I have been waiting for news of your new treatment with, Cyclosporine. How are you?
Was wondering if anyone has heard from her as to how her husband is doing? She was posting kinda regularly before and I haven't seen anything from her lately.
is it cancer or not
Here I go again. Four months ago a CT scan showed an area on my liver which was "suspicious". So next day an MRI then an ultra sound. The gaggle of Oncolonist decided I needed a bioospy. So I wait a week with the usual fear knowing that this time if true I'm not going to fight cancer anymore. The cost is too much. Anyway…
Antioxidants may detract from effectiveness of 5-FU
www.nature.com/cddis/journal/v5/n1/full/cddis2013509a.html (I;ve read only the abstract and discussion part and just saw my onc last Wed;think i'll relay this to her office Mon)
I need the boards advice for a gallbladder polyp.
Hi all, as some of you know, I'm currently 44 and I just spent two years dealing with rectal cancer. One anal.rectal removal and permanent ostomy later, I'm currently NED. I found out after my surgery and treatment that colon cancer, breast cancer and kidney cancer run in my father's family. My 16 year old son was having…
The Latest News with direct post from Kathryn_in_MN per her wishes
These are words from Kathryn: Hospice services have been nice. I am so glad to be able to be home. I had an incredible massage & healing energy today. She climbed right into my bed with me for part of it. This is the best I have felt in a month. I am totally bedridden now. My pain is well controlled. Because the cancerous…
Hey PhillieG ... I saw you sneaking back on here ... :)
Welcome back. Hope you have time to post more. I have missed your voice here. Peace. ~ Cynthia
cimetidine (Tagamet??)
Saw this discussion on the bottom of another thread. Can we bring that discussion here since it seems pretty important? So, what did the Onc recommend? I found some OLD studies (1998- 2002) which said 'we've known for 20 years...' I have not yet found anything current. Lisa, the numbers were much larger. I saw 85% of Dukes…
A future weapon to combat mutated KRAS sounds promising
CEA Results
My last three CEA results were under 1 to 1.1 to 3.0. I know that 3 is still normal but the fact that it has risen the last two times is concerning. Last January an MRI detected three liver tumors (two small and one larger). After four treatments of FILFIRI and Erbitux the f/u MRI only detected the larger tumor (which had…
Happy Thoughts for JBG today
Hi JBG - wishing we were all spending the day in the infusion room with you today to boost your spirits. Hope it goes well and you are feeling okay. Prayers and positive thoughts for you.
How is your son doing? and husband? How are you doing? I've been thinking about you and your family. I hope things are looking better. Lin
Zach's wife asked me to post this...
This is the slide show that they will be showing at the service tomorrow. I hope I can do this so it works!…
Snow Friends check in here
I'll start ... snowing lovely fluffy flakes all day to add to the 6-8" already on the ground. Snow will continue over the next few days and Tuesday our high temperature is expected to be 0 degrees, is that even possible? One thing I do have on hand is a good deal of firewood, food, bottled water, and batteries for…
How are you doing? I survived!
Thoracic lung surgeon
I had been contemplating surgery on the 3 tumors in lung this is the only mets I've had in three years. Today I found out my surgeon, who I had so much confidence in has been diagnosed with MS. Very sad for him and his fam. Does anyone know of top surgeon in Australia or USA ??
CEA = 0.7 YEAH!!
I will be 2 years NED on 1/31/14. CEA is 0.7, all scans clear. 2 year colonoscopy on 1/17. I was 3b with signet cell. My best to everyone. Thanks for your continued encouragement
Here's to a good clean colon (pici of me with Doc)
I just got back from my first post treatment colonoscopy. All is well. He said everything looked great. I was awake for the whole procedure, asking questions and watching the screen. I wanted to see the staples they had used so he showed me, then took pictures for me to bring home. Evil looking thngs they are too. Here is…
Looks like they pulled the survey post
Just fyi for the mods, I took it and I'm pretty sure it was legit. I checked out the research company doing it before I took part. It appeared to be a survey being run for a company making a chemo that causes a nasty rash and risk of heart attack, based on the nature of the questions.
What special thing do you do for YOURSELF on chemo day? Patient or Caregivers
I dress up and think of ways to seem as if I'm meeting old friends for the day (chemo nurses, and hello to chemo). I find these are my best humor days, always finding something humorous to talk about or laugh about. This picture was taken today 1/7/2013, yes we are basking in warmth here in Santa Cruz, trying to send a…
Asparagus to fight cancer?
I got an email from a friend which had attachments regarding the benifit of asparagus for cancer patients. Apparently, taking cooked or canned asparagus, pureeing it in the blender and then taking 4 tablespoons twice daily has some anicdotal evidence in helping cancer patients. I say helping, not curing. Of course, you can…
Colon Cancer/ Chemo/ Increased Anxiety
I had a diagnosis of stage 3 colon cancer last year.I had chemo,2 major surgeries,one was to remove some of my bowel and to reconnect the bowel. Now I'm cancer free,but I think I still have chemo brain,hardly any energy.I'm fatigued all the time.I have generalized anxiety disorder and I know the stress from all of this…
Need oncology recommendations
A friend lives in Philadelphia. Does anyone have any recommendations? Her mother has mets with primary location in the uterus.
Some possible good news in the battle against cancer-sticky balls!
Sounds kind of silly, but this recent research has shown a lot of promise. Scientists attached a cancer-killing protein to nanoparticles and released them into the bloodstream of mice, as well as into human blood. In both cases, the "sticky balls" caused the cancer cells that were floating around to completely disintegrate…
Need help for Dad- Colon Cancer Stage 4 in hospital with Kidney Stones?
Hi, First off I love you all for reading. Dad was dx last year with CC stage 4 he has been on chemo. He had sudden onset of pain and i took him to the ER. He was due for a scan anyway so they did a CT scan with contrast. The Onc said the mass in his colon looked smaller (great news) but initally didnt see anything in the…
After chemo is over
I finished chemo Sept. 5/13. I developed a problem with pain in my glute and piriformis muscles and SI joints and some in my right quad muscle. Have had some physical therapy - ultrasound and electric stimulation which has helped. I had a hernia repair Dec. 23rd and it went well. This was caused by my initial operation…
Did anyone try Dendrobium, Clove Oil, or BX Antitoxin? Pete43lost at sea - are you there?
Hello all, Never posted before. Tried ALA with LDN and vit C - did not work. Stage 4 colon with metastatic to liver, inoperable. Last treatment SBRT to liver, 40 grays in 5 sessions in August 2013. Did not do 3mo scan, will do 6mo PET/CT in mid March. Currently on Hoxsey. Added to Hoxsey regimen Dendrobium, Clove Oil, BIRM…
Clean colonscopy
Hello everyone! Haven't been on here in a while but wanted to tell you that I had my first colonscopy after being diagnosed with cancer and everything was great! Six month now being cancer free! Hugs to everyone and to a very healthy 2014. Cynthia
Blood thinners
I was wondering if any of you are on blood thinners. My brother had clotting issues so they told him he will probably be on blood thinners for the rest of his life. This wasn't the case pre-cancer. They put in a filter to prevent future clots, but they are having issues getting his INR where it needs to be. I am told it…