down. I am thinking of telling my onc that i want to stop after this tenth treatment. That is what i did last time and it was 4 yearas before i had a recurrence. I have been very…
If your hospital, cancer cener, or what-ever has a colorectal support group, I would encouragee you to join it. I didn"t discover this group untill I was NED two years out, Those newly dxed with colon cancer need to hear our stories. They still think cancer is a death Projection. By meeting with them and describing their…
NYU Cancer Institute - May 2012 presentations on CRC on YouTube
I found presentations 5 & 6 to be the most helpful. for anyone facing surgery to remove the primary tumor, lecture 5 should help you understand what is ahead...made me feel much better about my wife's likely upcoming surgery. NYU Presentations
Postponed Hernia Surgery
They could only get me in the middle of July so I've decided to postpone the surgery until fall (nurse says he doesn't know his schedule and they could have never gotten me in within a month). Told the nurse that "I'm a golfer and I'm sure there would be restrictions and told her I know that seems lame, but would rather…
Does the personalization ever go away or ease?
I am only two years post diagnosis and one year post treatment and surgery and currently waiting on tests as the cancer may be slowly but surely returning... I am wondering if the personalization of everything cancer related will ever go away, or at least ease? I feel like a walking pin cushion, anyone mentions cancer and…
If your hospital, cancer cener, or what-ever has a colorectal support group, I would encouragee you to join it. I didn"t discover this group untill I was NED two years out, Those newly dxed with colon cancer need to hear our stories. They still think cancer is a death Projection. By meeting with them and describing their…
anyone familiar with fentanyl patch???
dad has had severe reaction to the fentanyl patch that the dr had increased....didnt realize that fentanyl is a derivative of heroin....love that nobody told us and i had to do my own research...anyway we told them since hes on it hes become completely not there...told them to take him off and continue with the…
Re Holiday.
Thank you all for your positive replies for going away, if hubby feels OK we are going to go for it, his chemo which he receives every 3 weeks will mean he will have chemo 4 days later than due. I hope all of you are coping well. best wishes. Belinda.
rssh is here
Ok so now he has a rash from the erbitux; what we want to know is - does the rash get worse each time he has the chemo?
Thank you for the advice on my forthcoming holiday, you seem to be very similar to my husband and the treatmeant he is receiving for peritoneum, liver and lung mets. I hope you continue with all your hard work for a long time. x
?? Anyone gone through 10 chemo treatments and still had CEA > 400 ?
oncologist chaaracterizes my wife's stage IV cancer as a stable disease with CEA at about 500 since mid March (3 tests all roughly 500) having previously bottomed at 300. Still at 500 just before lasst week's 11th treatment. one more treatment then scans and colon surgery consult and second oncologist opinion about next…
Liver Mets and Radiation
Hi all: I have a met to my liver (as well as several to the peritoneum but am not eligible for the stripping/HIPEC surgery) and my oncologist is recommending radiation as no one will operate on it with the mets to the peritoneum. Here in Ontario they don't seem to do the SIR thing or whatever it is called. Has anyone had…
Hi mates it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
Just enjoy the good weather here , sun ,sand and sea ! and Friday cinema by night! What about you?
chemo and holiday?
Morning, my husband has been receiving chemo for nearly 2 years, just started his 3rd line. We would love to go away to Spain for a week but it will mean altering his cycles of chemo, the chemo he is receiving is palliative only, the cancer is not curable, he is still working and coping not too bad, was wondering if this…
So, it returns
Hi, haven't been on in a while. Last night we found out that my husband's cancer has returned. This time there are 4 spots on one lung and 2 spots on the other lung. The Onc has changed him over to Camptosar and Erbitux every week for 3 months. She seems optimistic that is going to help. But you know, we were just starting…
Do you buy green bananas?
Joking of course, but I do have a semi-serious question. I need to spend a thousand dollars to cap a tooth. It's in the back, does not hurt, and can't be seen. I'm going to do it next week, but I've got to admit, I thought twice about "throwing good money after bad." I'm sure others have had the same quandry and just…
fsh high for a man - anyone experience this?
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 3 years ago - had a resection and 5-FU on and off - with good results. Now there are "hot" spots in lung and tumors on omentum. So he is going back on chemo with plastin added. His FSH was 27.8 (norl 1.6 - 8.0). Not sure of significance of that - but he is going to see an…
Hey Everybody! Since you started on your cancer journey have you ever thought to yourself.." man, I wish I would have known that in the beginning".... Or ..." I wish someone would have told me that". I certainly have! This post is for the "newbies" and anyone else that can benefit. If there is anything that YOU know NOW…
Do Lung nodules hurt?
I know that I have two small lung mets on the surface of my lower left lung. I can feel discomfort from them. Is this possible or is it all in my head? If I can "feel" this then I imagine the surgery will be painful.
goodbye chicken and fish hello nuts and berries and vegetable smoothies oh yum! UPDATED protein prob
Just saw a vegan alternative doctor. We spent a few hours going over the story. She was pretty happy with me, and said lets call this pete vegan project. so the 100grams a day of animal and my beloved organic freerange poached eggs are now in my food museum. the wife is ok with this, so the whole family is going vegan.…
Need WBC count advise.
My husband ended his 5FU 6 months ago. He had issues with a drop in his WBC counts. He took Neupogen for the last two months of treatments. The Neupogen substantially raised his counts over 15. Had one of his first blood tests today and his WBC count was only 2.7. Has anyone else experienced this low of counts 6 months…
Leak test nightmare, like Pete's
Yesterday, I had my leak test to prepare for the takedown. I ended up with severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and releasing bloody mucous and stool several times throughout the day. My husband had to push me around in a wheelchair while I wretched in a bucket. As part of my preops I saw an internal medicine doctor…
My report from endoscopy
Hello to all, First let me say I send everyone on this site my prayers and blessings. Because I was not dx with Colorectal cancer, forgive me for posting my question. I do in fact have cancer, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma dx in Sept 2009. I had an endoscopy May 16, 2012. I did speak with the doctor, and received some results. 5…
high cholestrol and triglycerides after chemo
I had folfox6 + avastin b4 and after surgery to remove met to sigmoid lymph node. Original cancer was rectal. I finished my last chemo on Feb 15. Went to internist and my cholesterol (297), triglycerides (305), and LDL (194) are high. Anyone else have this problem? I'm going against her wanting me to take vytorin. Took it…
Relay For Life!
This is my Relay For Life weekend. It's going to be an emotional time. It always is, but this will be more so. A dear member of our planning committee passed away last summer, and we're dedicating Relay to her. She loved flamingos, so our theme is "Flamingos Flock, Relayers Rock!" There will be pink flamingos all over the…
Next surgery, no radiation?
So i'm up for surgery number two. Opinion number one is remove entire rectum this round with no radiation. I don't like that opinion. He thinks it's just local so he doesn't see the need. We had this "what if" conversation once before for the 90% have this surgery and they're done segment, I gambled, I lost. I would rather…