Feeling Alone
On 6/13/13 we found out my husband had stage 4 renal cell carcinoma that has spread throughout his body. The kidney tumor was the size of a volleyball and he had a lemon size tumor in right hummerous bone, cancer in his lungs, scapula, lower lumbar spine and ribs. Now is has moved into his liver. Why is it everyone was…
Is it normal to feel this way?
I am in my early 40s, single with no kids, had a wonderful but very stressful job and decided it was time to give it up and do something new. The job had taken its toll on me emotionally and physically so I knew I needed time to heal. I paid all of my bills and put money back so I could travel and rest for a few months…
Relay for Life FSU
Hello fellow survivors and caregivers! My name is Zoe Regas and my journey with cancer compelled me to become the co-chair of Survivorship and Caregivers for Relay at FSU. My co-chair and I are having a lot of trouble finding survivors and caregivers in the area to register for Relay because we can't use any pre-existing…
How to get your loved one to eat??
Hello everyone, Have a lot on my mind tonight so figured I would come here for some support..was wondering if anyone can help, my Mom has a very difficult time eating any sort of food all the time. She loses her appetite very often gets nauseous a lot doesn't have cravings for food, since gone through chemo treatment she…
My Mom
Hello To All, I have been here since 2009, when my dad was battling Esophageal Cancer stage 4. He passed in 2010. I am posting this here today to ask for your prayers for my mom. She does not have cancer, but I know my friends here will help me in praying for her. She has had diabetes type 1 since she was 15. She is now 70…
Bathing non ambulatory
I would like to know the problems and solutions for bathing the non-ambulatory. Thanks
Newbie with a ?? about the dying process
My Mother passed away from Dementia in Feburary of this year. She was released from the hospital back to the nursing home. I had made the decision to put her on "comfort care", (basicly keep her comfortable and sedated until she passed) 1st day back in the home, she was like a new person, very energetic, lucid etc. I…
My Caregiver
Hi, I came over to this board to get a sense of what caregivers deal with when a loved one is diagnosed. What I'm reading does not surprise me but it does make me sad. I've been diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer Tx N2b, MO Stage IV. I've already had surgery (tonsillectomy and biopsies) but I've yet to begin treatment.…
6-9 months please help
My husband was diagnosed last October with head and neck cancer. Mid. November he started his 7 week radiation and 3 chemo treatments. April 1st he had a pet and cat scan to see if the stage 4 cancer, tumors had been successfully removed, and they were, but to find a new tumor growing in T12 of his spine. The Dr. at that…
Fear of Death
My mom recently moved in with my family. She was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer about 2 years ago after a round of chemo and 2 surgeries she has been told the cancer is back and her body is too weak to go through chemo again and even if they did do chemo it would be palliative care not a cure. My mom also has an Ileostomy…
new kid in class
My mom was first diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma in 1990. I was 6. I had no idea what was going on. I don't even have any memories of it, aside from one of my teacher asking after Mom. She had surgery to remove most of her palate, had some radiation, and came home. I wasn't actually even aware that she had had…
Update on my partner
Hi I just wanted to update on my partner. She passed away July 10th, 2013 from a bowel obstruction. I really want to thank everybody that has helped support me through this journey. As much as I miss her and love her, and as much I didn't want her to leave me yet, I am glad she is in no more pain. I am glad I was able to…
Newbie-Feeling Guilty
I am new to this site. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 small cell lung cancer about 2 months ago, which matasticized to her brain, adrenals, lymph nodes. Brain tumor was removed. She has undergone 1 round of chemo and will start the next on monday. My dilemma, I was on vacation 1st week of July but sent my husband and…
new discussion board
A new discussion board is available to report and discuss technical problems. Please give it a try. It is the last discussion board listed on the page with all the boards, please bookmark it for future use. The URL is http://csn.cancer.org/forum/200. Best, Greta aka Your CSN staff
Anger My aunt, stage 4 colon cancer, diagnosed in 2011 (February), her son diagnosed with Esophageal cancer in Jan 2011, her husband passed suddenly in May of 2011, her son passed away April 2013. She's so angry at everyone. For the most part my brother and I take care of her (she is still struggling to do her daily things…
Possible Relapse
2 years ago we found out my 13 year old son had Burkitt's Lymphoma. It was such a devastating blow. You never expect to hear news like that about your child. After 5 months of chemotherapy it was gone and the recovery process began. His hair grew back, he went back to school, life returned to normal. A year and a half…
Please Help if You Have Dealt with This
This is a touchy subject because I know that honesty may in fact prove not to provide the comfort I would so like to have. I laid down beside Mom at about 5:00 this morning, and she passed away in my arms 30 minutes later. But it was the preceding TWELVE hours that are tearing me apart. It was the most horrible thing I…
Grieving for someone who is still alive why?
I have a question for any and all who may be or may have faced this..........My DH has stopped treatment, he was told that there is nothing more that can be done for his cancer (30 months of chemo/colorectal stage iv) so we decided to go the hospice route and hopefully have some quality time in the time he has left. My…
Mom has cancer & i need chat support
Hey, I lost my Internet & just got this smartphone. I dont think the chat room here supports my phone. Does anyone know of a cancer chat room that will work with my phone??? My Mom probably only has a few more months to live & im all alone dealing with this. Thanks.
Boyfriend Recently Diagnosed With Leukemia (ALL)
I found out only a few days before my birthday my boyfriend was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age 22. I'm looking for any and all advice I can get. He will be starting chemo today, and though he has such a positive outlook on this I can't help but feel sad and robbed of our relationship (we've been…
Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP)
Well, the PET scan couldnt detect a primary origin for my moms cancer. So here we are. I have been afraid to ask the dr her prognosis, because she doesnt want to know. So I googled and saw a prognosis of anywhere from 5 months to 7 months then the longest I saw was 9 - 12 months. I'm so sad right now and I can't stop…
Cancer Strikes Again
8 months after surgery to remove my husband's esophagus and pull his stomach up to make the new one, we learn the cancer is back. It is back at the connection site in the esophagus and is some lymph nodes on both sides of his neck, in the lining of his lungs and around his heart. We could not undersstand why in a matter of…
Serious Guilt Trip
I know no one really has all "the answers," but it never hurts to see if anyone can relate and provide some advice. We brought Mom home on hospice last week. She went in the hospital late last month for the NINTH time in the past 8 months, and there is nothing more that can medically be done. They did offer to try some…
I don't know what to do (20 year old "caregiver")
I'm not really sure where to even start. At the end of January I found out my mom has cancer in her uterus. So they decided to do a hysterectomy and also an exploratory because she had a lump on her stomache below her belly button (this was all on the 7th). I really thought everything would be fine.. The surgeon came out…
MIL coming from India for Cancer treatment
Hello This is my effort to reach out to maximum people. My MIL was recently diagonised with Cancer and we are planning to get her to US (San diego) for treatment. We took this decision as me and my husband are both working professionals on visa and thought we can take care of her better here when she is with us. I have…
ER Visit Today
Hello All, My mom had her first Chemo (GemCarbo) treatment last Thursday. Over the weekend, she broke out in a horrible red itchy rash. I called her oncologist this morning and told her about it and she had me to bring mommy to the ER to be examined asap. Luckily she didnt have a fever or they would have kept her. They…
Mother starting chemo tomorrow - how to be supportive?
Hi all - my mother was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in March. After her hysterectomy in April, it was discovered that part of her specimen has serous cells. Fast foward to today, the day before her first chemo appointment and I've been very finding it very hard to get my mom to talk about how she's feeling. In…
So Glad I Found This Site!!!!
My husband has had late stage renal cancer going on 4 years now, been thru hell, i am amazed at what the human body can endure, the sad thing is he has had everything along with cancer, blood clots in lung legs ect, obstructed bowel, diabetes complications, PMR, and some other random health conditions, he has lost 120 lbs…
Hello. I think I'm in over my head. (Mother with breast cancer)
Hello, everyone. I am a 39-year-old writer, photographer and editor, and my mother has just been diagnosed for the second time with breast cancer. I am an only child. The first time, it was ductal carcinoma in situ. She had a mastectomy and reconstruction (which had a lot of complications and didn't turn out well). No…
My Story
On April 22, 2013 I took my mom to ER. She had been having random stomach pain & vomiting for a few weeks. It wasnt constant or even daily. She made it sound like it was nothing to be concerned about. She lives here with me and my daughter. I am her only child. The day I took her in was because my daughter was out of…