LOOKING FOR A.L.L survivors in their 30's
Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma, Adult Acoustic Neuroma, Current Meningioma tumor & 3 Dozen Late Effects
"Content removed by CSN Support Team" This explains my nightmare, due to my health from multiple cancers originating first from childhood cancer at the age of 2 my life has been a nightmare. This truly is my last hope or chance, I have lost everything and everyone because of the late effects of my cancer and the treatments…
anxiety about late effects
Hello, I was diagnosed with stage 2 Ovarian Cancer at the age of 7 and got my right ovary removed along with the tumor. They then realized that my cancer had spread to my lymph nodes and I had to do chemo therapy. I have been in remission for 12 years and for the past 2 years have been having anxiety and great fear…
Leukemia survior making a documentary
Hey Everyone, I am a 20 year old survivor of Leukemia. I am a media studies and sociology major at the Claremont Colleges in Califonia. I am currently working on a documentary about the experience of cancer. I would love to hear peoples stories to include in my film. I am also open to talking to anyone, off the record.…
Hello! My name is April! I was diagnosed with ALL in 1986 at the age of 4. I received treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. During this time I was also allowed to receive treatments at home with a visiting nurse that came out to my house. My mom remembers everything from when I was sick, but I only really…
hodgkin's disease childhood cancer survivors
Dear all, I wonder if there are any childhood cancer survivors of hodgkins disease. I would like to write to you, as I am a survivor myself, and am new to this. Thanks Jaye
I survived.
Hey All I'm Michelle I'm 41 and a childhood cancer survivor. I had A.L.L. Acute lymphblasticc Lukimia whoever that's spelled I was also and experiment as well and a survivor out of 35 kids yes they all died I lived with another survivor a boy but I'm not sure he's alive or if I'm the only one. I been sick My whole life…
Wilm's Tumor
Hi! I'm new here and new to this idea of reaching out to other cancer survivors, so I was hoping to connect with someone who had Wilm's Tumor as a child. I was diagnosed at 9 years old and am now 27. I went through intense treatment and am lucky to be alive (as we all are, I'm sure!). I just wanted to connect with others…
Ewings Sarcoma Survivor
Hey guys! I am a ewings sarcoma survivor of about 9 years. I am 20 years old now, and was treated in 2013. I have been struggling with health anxiety lately. I am constantly worried that something bad is going to happen to my health again. Does anyone else experience this?
Survivors who have excelled
Growing up a childhood cancer survivor I never felt that my cancer defined me, or made me different than other people. This belief was largely instilled in me by my Mother, who probably did not want people treating me different from other children, but as I have gotten older I have researched more on childhood cancer, and…
The tough side of childhood cancer
Hello all, I'm new here. I was diagnosed with neuroblastoma when I was 4 months old and am now 21. I was very lucky they found my tumor, most nurses could not feel it. I feel proud and lucky to be a cancer survivor. But, I've had a lot of challenges growing up. One of my main challenges is not remembering the experience at…
Childhood cancer survivor in the 1970's
I am a cancer survivor who was diagnosed at age 5 with ALL in 1972. I was treated with the St. Jude's protocol at my local hospital. I am now about to turn 55 and have had multiple health issues as I've grown older. I'm reaching out to see if there are any of you that were diagnosed in the 70's , treated and survived. I'm…
35 year survivor of Wilms Tumor of the kidney
Hello Everyone I am a 35 year survivor of wilms tumor. I lost my left kidney to cancer when I was 2 1/2 years old. I am 38 years old & doing great. Just to give everyone a little back ground info. My folks where not told in 1968 on what stage my tumor was in. In fact the local hospital on where I was treated didnt even…
Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney
Hi - my 3 year old niece was just diagnosed with clear cell sarcoma of the kidney and I am trying to see if there are any others that have a child with this form of cancer. Any response with some information would be greatly appreciated.
survivor of childhood cancer
I am a 28 year old survivor of childhood cancer. Iwas diagnosed with a brain tumor in February of '82. Is there anyone else like me out there? Any other adult survivors of childhood cancer? Please,if you're out there write to me.
Is anyone here a survivor of Neuroblastoma? I was diagosed with it at a very young age and up until a few years ago I didn't really know any cancer survivors and I have only met one other person who had neuroblastoma as a child only she didn't have the same treatments etc. I thought I would post to offer my support and…
Adaptive Wear Options
Has anyone heard of BenGuard Healthcare Solutions for adaptive wear? I'm considering purchasing some and haven't seen any reviews. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with them. https://ben-guard.com/
Young child with melanoma
My daughter was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma just months after turning 4 years old. She is now 8 years old and finished her CHEMO )yervoy) a year ago in December. I lost my mom suddenly from an unexpected small cell lung cancer diagnosed after complications from pnamonia a couple years back. My mom was my go to for…
Anyone look into stem cell treatments for muscle/bone atrophy/wasting from radiation treatments?
I am wondering if anyone as looked into this? I had hodgekins at age 6 and the radiation treatments caused a lot of atrophy and muscle wasting.
Childhood Cancer
Hey- I am celebrating 20 years cancer free this summer. :) I'm 26 and I was diagnosed with Wilms' Tumor when I was 5. I've never really had the opporutnity to talk to other adults who had cancer at such a young age (that I honeslty don't rememeber most of what happened) and how it's kind of affected their life.…
adult survivors of childhood cancer
Hello! I just recently joined the discussion boards, and I noticed that several threads I was planning to respond to were years old, and thought I'd just start a new one. I am a 27 year old survivor of osteosarcoma, I was diagnosed at age 9 in 1991 and in remission a year later. I had a year of high-dose chemotherapy and a…
Radiation Necrosis in Brain
Hello, I am new on this website. I am a single mother of 3 kids, my oldest daughter, who was 12 at the time, was diagnosed with Germinoma in the brain back in 2012. She went through 3 sessions of chemotherapy and 30 days of radiation therapy. After treatment, she was healthy and back to playing basketball, dancing,…
Leptomeningeal Disease
Hi I'm from the colon board. There is a family reaching out on facebook in desperation for help with their 14 year old who has a rare cancer, Leptomeningeal Disease. Anyone? Call (203) 718-6275 m.me/thebrookicookiproject TeamBrookeNYC@gmail.com MORE INFO…
PNET tumors
Hi, my daughter who will turn 2 on 5th June was diagnosed woth a PNET medulloblastoma tumor in her right frontal lobe on Jan 27th..man what a knockout punch that was... i have 3 older children from 13 - 8 all healthy, how could this happen and man oh man she is the smartest child and am constantly been told that now, so…
My 5 Year Old has Stage 4 Cancer
I'm just a young married mommy of one beautiful child named Aiden who is now 5 years old. He was diagnosed with Nephroblastoma (Wilms) Cancer on January 9th, 2009. He is still undergoing Chemotherapy and has had 28 rounds of radiation. His cancer spread to his spine, and lungs as well as the given abdominal cavity. The…
rhabdomyosarcoma survivor
My 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma at the age of 3. She is now 16 months off treatment and is doing well. She is now on 4 monthly scans. I would love to connect with anyone who has been through this or help support anyone who is currently going through it.
18 years in remission!
Hi All, My name is Paige and I have just joined this network. I just passed my 18th year in remission date and I am looking for people to share my story with. I've recently decided to start sharing my story about my childhood/rare cancer diagnosis on my Youtube channel in hopes that I will be able to help someone in…
Travel After Treatment
Hi guys, My daughter was diagnosed with All in June 2017. We have been given a treatment completion date od 22 Sept 2019. I was looking at taking Her on an overseas holiday to the US (We live in Australia) aprrox 5-6 weeks after she finishes treatment. Would this be OK?
My 10 year old son has swollen groin lymph node
Hello. I am a Mom to a 10 year old boy. He has a swollen groin lymph node. I noticed it about a week and a half ago by accident. I walked in on him getting ready and bam it was right in my face. I don't know how long it was there for. We immediately went to the doctor and they had him start on antibiotics. It's been 10…
Hi everyone! I know there are other threads on this topic but I wanted to start another because they haven't had much activity recently. I'm looking for some advice and hopefully reassurance. My son was diagnosed with ganglioneuroblastoma last summer 2012 and had a major surgery to remove the tumor. They believe they…