20th anniversary today Stage 4 colon cancer.
December 20th 1993, I had a right hemicolectomy and wedge resection of a large liver tumour. During 1994 I had weekly injections of 5 flurourasol, and the dreaded levamisole for 3 days every two weeks. Over the next 2 years I had a right partial mastectomy, and removal of a tumour and my right ovary. I have many health…
question about mets?
hi family i went to chemo onc yesterday and got the results of my ct scan that was done on dec.19 i have been off chemo for 2 and a half months due to being hospitalized in nov so onc gave me a break during the holidays.as we suspected all mets in lungs have grown quite a bit largest one is 4.9x3.7cm this is the largest…
Update on Craig (Sundanceh)
Craig's wife has shared on FB that Craig was unable to get his chemo today due to low platelet counts. It seems they are discussing removing his spleen to help get the counts up. Please send prayers, good vibes and well wishes to our favorite Texan. Marie who loves kitties
My son had a mental breakdown
I don't post often but for four years you all have been a source of strength inspiration for me as a caregiver. So, if anyone can relate, I know it is you. My 20 year old son, who has been a rock through his dad's illness, had a mental breakdown. After 14 hours of ER and hospitals yesterday, he is admitted to a place to…
Wanting to hear from Wolfen and JBG
Ladies, please stop in and let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Marie who loves kitties
2.0 CEA
Hi Everyone! With all of the stress and sad news that the Big C can bring. I received good news today. My blood tests all came back to normal. My CEA was 2.0! 24 months ago my CEA was 1125. 2 Surgeries, 30 days in the hospital and 6 months of FolFox and 12 more months of recovery. I am starting to feel normal again! Sold a…
Haven't seen you on here for a long time, it seems. I hope you and your wife are doing well!
Abdominal Pain Three Months After Surgery
I had a small bowel resection at the end of August, and while the recovery was slow and not without pain, I can say I've been feeling pretty good from the surgery itself for the past few weeks. Until Thursday night. I was woken with abdominal pain that continues today (Sunday). I don't know how to describe it other than…
Something I should be worried about?
My wife restarted folfiri after being told there is no more new treatment to give her anymore. She went back on it last friday. I noticed some minor twitching from her. But last night around two AM. She started having some serious twitching. Grabbing at her clothes and blanket and trying to take them off. She also started…
how are you doing? a belated merry Xmas and early happy new year to you!
Update on Kathryn_in_MN
Many of you newer members may not know Kathryn as she had not posted here much recently. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer and 2000 and colorectal cancer in 2009. What is special about Kathryn is that not only has she fought her own battles, she has been very proactive in her state and nationally in bringing awareness…
How are you doing?
Hi - just thinking about you and hoping your daughter is well. How's that grandbaby doing?
smokeyjoe please check in
Thinking about you. ~ Cynthia
AnnLouise how are you?
Please check in. ~ Cynthia
Has anyone heard from barbebarb?
She has not posted since Thanksgiving ... ~ Cynthia
When do you know it's time for hospice care?
My husband Pat is not doing well. 2nd month of Stivarga (regorafenib) and 2 trips to the ER within that time frame. He is in pain (stomach, groin, hips, back) so once again he is on strong pain meds, Fentanyl patches & Oxycodone. No appetite and losing a lot of weight. He is very depressed and no matter what I do, it's…
How often do you get scans?
Had my first surgery March 2012, scan July showed cancer still there, advancing. So chemo/rad and had second surgery which was total rectum/anal removal, permanent ostomy in January 2013. First scan in July was clean. I want to make sure all is fine and get my port out so I want another scan this January. My oncologist…
Update on my mothers colposcopy
She came out clear accept for some fatty tissue on her intestine. The doctor thinks that the diarrhea was due to her previous colon surgery where they removed part of her colon. They will give her meds for her diarrhea, but what I don't understand is why didnt they do this before? Why go through biopsies and drama. Is this…
Appointments tomorrow
I'm going in for a couple of follow-up appointments and for a CEA test. I had an ultrasound as a follow-up on testicular cancer. I didn't think this would be a worry but just read the US report. Said I have a small cystic focus on my left testical. Just when I have a good chance for a remission with crc I have to worry…
Need Colostomy Advice
Hi all, Happy New Year! I know there are ostomy boards but I'm still in a bit of a depression about this ostomy being permanent at times and those boards are just full of people who have temporaries. Gets me down. I have to go for my first colonoscopy since the ostomy to make sure there's no cancer so I need to do the…
Resolution Revolution!
Well, once again a new year rolls around, and once again I start thinking about the resolutions I would like to achieve in the coming months. In the past, I’ve been in the habit of making resolutions that are impossible to achieve, so this year, with the hope of reducing the degree of soul-crushing disappointment I…
Hair loss, scanxiety, help!!
Hello and happy New Year! My husband is losing hair rapidly on his thighs and calves in big patches. he hasn't had chemo for over 6 months. Has anyone had this happen? Also his hair growth is slowing elsewhere on his body. Also, Monday is pet scan day and tues will be the appt with onc. Pet was ordered after something…
PET Scan yesterday... I won't find out the results until after christmas :(
I am having a hard time finding the joy this year with the results of a PET scan hanging over my head. My husband doesn't understand...why I am tired...why I don't feel joyful right now... I guess I am alone... I cant share with him what I am feeling...he doesn't want to hear it. I thought all of the Christmas shopping was…
2013 was a mixed bag!
One of the greatest blessings in my life is my granddaughter. She was born this year and is the light of my life. I wish she and her mommy and daddy lived closer, but Skype has helped us keep in touch. It has also been one of the saddest yesrs in my life. My brother went from stage 2a to 4. He has been hospitalized 3 times…
Just wondering how your wife is doing. Did you guys make it through Christmas okay? Does she understand that it's Christmas or has the disease progress beyond her ability to understand such things? You're such a big source of support for so many here and what you are going through (as a caregiver) is tremendously hard, as…
My wish for each of you in 2014 ...
Peace. ~ Cynthia
Happy New Year to all!
Heres to a great 2014 to all of you! I would like to thank my friends for all of your support the past year. You all made it much easier to deal with. God Bless you all.
Hello Family, Wishing all of you a Happy New Year & sending prayers to everyone for a healthier 2014. Gavin
The ACS Countdown
Seriously! Anyone else getting what seems like hourly emails from the ACS reminding you how many hours are left to make a tax deductible gift in 2013? Geesh as if I needed hourly cancer reminders. Wish we could all email them hourly to find out if they found the cure yet.