So I had another birthday. My 6th since DX
CEA STILL COMIMG DOWN. Yes!, SCAN In 4 weeks. Hope to kick butt this time too. Here's to another year, and a few more birthdays! My grand kids have declared my birthday a national holiday. Lol.
The person who created this post has passed. i recommend that you not respond to posts older than a couple of weeks old, but create a new one if you should have any questions. A lot of times the old posts have responses from people who have passed on and it is very painful for those who knew them to "see" them again. Ktz
3 years later
I believe it was almost three years ago, I joined this site. Diagnossed stage 3b rectal cancer. Went through the surgery and chemo, and i'm guessing pretty much the same as everyone else. Found out after 6 months my wife had a boyfriend and left me after 28 years. A month later my son who had a scholarship to play…
Craig is Home
And platlet count is going up
Post surgery update
Well I'm typing in this update from my I Phone. The surgery was a success. The doctor told me he looked all through my abdomen and did an ultrasound of the liver. Only the single tumor was found and removed. No need to remove my gallbladder either. Once again the epidural is working some magic -- no pain. I have been…
I went back and forth about posting this. Want to respect your privacy but also wanting you to know that you have friends here, who understand. Hopefully it's all going as well as can be expected and we know you'll seek us out when your ready. Take care.
Waiting Game
HI Everyone! After my surgery in June 2013 at UCSD, I have been recovering. I have been getting stronger, had a great year with my wife, a good gardening year, we got a newer car, and over all life is good. I had a follow up CT/PT and then a colonoscopy in October 2013. The Surgeon told us to see my oncologist immediately.…
No surgery.....feeling lost
We just met with a surgeon yesterday. He said that since Mike is responding so well to chemotherapy that they will not be doing surgery at this time. I am thrilled about this, but Mike is mad becasue he wanted them to go in there and just cut the tumor out of him. He is getting so angry with me. I try and be supportive,…
My heart is breaking....
After receiving good knews last night, I heard the worst possible news possible. The blockage is not going away. The Dr does not think it will. They sent a pallative care/ hospice person to talk with me. I was told if the blockage doesn't change, she has about 2 weeks left. If it does by some miracle becomes unblocked,…
Olympics fans?
Anyone else excited for the Olympics to begin? Anyone know an Olympian in past or present years, or dream of being an Olympian? Any special Olympic traditions? Favorite or least favorite events?
Standard regimen for recurrent cancer?
Hi Is FOLFIRI + avastin, given as second line chemo for recurrent ca, done every 3 weeks or 2 weeks? My mom had taken FOLFOX initially 2 yrs back. Now the cancer is back in her nodes along illiac vessels in pelvis. Our onc said he is planning to do 6 cycles with 3 weeks interval but the onc we went for second opinion said…
How Long do I have to live? Good articles provided by Petra and Tori.
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/01/25/opinion/sunday/how-long-have-i-got-left.html?_r=0&referrer http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/01/25/opinion/sunday/how-long-have-i-got-left.html?_r=0&referrer
What's one thing?
What is one thing you wish you would have known about colon cancer before you or your loved one was diagnosed? I didn't realize someone could get diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer at 30 years old. You aren't "recommended" to get a colonoscopy until age 50! Things that make you go "Hmmmmm.." Janelle
The day before surgery
I didn't sleep as long as I would have hoped for. Woke up a couple of hours ago And it's only 4:30am. I worked over 12 hours yesterday trying to prepare for another long absence from work. And on my drive home from an exhausting day my thoughts were taking me to some slippery slopes. I started to think that this surgery…
Hello friends, This Thursday, I went through my 3rd round of Chemo (Oxi followed by Xeloda) initially the chemo was scheduled for last Thursday. But my Onc postponed it by 1 week because my blood works was not good. Thursday morning another blood test was done & the count was still low. However just good enough to…
Mom's cancer is spreading some more
Hello Everyone, I have kind of dropped off the site for a while. Hope everyone is hanging in there. Two weeks ago I resigned from my job to take care of my mom full time and give my father a long overdue break and some emotional support. On Wednesday the oncologist called me into his office (I already knew this was not…
Prayers and good wishes for Craig aka Sundanceh - updated 9:40 pm eastern
Craig's wife shared that he made it thru his surgery on Thursday pretty well. However he is experiencing a very rapid heart rate now and tests have not determined the cause. Please send prayers, good vibes and wishes to our favorite Texan writer. Marie who loves kitties ----------------------------------------- Update:…
Turn for the worse. Update.
My wife has stage 4 cc. This past oct-nov, I don't remember, the dr. wanted to stop chemo. But my wife and I talked him into trying folfiri agsin, because she seemd to have the best results from it. Well since late friday early saturday she seems to have taken a downword turn. She is unable to get out of bed on her own.…
Kathryn_in_MN has passed away
Kathryn has passed away. I will try and copy and paste post from her family to all her friends. Rest in Peace dear woman. Winter Marie
Congratulations, AA
Your Seahawks did it in a big way! Hope you are celebrating. :) Higs, CM
Any football fans on here?
As a life-long Washingtonian, I am SO excited that the Seahwaks are going to the Super Bowl! I remember the days when most every Sunday brought another day of head-hanging shame for Seattle, so for us this is a huge achievement! The entire city was so quiet yesterday...streets were empty, stores were empty. The stadium, on…
Phil64 Update - sixth surgery scheduled
Well, I met with the surgeon yesterday. Dr. James Knoll at UMHS. He's been doing liver (and other) surgeries since 1980 and he was quick to gain my confidence. He explained the procedure to me, my wife, and my sister and walked us through the MRI images. There is a clear small tumor in the liver (near the surface). This…
Strange ... our forum posts appearing on this site ...
Does anyone know what in the world this website is: http://www.healthboards.org/Forum-colon-and-rectal.html Our forum posts are being mirrored there. Very weird. Peace. ~ Cynthia
Wishing you a quick recovery on your surgery today Craig
just want you to know we are all thinking of you as you have your spleen surgery today. Sending love and wishes for a speedy recovery, Winter Marie
Can they do radiation on your lungs? My new spots are on my lungs and want to ask my ONC about putting chemo directly to the tumors, I believe it's called HiPec?? I did did ask before about chemo directly to my liver but ONC stated he wanted to do the maintenance chemo to mop up all areas and if it didn't work then go and…
Good News!!!
CEA level in October was below normal limits with CT Scan all clear. Now, as of 1/28/14, CEA level .4 lower than in October and CT scan still ALL CLEAR!!!!! My Oncologist has stopped Chemo. Keeping my fingers crossed that this is the end of my roller coaster ride.
First long time coming. Need some encouragement
I was diagnose with stage III in March of 2012. I had surgery to remove 1 foot of colon. I recovered very well. My new colon shape took some getting used to but it worked out eventually. I started chemo right after and finished in the fall. The scan showed NSD. The three month scan was all clear, 6 month clear, 9 month…
statistical question
My brother asked me if the 5 year survival rate is from when he was originally diagnosed with rectal cancer or when he was diagnosed a year later at stage 4? I told him statistics don't mean very much because he is young and most of the statistics are based on older patients (I think). Anyway, does anyone know? Lin
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