Per Facebook she has passed away. I know she will be missed by her friends & family. <CSN administrator edited post title to remove personal identifier.>
Doesnt sound right.
I was still waiting for my colin polyp biopsy and gave the nurse a call. She said I should be recieving it in the mail but would tell me the results on the phone. She said that they removed a 40 cm polyp and it was shown to be benign. Benign is a wonderful word but I said do you mean 40 mm and not 40 cm? She said no it was…
We are running out of options for my husband's treatment. His doctor has recommended Sir Spheres or radio embolization for his liver tumors. I have only heard from one person who has had good results with this treatment. It is scary that it doesn't seem to be used very much and I don't have a good feeling about it. He has…
Mom must feel better because.......(real funny)
At age 70 she wants to go to a Macklemore and Lewis concert! She is living it and really more hip than I am.
2 Years NED Today Jan 31,2014
Wow - officially 2 years NED today. For a stage 3b / signet cell - that's not too shabby. Go me!!!!!!! I think I will celebrate a little tonight! My best to all!
Any news on Kathryn_in_MN?
I've been thinking and praying for her allot, and wondered if anyone has heard how she is doing.
Well, my scan on the 21st showed additional growth in my already enlarged lymph nodes and an additional "multiple new enlarged lymph nodes...So .. now it is time for a biopsy. It also talked about " increasing stranding and haziness slong the mesentery and retroperitoneum where increase in adenopathy is present"...…
Thinking of Craig
Just been thinking about you Craig. Not the same around here without you! Would love to see a quick hi if you are feeling up to it.
Hello Friends, I was scheduled to start my 3rd Cycle of Chemo on last Thursday & I went for my pre chemo blood test on last Tuesday. Wednesday morning my Onc called me & said that my counts are slightly low & he will differ the Chemo by 1 week & do another blood test on this Wednesday. If my blood count has improved he…
Is this a bad time to discuss how to handle treatment sessions in inclement weather?
I just thought I would bring this out to our attention! My mom would stay in a hotel near the place where she would get her treatments. love ktz aka frozen in atlanta
10 Year Mark - Stage 4
I haven't been on for awhile, but do lurk occasionally. January 29, 2004 I found out I was Stage 4 with 9 of 25 nodes positive and a couple tumors on the liver found during the colon resection. This site and the wonderful people helped me understand and cope with the new reality. I was NED for seven years until January…
Phil64 Update
Yesterday was my 50th birthday... The onc calls with results from my recent CT and MRI. I wasn't expecting to hear results until Thursday during our scheduled appointment so he caught me off guard. Bad News and Good News: The bad news is that I have a spot on the liver. The good news is that it is very close to the surface…
Rectal Bleeding during Chemo
Dear Friends, It’s one week since I had my 3rd Chemo administered. That’s after an additional week of rest due to low WBC & Platelet. Last 2 nights I noticed heavy bleeding when I was trying to pass motion. Though I am constipated, blood passed through without any pain. But seing blood when passing motion makes me nerves…
New and Old Friends: Have you completed or updated your CSN Space About Me page?
If you haven't already done so ... why not take a few minutes to complete or update this part of the CSN site with information about your diagnosis, treatments, progress, and thoughts? This aspect of the site is restricted to members and does not appear on internet searches as do messages threads. Please consider taking…
Happy 50th Birthday to Phil64
Team, Today is Phil64 50th-Birthday. Let's get that Birthday string going. All our love - please have a great day. marbleotis
Taking A Break
Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to take a break from the board. Just want to spend some time with family and not think about this but I'll always be here. I'll be checking in once in awhile and wishing the best for all that is going through things now. Hugs to you all. Kim
Thank you....
Thank you for everyone who sent their condolences regarding my sweet Zach. I believe he joined sometime last year and you all really were family to him. I would like to keep his memory alive by keeping in touch with you all as well as encouraging anyone who is struggling. I hope my voice is valuable as a caregiver and…
Today's My Birthday
Well I certainly feel more like celebrating this year than the last 2. My 2 year NED is also coming up on Jan 31, so Jan is turning around to be a great month again. My best to all.
Nasal passages, etc. never the same after 5FU?
Since I finished chemo over 4 years ago I've had lots of sinus type problems. I'm blame it on the 5FU in the FOLFOX. My nose was like raw meat for the 6 months of chemo and for a few months afterwards. The slightest thing causes swelling and my nose to look red/ raw. Now I have a swollen nasal turbinate which is a nuisance…
Immunotherapy: Hope for the Future
This message refers to another thread discussing Science Journal awarding cancer immunotherapy as the 2013 ‘Breakthrough of the Year’. This is such incredibly promising news. Science is a good peer-reviewed journal focusing on original scientific research and research reviews. For those who don’t want to have to register…
Tumor or polyp
I have been going thru and reading a lot of the members profiles. In many it said when they were first diagnosed there was a tumor found in there colon. Is a tumor a polyp that has turned cancerous and grew or are they two differant things?
another anniversary
End year fifteen , commence year sixteen. No signs of ca . Colonoscopy with one small polyp in nov last year. New issues ,irregular heart beat. Kidney disease has enterred nephrotic syndrome ,started on 100 mg daily of cyclosporin now up to 200 mg daily. Still living alone , still working five to six days a week. Only…
Checking in
Hello fellow cancer warriors. Just wanted to give you an update on me. Had my first colonscopy after my cancer a few weeks ago and everything came back excellent. I'll go back again in a year. Had another CT scan last week and my blood clot was still gone so my doctor took me off the cumadin. Yay!!! I think the thing I was…
Gall Bladder ????
Wondering if it has been common with others here to have gall bladder issues after CC? I been suffering for about a week now with this feeling like there is something stuck in the pit of my stomach. Right between the ribs. It radiates up into my throat and goes straight through my back. I have also been burping often. I…
Happy Birthday wishes to marbleotis
I hope you have a special day of celebration. Family Freinds Food. Can't get better than that.
Good news and Worse news
Hey everyone, Happy New Year! I recently got test results back from my 9 months after my resection and 3 months since my ileostomy reversal. The good news is after an MRI and a CT scan there is no evidenceof any cancer in my liver or colon. I have pretty much gotten back to normal and feel beyond lucky and gratefull. I…
Sleeping tips for pump stage IV
I am new to this discussion board, but I am in need of some advice. My boyfriend of five years has stage IV rectal cancer at the age of 27. We have been getting treatment since September. He is on a two week cycle of receiving chemotherapy drips all day on Tuesdays and goes home with a 48 hour pump of 5FU. He got his port…
Colonoscopy for Year 2 NED Status this Friday - UPDATE 1/17/14
Update - I heard those lovely words, "you have a clean colon". OMG!! The Dr did take some cells from the area where I had a pre-c polyp removed last year. But said all looked really really good and he said I would not have to see him for 3 years. I may not wait 3, but it was great to hear. As a 3b signet cell - this is…
Going in for scans today
Seems like De Ja Vu. The last time I drove in for an appointment (1-1/2 hour ride) was Jan 2. And I had to battle terrible weather then. Our schools were closed in Marshall today. This morning was -8 degrees. And the wind is starting to howl. And my first appointment is at 4pm in Ann Arbbor. I'm planning to head out in 5…