Thinking of you, rls67
Just wanted to let you know that you and your kids are in my thoughts, and the thoughts of many others here too, I'm sure. No need to reply if you don't feel up to it. Many hugs, AA
PET results
What a day..3 doctors in one day, 3 BPs, 3 weigh ins, 3 temps...:) PET shows a met in the back of my abdomen and one in the front, one above my collar bone and one below the other collar bone. Onc talked about quality of life, remission, etc. Still waiting to hear from MD Anderson. After my initial meltdown, I actually…
Friendly Reminder to All. The purpose of CSN is to support one another. Healthy discussion is encouraged; it is critical that everyone remain respectful and non-judgemental. Whatever has happened in the past, is in the past. So here's to a new day! CSN_Kim Site Administrator
Fungal infections
Have any of you gotten fungal infections from the chemo? My brother, all of a sudden, is dealing with this. Just wondering if you did, what did the docs give you. He is using a creme right now. We'll see how that works. Is this normal for chemo patients? Lin PS He is only on 2 chemo meds right now. He asked for them to…
Need some help!
Hi, it's been a while since i have been on here. My husband has stage 4 colon cancer, he is in his 5th year fighting it. His body has become toxic to all chemo that is available to him. The oncologist has decided to send him to University of Penn hospital for a clinical trial consultation. I know i need to ask questions…
Surgery on Hold
Treatment on hold until I can get into Va as they will not pay for outside treatments. So waiting for appointment with them hope its soon. Need to go with them as eliminates out of pocket costs other than meds that will take some stress off financially. also hear one of the Doctors very blunt and will tell you like it is…
CT results for Laz
The good news is that the liver and the lungs are clear. The bad news is that there is some abnormality in my left seminal vesicle, which is a gland next to the prostate. The doctor says it is very rare that rectal cancer would spread into this gland, especially since my cancer was far away from this area, but anything is…
PET results tomorrow/chemo combo
Tomorrow at 215 p more or less, I'll get the results of my PET scan. Too say I'm a little nervous would be a huge understatement. I should find out when I'll be going to MD Anderson as well. Looks like the chemo combo at this point is going to be FU, Folifri and avastan. Had FU last time. Anything I need to prepare for on…
Update on Pete's blog - more as of 2/15
Pete has made the following post on his blogspot yesterday: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ketogenic chocolate holiday and vena superior thrombosis So a Dr told me today I got a thrombus and could die any second, that all my supplements are bs and that my therapy mix is…
I believe your 10th aniversery of stage IV diagnosis is either today or tomorrow. So I just wanted to say congratulations and make newbies aware of your longevity and wish for another 10 years.
Today's CT results :-(
Met with my doctor this afternoon to get my CT scans results and the news was not good. Several liver spots that were absent from last 3 scans are back, I have a new tumor on my adrenal gland (on top of right kidney). With that news I'm now schedule to get a Pet Scan this Thursday along w/ an MRI, The MRI is for some bad…
Cimetidine/Tagamet for Janderson
Jeff, I wanted to make sure you saw this, so am starting a new post. Tagamet is an OTC med that you can pick up at any pharmacy. It's an antacid medication, but for some reason seems to make it difficult for stray cancer cells dislodged during surgery to stick to the surrounding tissues. I don't understand the mechanism…
Major turn of events Update, detour in the road
Many of you have been following my post for the past couple of weeks with all of the drama and let downs. Well I am here to tell you it has been the ultimate roller coaster ride. I went from thinking I had kdney stones to having 3 mets and thing they could be surgically removed to a follow up MRI which revealed a fourth…
Have questions, need help please
I woke up one morning with severe back pain in my sacral region, bad enough I could barely walk, and blood in my stool. It took me a few days to be seen. I was checked for anything that could cause the problems seperately, but everything came back normal and clear. The doctor said I show signs of Spinal Metastases…
TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) and venting tube with Palliative Care - Erbitux and Irinotecan
My father has been placed on Palliative Care with TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) and venting tube He is home - Not impressed with "Palliative Care" He is trying Erbitux and Irinotecan as his last resort, but not really sure its working, he hasn't had any scans. He has had a pretty bad rash and extremely fatigued.(which…
New to the network
I just joined the cancer network because Phil64 encouraged me to do so. Thank you Phil. I am almost two years into my journey with stage IV colon cancer. So far, I have managed just fine, but I decided that I could use some support from those of you who actually understand as only a patient can. I probably won't " talk "…
Ugh, I got the flu and it's kicking my ****. I've had a 101 fever for 10 days, sore throat, coughing, nauseua, I've lost 10 pounds, and missed 7 days of work. I have a CT scan set for today, I'll get results tomorrow. All I do is sleep, and not very well, go from my bed, to my living room, to my office, back to bed, etc.…
Smokeyjoe, Joemetz, other MIA
Was happy to see some recent posting from Craig. Havent seen smokeyjoe or Joe around in awhile.
Surgery coming up
After 7 months on erbitux and irrinotecan i finally got second opinion and got scan.m(hadn't scanned for,6 months cos if growing couldn't stay on erbitux) Erbitux shrunk tumor mets early, prob for first three months. Scan unfortunately shows larger tumor grown 20 mm, now back up to 62mm. Bugger! Surgeons looking at options…
It is a time of sadness for some and hope for many … will posting pet pics help?
Maybe it is the winter doldrums or all the struggles ... I don't want to be insensitive, but our animal friends always enrich our lives. Even a photo of a loving anmal can raise our oxytocin levels, reduce stress, and make us feel better ... maybe some pet pictures will be enjoyable. I'll start ... this is my Maxwell.…
Chemo Changes - Still Effective?
My doctor wants to make some changes to my chemotherapy, and I'm wondering if it will still be effective. A small bit of background - My 6th FOLFOX treatment was delayed a week due to low lab counts (specifically neutrophils). My 8th one (the current one) was also delayed a week due to low counts. This time they gave me a…
Lost in a sea of pessimism
I very seldom post a topic. In fact this may be the second time ever. But this last week has been very difficult and my anxiety meter is pegged in the red. Options for treatment are starting to be limited more rapidly than we had thought. Oncologist told me last visit it is not time to stop work YET. This is a change in…
starting regorafenib (Stivarga) - any tips?
Had progression on FOLFOX/Avastin (growth of liver mets after a period where it was shrinking the them a lot) and irinotecan/Erbitux (new liver met after slight shrinkage of the other ones). Oncologist offered up return to 5FU + Avastin (had reaction to oxaliplatin), phase 1 clinical trial, or regorafenib as options. I…
Did anyone try Cannabis Oil with high CBD content for treatment (not for pain relief) of CC?
I have stage 4 CC with mets to liver (so far). Thinking about trying to get the right strain of Cannabis oil that might stop even stage 4. Did anyone on the board use a good quality oil for treatment of colon cancer or does anyone know someone who was helped by the Cannabis Oil? Could it really be a hope for healing or…
Waiting Game Pt 2
HI All! I will be waiting a little longer to hear about my results from USC. My colon shut down on Monday. It was due to a blockage. So far, no more information then that. Laurie took me to the hospital at 0030 Monday. The local Mountain hospital gave me a muscle relaxant, took a CT from the oldest CT machine I have ever…
I hope I spelled your name correctly. How are you doing?
More good News
The results from Pet scan showed the spot on lung not cancerous and the they are going to do surgery possibly next Thursday on colon
Erbitux vs avastin
Hi We are awaiting results for KRAS mutation test for our second line chemo treatment. I understand that if mutation type is wild then we can add either avastin or erbitux along with FOLFIRI. Is there any data on which one is most effective? Also in terms of side effects which one is better? Your inputs on any…
Martha Stewart has a few good recipes on her website. Look at Cleansing Broth, Detox Soup and Smoothies.
what does this mean?
Periductal lymph node containing metastastic adenocarcinoma.... Everything I'm pulling up on periductal refers back to the gall bladder, Just had it removed.. had a PET scan today get results next Friday. I know adenocarcinoma is cancer but is it in the bile duct, ??? I need a medical degree :) I'm thinking this isn't good…