Hi mates it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
Just enjoy the good weather here , sun ,sand and sea ! and Friday cinema by night! What about you?
chemo and holiday?
Morning, my husband has been receiving chemo for nearly 2 years, just started his 3rd line. We would love to go away to Spain for a week but it will mean altering his cycles of chemo, the chemo he is receiving is palliative only, the cancer is not curable, he is still working and coping not too bad, was wondering if this…
So, it returns
Hi, haven't been on in a while. Last night we found out that my husband's cancer has returned. This time there are 4 spots on one lung and 2 spots on the other lung. The Onc has changed him over to Camptosar and Erbitux every week for 3 months. She seems optimistic that is going to help. But you know, we were just starting…
Do you buy green bananas?
Joking of course, but I do have a semi-serious question. I need to spend a thousand dollars to cap a tooth. It's in the back, does not hurt, and can't be seen. I'm going to do it next week, but I've got to admit, I thought twice about "throwing good money after bad." I'm sure others have had the same quandry and just…
fsh high for a man - anyone experience this?
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 3 years ago - had a resection and 5-FU on and off - with good results. Now there are "hot" spots in lung and tumors on omentum. So he is going back on chemo with plastin added. His FSH was 27.8 (norl 1.6 - 8.0). Not sure of significance of that - but he is going to see an…
Hey Everybody! Since you started on your cancer journey have you ever thought to yourself.." man, I wish I would have known that in the beginning".... Or ..." I wish someone would have told me that". I certainly have! This post is for the "newbies" and anyone else that can benefit. If there is anything that YOU know NOW…
Do Lung nodules hurt?
I know that I have two small lung mets on the surface of my lower left lung. I can feel discomfort from them. Is this possible or is it all in my head? If I can "feel" this then I imagine the surgery will be painful.
goodbye chicken and fish hello nuts and berries and vegetable smoothies oh yum! UPDATED protein prob
Just saw a vegan alternative doctor. We spent a few hours going over the story. She was pretty happy with me, and said lets call this pete vegan project. so the 100grams a day of animal and my beloved organic freerange poached eggs are now in my food museum. the wife is ok with this, so the whole family is going vegan.…
Need WBC count advise.
My husband ended his 5FU 6 months ago. He had issues with a drop in his WBC counts. He took Neupogen for the last two months of treatments. The Neupogen substantially raised his counts over 15. Had one of his first blood tests today and his WBC count was only 2.7. Has anyone else experienced this low of counts 6 months…
Leak test nightmare, like Pete's
Yesterday, I had my leak test to prepare for the takedown. I ended up with severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and releasing bloody mucous and stool several times throughout the day. My husband had to push me around in a wheelchair while I wretched in a bucket. As part of my preops I saw an internal medicine doctor…
My report from endoscopy
Hello to all, First let me say I send everyone on this site my prayers and blessings. Because I was not dx with Colorectal cancer, forgive me for posting my question. I do in fact have cancer, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma dx in Sept 2009. I had an endoscopy May 16, 2012. I did speak with the doctor, and received some results. 5…
high cholestrol and triglycerides after chemo
I had folfox6 + avastin b4 and after surgery to remove met to sigmoid lymph node. Original cancer was rectal. I finished my last chemo on Feb 15. Went to internist and my cholesterol (297), triglycerides (305), and LDL (194) are high. Anyone else have this problem? I'm going against her wanting me to take vytorin. Took it…
Relay For Life!
This is my Relay For Life weekend. It's going to be an emotional time. It always is, but this will be more so. A dear member of our planning committee passed away last summer, and we're dedicating Relay to her. She loved flamingos, so our theme is "Flamingos Flock, Relayers Rock!" There will be pink flamingos all over the…
Next surgery, no radiation?
So i'm up for surgery number two. Opinion number one is remove entire rectum this round with no radiation. I don't like that opinion. He thinks it's just local so he doesn't see the need. We had this "what if" conversation once before for the 90% have this surgery and they're done segment, I gambled, I lost. I would rather…
Nervous about Scan
My scan isnt til the end of May (29th) but it is really starting to make me nervous. As the time nears I find myself thinking about it sooo often. Wondering if I'll get good or bad news. I have no reason to think I'll get bad news other than Cancer is Cancer we don't know what its gonna do. My first scan after surgey (APR)…
Off to Surgery next Friday
Seen the liver surgion yesterday he said I have a small met so surgery next friday. Has anyone heard of HIPEC it a chemoperfusion treatment. They r going to this and then 6 weeks later I'll start chemo again. Not happy about this at all. But who ever is. I think it is hurting my family more than its hurting me. I think im…
What are the odds?
I am diagnosed with Stage 1 Testicular cancer in November 2011... Undergo radiation in Nov/Dec 2011... Then on Monday, 4/23/2012 I'm told I have colon cancer as well... What triggers these cancers to both seem to show their ugly heads nearly simultaneously? Also, i told the doctors (Radiation specialist and Oncologist)…
LIver Surgery - disappointing
I had liver surgery yesterday. The surgeon did a laporoscopy with the intent of removing 3 tumors. After he looked at the liver, he saw that I know have 9 tumors (6 very small - so small they didn't show up on the PET scan). He said he could not remove this much liver so stopped surgery and I will now have my chemo first.…
Don't laugh but I have a pump question...
I'm about to start 5 FU treatments with the 48hr pump in my portacath. Here's the question... Can you golf with the pump? Thanks!
Stage 4 colon cancer met. to the lungs.
I think this is just for venting purposes, to talk to people who have been in my shoes or are in them now. I was diagnosed with colon cancer stage one when I was only 38 yrs old. Had all the necessary surgeries, but had no chemotherapy, this was in 2004, 2006 the doctors found two 1cm tumors in each of my lungs, a VATS was…
New clinical trial on colon cancer and curcumin
Day by day the alternative lifestyle resembles conventional. Hell in a few years the one's will be handing out Tcm, herbs like turmeric and milk whistle and organic coffee beans What harm can a few herbs, an espresso and some walking do ? After all we got colon cancer, a mean , nasty pain in the ****! If ever there was…
Did you get your scan results yesterday.
That was quick... Glad to be home...
Home from the hospital today about 4:00pm. Had my takedown surgery around 8:00am yesterday. Doc said everything went great and things are working as they should already. I'm pretty sore but overall feel pretty good. Very strange though, they left a nickle sized hole in my side where the stoma was. They didn't close it up.…
Lynch Syndrome Meetup - Portland area, June 23rd
Saturday, June 23rd, 2:00-3:30 PM People affected by the hereditary cancer syndrome known as Lynch Syndrome are invited to this informal networking event. Caregivers, family members and friends are welcome! Light refreshments will be served. Registration is appreciated, but not required. To register or for questions or to…
How do you cook Asparagus???
A lady gave me a huge bag of white asparagus...some green too. I have cooked it a few times but I suck at it. I had it at a restaurant last week and I love the way they cooked it. It had a sweet taste to it....kind of like caramelized???? Ohhh..it was yummy! Anyone know how to do this. Also, do I need to use a parer on the…
Maybe someone has some advice?
I am having a problem with the contrast agent used in the CT scans and am hoping someone may have some answers/ideas. The first time it happened I had something called "Delayed Biphasic Anaphylaxis" happen, which put me in the ER via ambulance. For my second scan last Wed., I was prepped with 150mgs of prednisone, then…
Colonoscopy question
Just curious what your experience was after your colonoscopy. I have one coming up in the next couple of weeks, it was booked a few months ago...and now have other events planned for the days immediately after the procedure. How long does it take after the colonoscopy for things to get back to normal?? Does the prep. cause…
hope all of you are well.....if anyone can help??? i do not want to take the pain meds all day they prrescibed me, at night its ok, but alive and such is not doing it during the day, the chemo has helped with the small tumors in my abdominal wall, but the one left on my hip bone is so painfull....waiting on scans to start…
How do you deal with the emotional roller coaster?
Hello everyone! Someone very close to me was just diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer. It's only been a month, be I can't seem to get a handle on my emotions. I am sad, scared, and hopeless much of the time. I have been trying to find positive books to read. I just finished one called, "It's just hair: 20…
Having to curb my sense of humor.
I tend to deal with life's dilemmas through humor. Called this my new facebook. My sister didn't see the humor. I'm usually the one who makes lots of corny jokes. I try to keep them tasteful. After spending the week hearing how everyone's father, brother, cousin, father's friend's uncle's cousin's grandfather died, I am…