Just out of the hospital
I just got home from the hospital. Really long week with over ten hours of surgery last Thursday. The surgeons were amazed at the results. I have no good explanation. Still on pain meds and partial bowel function, passing gas but not fecal matter. There is an earlier post that gives details of how the surgery was plagued…
Finishing chemo today!
I was diagnosed with a large Stage 2 rectal cancer on May 23rd. Went through radiation, chemo and surgery in October. Today I'm finishing chemo and this treatment left me with a colostomy and neuropathy in my hands and feet. I'm still very grateful, because without this treatment I would be dying or dead by now. Ill have a…
advice needed
I got the results from my mri today. not what i was expectiog. the test revealed a second spot on my liver an the one though to be on my lung is on my chest wall for a total of 2 on my chest wall. He said surgey is not an option at ths tme and should do chemo to see if that changes things. i find this unacceptable. They…
My angel passed away today....
My sweet wife lost her battle with cancer today. She is in heaven now. No more sufferring, no more pain. I miss her so bad. There is a huge hole in my life. We were perfect together. She was my best friend and soul mate. How will I ever recover?
Percy's powder
Anyone tried this product. Have done lot of reading on it?!
Good news today
The kidney lesion is not related to Colon Cancer just got home from getting pet scan see what they say next week. tried to put picture of Chester the dog turned out to large
Just Asking For Opinions
Hello All, Just looking for opinions and/or our resident insurance guru, if we have one. As many others have done, my former company has decided to no longer be directly involved with supplemental health insurance for those of us on Medicare. I have received & tried to interpret(Ha, Ha!) all the new info. as well as…
Signet cell carsinoma.
My lovely husband was diagnosed with signet cell carsinoma colorectal cancer.Stage 4. He is only 28.He had surgery followed by chemo one year ago and guess what?? it's back with a vengence. When oncologists did surgery to determine the extent of the illness they found another mass with spread to intestinal areas as well as…
Happy Valentine's Day!
To a great bunch of very special people, patients and caregivers alike...you have my love and respect for all that you do. But not my marshmallow hearts. I'm sorry, but I have to draw the line somewhere. BIG hugs to you all!
rls67 ... grief
What I have come to think about grief is that what you are feeling now, even though you feel terrible, is likely healthy and necessary. Bereavement is a long process that unfortunately cannot be finished quickly. I found that in the beginning and continuing for perhaps months is a kind of numbness, or as you said 'feeling…
severe pain during radiation
My husband has stage 4 colon cancer with Mets to his liver, stomach, brain, and upper spine (back of neck). He is currently getting radiation on his upper spine to alleviate pain from that tumor. He is on day 3 out of 5 treatments. He is in way more pain now than before. Does anyone know if this is normal?
any suggestion about low cea? how to bring it down?
My father is 77 years old. hee is in China and was diagnosed with colon cancer in March of 2011, had surgery removing about 6 - 8 inches colon in April, followed with 6 x Chemo. He was found lung mets in Oct of 2012 and had conventional chemo treatment. But he doesn't respond very well to the chemo (inclouding Erbitux).…
Medical MJ
Does anyone have thoughts or experience with medical marijuana? It's seems to be such a taboo subject. As a palliative treatment, it seems to be quite popular. I've read a few articles that indicate there could be some anti-cancer properties also. Nearly 1/2 of the U.S. has approved it in some fashion for medical use. Is…
I'm in the ER Update, phase 2
Couldnt sleep last night with terrible stabbing pains in lower right back. They think its kidney stones. Just did a scan. As sad as it sounds I hope it is only kidney stones. Its amazing how we would gladly accept something so painful as good news. Update: My surgeon read the scan from last week with his team and as I…
Winter Marie - can you please please elaborate about high CBD cannabis oil you are taking?
Hi Marie, thanks much for responding to my question. But, sorry, I did not understand it - what do you mean by 35grams and working to 100grams? Are we talking about the same thing? The true cannabis oil is like a resin, it is very concentrated, almost black, extremelly thick (hard to squeeze from suringe) and is usually…
Too many to list
I was thinking of starting a thread about some of the folks here who are in crisis, in new treatments or who are pondering what to do next, and I realized there were too many to list. I hope that each and every one of you will add a few words to this post and let us know how you are doing. Know that there is love and…
Home from Thera Speres
We are home from my husband's Thera Spere Therapy. I had the heck scared out of me when they paged me to the entrance of the intervention radiology and began to explain that there was a complication during the procedure. The doctor told me that within seconds of inserting the speres into the tumor his heart rate went to…
Dozens of Rac****s eating Doritos
I found this on Facebook dont know if link will work but hope it provides some smiles for everyone who can connect https://www.facebook.com/dennis.carman.3/posts/794311593916880
Time for hospice.
My beautiful wife of twenty years was officially placed in hospice. We are waiting for bed to open in the hospice we choose. She has been given 2-6 weeks to live. I am trying to be strong for her and our kids. But it is so hard when you're dieing inside. I really hope she doesn't have to suffer long. l love her to much to…
I'm home today
Dr. Knol successfully whacks another mole! Thank you Dr. Knol and UMHS team, for being one of the best facilities in the country and for taking such good care of me. Thank you Jesus for Dr. Knol and for UMHS. Thank you family (especially Connie, Mary & Jim, George) for spending too many hours with me throughout this…
For those in the path of Winter Storm Pax
Don't know about any of the rest of you...but ENOUGH SNOW ALREADY! As of 8:30 am eastern time, we had 16 inches of snow with more falling from the sky and forecast not to end until tonight. By the way, I live in Virginia. Had to go out and shovel at 3:30 am and 8:30 am to make sure I could get the storm door open and get…
Great news. still alive.
Today's pet scan showed liver and spleen met and a little growth in lung mets. It's over a year since my clear pet which was the result from German therapies. Alas none who have followed have lived, that includes non csn colorectals. but the therapies work for some and then for a time. About 20% get long term remission.…
New Member
I went for colonoscopy 2 days ago and was told I have cancer. Am going in for CT scans today then see surgeon next Wednesday. This was a shock but plan pn staying positive and try to beat the cancer. My wife is doing a little better today but it did shake her up prtty bad.
Planned CSN Outage Tonight
Dear Users, CSN will be down for routine maintenance tonight from around midnight to 3:00 AM Eastern Time. We apologize for any inconvenience. The site will be up and running as quickly as possible. Thank you for all you do for CSN! CSN_Nick
Scare with Dad - Thoughts?
Hi All, Dad has been doing well, but the chemo was starting to get to him and the FDA sent a letter stating he should stop using it and switch. Well, they switched up his chemo and he HATES to eat now. He is still forcing himself to eat, but nothing tastes good (except ice cream and chef-boyardee). The only good thing now…
Avastin and fistula
My mom is diagnosed with recurrence in pelvis - few nodes lit up in pet scan in right internal iliac region. One of the Oncologists(whom we went for second opinion) said risk of avastin causing fistula and infection is high if the tumour is in radiated area. Is there any data for this? Have any of you heard/experienced the…
Next step
Good morning, My wife was diagnosed with MCRC on January, 2012. She was first diagnosed with stage iia on Septembermber, 2009. The mets have been on the lungs at first. A new CAT scan shows growth on the head of the pancreas. The new growth was tested and it was confirmed to be mcrc. We are heartbroken and are seeking a…
It's baaaccckk...UPDATE
Biopsy completed Tuesday, needle biopsy thank goodness. After nearly having a nervous breakdown, I finally got the call Friday about 5pm. Cancer was found in the samples. Wow! Have appointment Tuesday to find out all the details. Already know it will be chemo just not sure what..per my onc everyone is puzzled since it…
Insensitive people
So my dad called yesturday a couple of hours after I got the news about my third recurrence. He asked how I was doing so I told him the scan results. Heasked what the doctors plan of attack. I told him that takes time to determine. So he then proceeded to talk about his ddiarrhea from antibiotics he is taking and asked my…
im at a lost for words and a feeling of a lost for fight
Hello my friends im sorry it has taken me awhile to post thank you so much mom(wolfen) for keeping our friends updated on me.my last bout in the hospital is kind of a blur as everything happened so fast.the turning yellow thing got worse so they had me come in for labs and ct scan come to find out the spot on the head of…