Thank You Regarding My Mother
Hello All, Just wanted to thank each of you who responded to my original post regarding my mother and her battle with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. We called hospice in a week ago Monday and she went to be with the Lord peacefully this past Saturday. We had the funeral Tuesday. I can't thank you enough for the advice and…
New and scared
I'm new and just need someone to hold me pwease I'm scared! Here is my About Me pasted for feedback: We were only dating at the time but around 12/5/2012 my (now husband) boyfriend had a tumor and laparoscopic resection of the right kidney. Around 6/7/2014 - We thought my husband had kidney stones but they ran extra tests.…
Parenting my parent
My mom has brain cancer and I am acting as her primary caregiver. I am really struggling with being both a good caregiver and a good (new) roommate. I try to keep open communication and understand why, when she seems to be feeling well, she can't participate in the simplest of household tasks - namely putting food away…
In shock!
Hello, Two days ago, we found out my husband has colon cancer. Now he's facing a battery of tests - MRI, CT SCAN, SURGERY, POSSIBLY RADIATION AND CHEMO. I love him with all my heart but my first instinct was that I wanted to run away - just simply run away from it all. For the past 10 years, my husband has been sick. He's…
Need Advice Regarding My Mother
Hello All, My mother is a Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patient. She found a lump about 4-5 years ago, but never saught out treatment until about 2 years ago when the cancer literally ulcerated and ate a hole through her flesh. At that point, they were able to radiate and shrink the tumor where it was once again operable and she…
All CSN members are invited!
It’s finally happening! We are happy to announce that as early as tonight, a new Chat application is being launched on CSN. It is NOT Java-based and it DOES support members using mobile devices. To access chat, you must be a CSN member and logged on. Once logged on, all you have to do is click chat in your left navigation…
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
Chemotherapy Side Effects Management
I created this to help managing chemo side effects for my wife. It has helped a lot so i decided to share it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9yr7eveHucKYU1oZUxGY3ZhbFU/edit?usp=sharing This is a PDF file, you can safely open it.
feeling guilty when things overwhelm me
My husband has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He's had it nearly 3 years but has to get his chemo no matter what. They recently stretched out the interval to every 6 weeks and he had a reoccurance.He went back to every 3 weeks which seemed to do the trick. His general status has deteriated though. I am a nurse so I have knowledge…
Oncologist said Mom's Cancer is Advancing Rapidly
Good Afternoon Caregiving Angels, My mother has been fighting her stage 4 Colon cancer for two years and 4 months. A couple months back it spread to the bone. As of last week her Oncologist told me her CEA has gone up and is off the wall. He is going to try the last chemo treatment he has in a last ditch effort. I have…
Caring for my mother, alone, all day-five days a week
My mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2011. It was considered to be found early and easier to treat. She's fought hard, through two different cancer treatment centers. One local and the other was Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I had only just moved to Seattle, WA 6-9 months before she was diagnosed so I…
Palliative does not mean surrender. MedicineNet.com definition - palliative care is medical or comfort care that reduces the severity of a disease or slows it's progress, but does not provide a cure. A quick overview of palliative care see site - getpalliativecare.org/whatis/ Your thoughts on a subject that many people mix…
survived, now wants to die
Hello everyone, I am hoping that someone can help. My husband was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, he was only 23 when he was diagnosed. Its been a very long six years. We were only married for about three and a half prior to his diagnosis and most of that he spent in Afghanistan. When he came home he had PTSD and…
Financial assistance for Caregivers
Hi, I am new to this site. My mom has been battling breast cancer for the last 7 years. It had spread to the bone. In December, the scan showed it was in almost all the bones including the entire length of the spine. A few weeks ago she had stroke like symptoms and called me. Went to the ER and the scan showed it was in…
surrounded by cancer
I lost my step - father to complications of lung cancer treatment, it gave him leukemia and he died last May, 2013. I had been angry for most of this time since but had just started to show signs of getting better during the last month or so. Then I found out a coworker was hospitalized with a mass on his lung, suspected…
my mom has metastatic lung cancer and she's decided she hates me
Hi, This is my first post. My mom was just diagnosed with very aggressive metastatic lung cancer. They found multiple diffuse brain tumors after a seizure 3 weeks ago. Before that she was healthy. She just turned 60 in the end of January. I've been sensing that she's been acting off for months already. At one point I…
Comforting Song List
I'm new to csn and find the site to be of the best for resources,support,and all the cancer subjects on one site. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a section in resources for members to contribute to a song titles list. Just a song title,artist and category. This is all that is required to input in search…
new to the cancer journey
Hi! My husband was diagnosed last year with stage 4 colon cancer. We are young (early 30's) and it is a rare aggressive form of colon cancer. We have 3 young kids. I am writing because I have always been the more practical one in the marriage, while he is more optimistic, assuming everything wil just work out and tends to…
lost just lost 2x times survivor
so i missed the first part of my life with hodgkins at 17 no prom no grad no college very difficult battle took them 6 months just to get the diag right to begin with and i almost died b4 they did - it was in my neck almost wrapped all the way around and choked me out...so i won that...in my 20s..left me with bad…
Where to get meals on wheels for my mom when local chapter will not be of help
Wondering what to do when the local meals on wheels will not be of any assistance to my mom; they said they will put her on a waiting list, and when someone drops off this list, she'll be called. I live in PA, she lives in Elkton, MD. For the meantime, I'll just make meals ahead of time, so she can microwave them, but,…
Frustrated, exhausted, overwhelmed and unappreciated
My husband was diagnosed with CLL seven years ago. For those who are unfamiliar, chronic lymphocytic leukemia has a long trajectory that heads inexorably towards death. My husband is in the middle of the survival range right now. He probably won't make it to ten years. Even before he was diagnosed, we made the choice for…
Dont know how much more i can take
Hello everyone. I guess i will start my saying i am 46 and i am a caregiver to my husband 48 we've been married for 24 years with 2 children and the last 8 have been hell. I work full time, i take care of the husband and the kids and everything in the house like cleaning, cooking, yard work, pay the bills, when i say i do…
I don't understand what she expects of me
I was reading a bit of everyone's stories, and find that lots of people are talking about their spouses... Perhaps I am in a unique situation, but I really could use some advice because I feel like I'm going to just start screaming or crying from frustration and guilt. A few months ago I found out that a distant relative…
Cancer Round Two
Hi all. I've been on this site since 2010 after my wife was diagnosed with CC in 2009. After three years of treatments she passed peacefully last year. Now my brother has been diagnosed with Liver cancer. I just hope that my caregiver experience with my wife will help them through this time. Mark
CSN study FAQ
Please excuse the long post. A number of members have posed questions on the discussion boards or emailed me for more information about the CSN study that has been underway since November 2013. I thought it might be helpful to post the most common questions and my answers. What is the CSN survey? What is its purpose? The…
Don't know how to feel
My husband was told in January that he had stage 4 non aggressive lymphoma. The only reason it was stage 4 was it was in his bone marrow and no where else. He did 6 chemo treatments and was told it was in remission, last month I took him to the er with shortness of breath and fatigue. After being admitted and countless…
lost my mom to AML treatment, please help.
I'm 23 years old. I lost my mom when I was 20 at midnight on August 10, 2003. I was there when she died and she did not die in a hospital thanks to hospice. But, she did suffer, more than I thought was humanly possible over a period of four years. She was diagnosed on July 4, 1999 the summer before my senior year in high…
Worse news possible
Well we got the news we never wanted to hear. At an appt the docs have told him they are going to stop treatment. The cancer is everywhere. They want him to be comfortable. They have turned his care over to hospice. They said he may have 6 months. How do I go on. He's my best friend. My whole world is going to change. I…
Don't know whether to stay or go
My husband has stage 4 cancer, I still work. He gets around ok and is still going through treatment. Him and I don't get along for longer than a day. I'm making him miserable and he drives me crazy. If I leave he will die in a month. I am going crazy, I am angry all the time. I snap at him all the time. I'm starting to…
Help! Caregiver Mom Wants To Die
I need some help. This is my first time on the forum. My dad has advanced kidney cancer and was placed on hospice this past Tuesday. My mom is so distraught at the thought of losing him that she is now in hysterics and is saying she wants to die. I am an hour away, so I'm not far, but just far enough that I can't jump…