Liver Biopsy
Last week, I had an MRI of my liver to address elevated LFTs and CEA. MRI revealed a small spot and now onc and GI want a liver biopsy. Could someone tell me what that is like? I am in the "thinking about it" mode and know I must move forward. I am stage II, almost 3 years out. There is nothing like info from people who…
Has anyone gone to the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment in Illinois?
Do you feel you were helped there? All replies are very welcome!
Missing Our Buzzard
Hi All, Sure missing our buddy Buzz and hoping he is well. Maybe he's just trying to get on with his new life. If you're around, Clift, just know I'm thinking of you. Luv, Wolfen
Feeling angry with family
Well I don't quite know what to do with myself. My niece that I have wirtten about earlier posts has been told she won't make her 30th birthday in 7 weeks time. I live in the States but am over here in England/Spain for five weeks and am available to the family for any help they might need, but mainly my neice. What is…
Mom CT scan results
Yesterday we got the results after three rounds of Folfiri + Erbitux. The Onc said the disease is stable and that the difference found were insignificant. The inform said that of the two largest mets of the lung, one has gone from 23 to 21 mmm and the other from 23 mm to 26 mm and of the two largest mets of the liver, one…
Hi mates it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
Here just resting trying to control my diarrhea ,LOL. Then I will see. What about you?
Good News CT/PET scan
After a few sleepness nights and worries the news was very good today. CT and PET scan totally clean, with a few minor problems. Diverticulitis and Thyroid problems I take gladly over a clean scan. So relieved, one year NED next month a colonoscopy. One hurdle at a time. i wish all of you clean scans, I celebrated with a…
Dad newly diagnosed-lots of questions- and I tend to get long-winded
Hello all. I hope it is ok for me to post as I am not a cancer survivor. My dad went into the hospital about 4 weeks ago for bleeding. During a colonoscopy, they found a mass said it was probably not cancerous. Then the Dr. tells us it was cancer, but that he got it all. At his follow-up appointment with the surgeon, the…
Been up since 1:30 am
Been absent from here since Oct when Robert seemed to be NED. Just had to get away from the cancer world. We've had a wonderful 7 months of everyday worries, joys, and good times. Robert just had twice a month treatments with Erbitux and camptosar, and scans q 3 mos. CEA was staying in the 1-2 range. Life was good. Until…
Sisters didnt make it
Well, my sisters didn't make it for a visit. Mary fell several times in the hospital. (there for tests.) She was in extreme pain but they sent her home. She was back in hospital next day via ambulance. More tests. the dr. came in and told her est. 6mths. She was so shocked she had to be sedated. Her husband had told her it…
Rob in Van
Hey, gang, I haven't been on here in quite some time and most of you probably don't know me or Rob, but I'm wondering if anyone has heard from him. He hasn't updated his blog since March and when I tried to email him it bounced back. His wife's email says she's away from the office until 5/23. I have their phone number but…
Let the countdown begin
Well, this is my last weekend with my bag. Monday morning I go in for my takedown surgery. It may sound crazy to some but I think I will miss having this illeostomy. I really enjoy the freedom this system has provided me these last eight months. I eat whatever I want (85% healthy) like spicy salsa, nuts, veggies without a…
low platelet count - tips?
I flunked my blood test again today. Chemo postponed for one week. Platelet count too low. This is the second time. Any tips on how to boost my platelet count? My onc is recommending plenty of red meat, daily tofu, a Chinese-medicine peanut skin soup I drink anyway for my general immume system -- and plenty of rest. I'm…
I'm just wondering if anyone has heard from him. I'm remembering a post where he said that would be the last post and then him posting after that but haven't seen him on here for a long time. If anyone's got info on him or know how he's doing please let the board know. Thanks! Kim
KRAS mutation please help
I will continue on Folfox Xeloda Oxalyplatinin and Luek. (Sp.) Since I've had surgeries. Is this mutation tested when first line treatments do not work? In my case this would be mop up chemo after lung and liver mets.... Any help appreciated.
How long were you on FOLFIRI?
Hi everyone! I haven't been on much lately but think of you all often and what true warriors you all are. Fighting cancer is truly a battle and reading your posts about what you all have been through and how you keep fighting is very inspiring! So thank you for that. My husband was dx with Stage 4 in June 2011. He had 5…
New Test
On the front page of our newspaper today, is an article about a new urine test instead of the fecal test for colon cancer. It's been developed at the University of Alberta Hospital and should be available by the end of 2012.
I am the Relay For Life Speaker!!!!
Hey, Have I mentioned that I am the survivor speaking at Relay.. I know they want me to tell my story.. I really want to talk about Hope and Recovery... At Kickoff .. I spoke about seaking normalcy.. Any ideas about what you would say. would really help inspire me.. Relay is June 2.. so I have to get started putting my…
mediastinal adenopathy HELP?????????
Appears to be a new lymph node swollen. It was clear on Pet Scan but not on CT why do new nodes show up swollen when chemo is going on. My husband has had 3 rounds. He had radiation 4 years ago. This all seems like not a good thing. What is Mediastinal Adenopathy mean.
rectal cancer treatments & surgery
I am new to the discussion group and I am checking to see if anyone has under gone surgery for rectal cancer.
Pat's CT scan
The nodule in his lung is stable. Lesions on the liver are stable. All other findings are normal or no suspicious findings. Pat has been feeling pretty darn good! Enjoying the warmer weather, back in his garden, and doing all the things that make him happy. Neuropathy in his feet still bothering him but no other pain. Back…
Kanzius Cancer Research
Anyone heard much about this? It sounds too good to be true. I don't think they have been approved for human testing yet. I believe MD Anderson in Texas is where the research is being done?
Swimming with a colostomy
On the slim chance my sister is going to be able to visit me in May I need to know if she can go swimming. How do you do that with a colostomy bag? Any information will be appreciated. Thanks so much, Judy
Pet or CT scan-which is better??
My husband's cea was 2.8 in March 2011. We were very surprised yesterday that it is now 4.9. Cancer Doctor wants to do repeat of bloodwork in 30 days and then do Pet scan if it is still high. We go back to surgeon in September and he always does the CT. Which scan would be better to find out what is wrong. We thought…
So upset, feel like I'm drowning
I pop on here now and again, but today I don't know where to go. I was diagnosted Stage IV colon cancer in September 2010. They put me on FolFox. Things were going great, they were surprised how much the tumors were shrinking. Surgery was even mentioned, something they told me wasn't possible. Then boom, things changed.…
Damama passed on April 6, 2012 @ 1:46 PM CDT.
Cancer thoughts running high, appreciate any good vibes
or prayers. Apologise for posting just feel like I'm going to hit rock bottom. My dad rang, the hospital have done several blood tests on him today. Plus he is going in for an endoscopy and colonoscopy next month. They are running tests to see why he gets stomach pain, and he is anemic. I know they are probably suspecting…
cea and ct scan
Ok guys yesterday jorge has his cea and ct scan done. To we got a call that cea is at 1.3 the same as last month here's to hoping the ct scan says its clear .hugs to all Tina
Stage 4 - 2 years Ned!
Hi all... Some of you know me, many of you don't. It's been a while. Just wanted to let you all know that my husband was diagnosed stage 3 colon cancer of December 9, 2008 at the age of 34. He did 6mo chemo and then we had our baby boy 1 month later! Unfortunately, his first scan showed a spot in his lung (that was…
Almost 5 years. Stage 4
I don't post and I don't have cancer but I read because my wonderful son in law was diagnosed stage 4 in February 2008? He was 38 with minimal symptoms but enough to warrant a colonoscopy . They found a baseball size tumor and it had spread to his live. He had his surgery and later liver resection and was considered Ned .…