Losing my mind
Hi, I'm new here. I know I'll probably be the bad daughter here after people read this. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I have a shaky marriage, 2 toddlers, and work part time, in addition to being responsible (somewhat) for my mother who is receiving chemo. My family of 4 and 2 dogs live in a 2 bedroom apartment…
Son has pancreatic cancer
My son is 41 years old and has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer - non operable. I have read all that I can find about this cancer and know that survival rate is extremely low. He has declined chemo and radiation - he went through chemo 2 years ago for renal cancer (in remission) and does not want to go through that…
my story
Hello Everyone! Well.. where to start... a year ago my dad started complaining about pain in his rear end when he sat. He said he has been going to doctors for months and they all said it was hemmrhoids. In November 2014 my parents told me my dad had cancer. At that point they were not sure what kind yet, but the surgeon…
How to make my family understand...
My Mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 NHL in March. I have a two brothers, but neither of them live at home... so it's just me, my mom and my dad. My dad has a hard time dealing with it. He is very stubborn. His way of "dealing with it" is to pretend it's not happening... (he'll get mad at her if the kitchen is dirty on a day…
How to help my father
My mother was diagnosed 4 years ago, and has been in treatment for the entire period. Up until recently things were going well, but in the past few weeks her condition has deteriorated. My father has become depressed and is in treatment with both a psychiatrist and a pschologist, but he is still very much suffering. I am…
My Brother has Stage 4 Brain Cancer
Good Morning, I guess I need a little emotional support this morning. I'm feeling weepy after spending the holiday weekend with my family and witnessing a major change in my brother. We are in year two since my Brother's diagnosis of Glio Blastoma. His doctors said it's extremely rare in adults. He has had two brain…
wish I knew
I wish I knew about this forum a year ago. I am 30 years old. My dad died august 29 2014. Prostate cancer.... he was 53. It was always me and him. My mother left when I was 5 and died 6 years ago... my dad got diagnosed in june 2013. By the time we found it the cancer had already spread to all bones from knees up.... he…
End of my Rope
Hi all. I know I may have no right to post here, I've only been a caregiver since October of 2013. My wife had Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and underwent 16 rounds of aggressive chemo. She opted for a bilateral mastectomy, and when final pathology report came back she was HER-2 positive. That meant another year of treatment,…
May I vent? Mother in Law is driving me nuts!
May I rant? I really need to vent. I am finding myself getting increasingly frustrated with my mother in law. She is my co-cargiver and is very involved in my husband’s care. She is an amazing woman and I couldn’t do this without her. She is also driving me kinda nuts. Oh let me count the ways…. My husband has some pretty…
New to CSN wanting to meet others that have been on this journey.
Hi, I wanted to write a post introducing myself, and telling about the journey we have been on for the last 18 months. My name is Lisa, I am 45 and I am the primary care giver for my sister who is 57. My sister is battling Acute Myeloid Leukemia for the second time. She was first diagnosed on Jan 24, 2014, she underwent…
New here - advice on immunology
I'm new here. Last June my husband had 2 surgeries to remove a melanoma and lymph nodes from his side. After the 2nd surgery the biopsy was clear and his follow up PET scan in October was clear. Now, after his most recent PET scan, they see nodules on the bottom of his lung consistant with metastatic cancer. This Thursday…
New to this room, loss of spouse 7 months ago.
New to this group as of today. Spouse passed seven months ago with stomach cancer. Looking for support.
Trying to be supportive and objective, here...
Back in February, my father suffered a brain bleed which also led to the diagnosis of metastatic brain cancer (he had been fighting bladder cancer for the previous two years). My father was given a prognosis of approximately six months to live. There's nothing that can be done to combat this progression given the size of…
New to the forum, but 8 years so far as a caregiver
My wife of 37 years was diagnosed with cancer of the appendix 8 years ago. It has been a battle for sure but she is a tough one. She just spent the month of May in the hospital getting two colostomy bags. We have been home less than two weeks and still just getting used to things. I have become suzie homemaker. Doing just…
Watch this.
Watch "Run From The Cure" If you have questions, ask away.
Living alone during chemo
Hello everyone! I just joined you all today and have learned so much already--thank you! My mother is about to begin her first round of carboplatin & taxol and she lives alone. I'm trying to plan how much I should be with her in the coming weeks and months. Should I plan on spending the night for the first few nights after…
Divorce of cancer survivor
I am a cancer survivor. My spouse is filing for a divorce now. The diagnosis and treatment of the cancer were within the marriage period. Both of us are working now, but I am suffering from serious side effects of the radiochemotherapy treatments. It is very possible that I will lose my job due to the side effects of the…
my husband is dying...
Hi, My name is Fuchsia and I am caregiver to Rob. Rob has stage four chondrosarcoma that started in his thigh bone two years ago. He had surgery and was clear. But a year later it metasticised to his lungs. There was never any medical hope. Doing chemo was a longshot but he did it. It gave us more time but now that's done.…
Boyfriend just diagnosed with pancreatic stage 3
Hi, I'm twice divorced and thought I had just found a great partner, he's giving, he's strong, and he's fun and good with my kids. And suddenly, the diagnosis. Stage 3 pancreatic cancer, locally invasive, nonresectable right now. And I am not sure how involved to be. At first, through the diagnosis scare I was 100% there…
Mom has many medical issue beside cancer
My mom was diagnosed with Follicular Lymphoma in April and now amonth later she may have a more aggresive lymphoma, She has multiple conditions that is making her treatment conplcated. Afib, congestive heart failure, diabetes, artritis, dementia, and she is very weak and unable to walk with assistance, When she had her…
Hi, I guess I'll just tell you how it is. I'm 23 with a 4 year old, I lost my husband to suicide May 13th 2012. I lost my dad to an accidental overdose April 18th 2008. My mom was diagnosed with Endrometrial cancer about three months ago and has had 3 chemo treatments and a CT scan this past Thursday. The cancer had spread…
Looking for help
Good Morning, My wife was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in October of 2013. She went through 17 rounds of extensive chemo then opted for a double mastectomy. After the mastectomy the pathology report came back as being HER2 positive. We then started a year of herceptin treatments. As of today she has 6 more…
At witts end
Hi everyone glad to be here. Guess I just need to vent a little on being the caregiver to my husband. He has had MDS for 10 years and now it has progressed to RCMD. He has been getting transfusions which has now given him Iron Overload. Along with these diagnosis he also is type 1 diabetic and has emphysemia. He has…
Cancer is destroying my marriage
This is my first time posting here, but felt compelled to share my story even if I don't find the answers or a solution to my problem. Over a year ago my wife suffered a seizure and a lesion was discovered in her right temporal lobe. It was later diagnosed as an AA3 and was succesfully removed. She went through…
I'm new and have questions
Hi, My fiance, whom i love very deeply, has stage 4 medastatic osteosarcoma. We have been dealing with this for about 5 years now, recently he has become very faitgued and i dont know what to do or how to help. I dont know what to do or where to turn for help, if anyone has any sugestions I'd love to hear them. THANKS
My worst nightmare... again.
Hi everyone. My name is Ashley, I'm 24, and a caregiver to my mother, 60, Charlotte. In November 2012, my mom was diagnosed with throat cancer. In January 2013, she had a total laryngectomy surgery (also removed lymph nodes) to remove the cancer along with 32 radiation treatments. That August, all of her scans came up…
Depressed and taking care of my baby
My husband was diagnosed with leukemia in January. He's 34 and I'm 30. The hospital that has the best facilities to treat him is 2.5 hours away so he lives up there while I stay at our house and take care of our 1 year old son. The finacial burden alone has been tough. I'm an art teacher so now I'm trying to support our…
sometimes i just feel like giving up...
thanks for the replies guys i appreciate it.
New Here...Scared and Tired.
Hello everyone, This is my first post.. Not all that happy about being here, but this is where I am...This is my story:My Husband of 20yrs Yesterday, Yes Happy Anniversary to me:) whom is 52 yrs old has stage IV, base of tongue cancer. Diagnosed 8/14. Has had 35 rounds of Rads, and 3 LOOOOng sessions of Chemo at Sloan..No…
I am struggling to survive
I feel as though I have fallen down a deep, deep well. There is just enough water that I can't reach the bottom. There s no way to climb out and I can't see any one To rescue me, so I am just treading water. I am getting so tired I am not sure how much longer I can keep it up. So tired, everything hurts, I need rest, but…